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Everything posted by ahiachris

  1. Captain's topics are usually very hard to spot
  2. Got another photo from other website
  3. EXO, which issue of hobby magazine did your post came from? Jefuelmon thank you for the post. I'd asked my friend to buy it for me. Since the appearance is so.... I have to cancel the order right away.
  4. Indeed it is not as detailed when compared to other brands as Reckless Studio. But i won't complain when they are the only source available.
  5. Yes, Exo is right. The one I have is 1/72. Link to photos taken by Gerwalk_w picture. Thank you Gerwalk https://www.flickr.com/photos/gerwalk_w/sets/72157645580987959/
  6. I believe it will not be possible to procure the upgrade kits unless the manufacturer apply for the license directly from the license holder. For the wonderfest event, it was hosted by Kaiyodo. Kaiyodo will be the one responsible to apply license for the people that joined the event. The license will be limited only for that day.
  7. http://www.atsd.jp website for the destroid update sets Let me know if need more pics of the V-MAXL
  8. There aren't a lot of new stuff at the event this year. Glad that my buyer was able to grab all the items that I am interested in. They are all in 1/72. VF-11MAXL, YF-19 weapon set and Update sets for the WAVE destroids. Reaaly need to squeeze out time to build kits.
  9. Indeed it is a piece of art. I'd already bought two kits. Not able to commit another one. Sorry.
  10. Yes, it is true as EXO said. It was modified from someone here in Hong Kong
  11. Yes and no, unfortunately they closed their international online shop due to they are unable to communicate in english. From I the time I started buying from them years ago they already said that they have to specially hire people to handle the international orders.
  12. Found Gerwalk_W's Flickr photos http://www.flickr.com/photos/gerwalk_w/
  13. That price's only for the bomb and the missiles
  14. I need to get at least two sets of the Photo etch
  15. Hi guys, Following are some of the items that will be on display or sold at the bi-annual event hosted by Kaiyodo (Japan) on 9th February this coming Sunday. Excelsus 1/72 Update sets for the Hasegawa YF-19 http://wind.ap.teacup.com/eminence/ Three Sheeps Design 1/72 Photo etch of for the Wave Destroids http://instagram.com/atsd FRAME OUT MODELS 1/72 sets for the VF-19 Batteroid, Bandai YF-29 and Hasegawa VF-0 http://frameout.web.fc2.com/ Seventh Moon 1/72 Update sets for Hasegawa VF19 http://yaplog.jp/sitinana/
  16. My 1/72 sets just arrived. They are still in the box. Let me take some pics and upload them tonight.
  17. Not Only 25k yen, it only sell at special events in Japan under license by Big West.
  18. Jasonc, which softwareare you using?
  19. Captain. Your work is always superb. Dont tempt me to buy 1/48.
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