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Everything posted by ahiachris

  1. Hi Phyrox, did you mean there were hands behind the guns? I didn't notice there were additional hands.
  2. Thanks for the input. Does anyone know how the back of the Cheyenne looks like? does it look like the MK I in Macross Zero??
  3. Nothing to share yet, I'm done with the axles and will send some of duplicate parts like the wheel to my caster soon. I'm now adding details to the driver cab and the goods platform.
  4. Hi guys, I'm interested in the project of a destroid cheyenne in Macross F but I don't have enough artwork or lineart of the destroid. Does anyone have some to contibute? Thanks
  5. The chassis frame of the truck was finished and I'd managed to attach the rear axles to the chassis frame. The tyre tread of of the wheel was sculpted. I am now starting to sculpt the front axle will try so see how it goes when added with ball joints in the front wheels. Please enjoy...
  6. Anyone here had saved John Moscato's build-up pics of his destroids that were uploaded at Samurai Monkey??? Can you pm me???
  7. Not really very big. When it's in 1/72 it's shorter than a F-14.
  8. I never did bought any of these diorama kits. Does anyone of you have the box arts of these kits?? How about uploading them. I remember seeing one with a valkyrie guarding a door.
  9. Hi everyone, After a lot of research and 'd finally decided on the design of the suspension and drive axle for the Centipede. It will be a having a all wheel individual hydraulic suspension and all wheel drive system. Pictures uploaded will be the setup of all the rear axles. Individual axles may be able to fit with ball-joints so that it'll be steerable. Still haven't make the front axle yet. I'm glad that things are starting to take shape.
  10. Hi guys, Not a big update. And thanks for the inputs. The driver cab will be trim later. I'd finished the air ducts and the flat bed. Will start on the axles on the coming weeks. Picture uploaded was the comparison on the truck with the FUCHS armored vehicle and the partial leg of a Gerwalk.
  11. Sorry they don't have websites. They usually distribute their products to individuals here in Hong Kong and the distributors sell their products at Yahoo Auction. The price for the VF2-SS is 80 USD and Express mail is for 25USD. The kit didn't come with decal.
  12. I can get you a recast VF2SS from here in Hong Kong . I know the supplier here still have it in stock.
  13. Hi all, I'd been very busy working at the office. Since my son is still two years old so I can't do any work at home. Finally managed to get time building the driver cab. It's still very rough but I'll get there. I'll definitely be sculpting one or two tyre and send them to the caster. The size of the vehicle is really very very huge when compared with the valkyrie. I'll start some more detailing of the cab and will start on the chassis. Petar, I'd finally noticed that the pilots sculpted by Hasegawa for all most valkyrie were out of proportion. Don't forget to give comments and suggestion. I might be mass produced when it's finished.........Hope you all enjoy.
  14. Someone here in Hong Kong is selling the this kit at 550HKD
  15. Petar, I was just going to purchase the VF2SS canopy and found out that it's already Oops. Will there be more coming??
  16. Thanks for the input. I think I'll do a solid prototype driver cab first. May be will try the vacuum canopy. As for all the other parts will mostly be resin. The ladder might be photo-etch and the stairs going to the driver cab will most likely be Plastruct. Even if a Vac form canopy be provided, the actual driver/crew will not be big because an airlock must be provided. The truck can be use under atmospheric pressure and without atmospheric pressure. I'd almost finished doing the tyres and I'm doing the driver cab right now. As for "let buyers do the work" no promises. My skill is not very good. Let all if they are going to get one and decide it when I finish the vehicle and start to mass produce it.
  17. Called my friend here in Hong Kong and he is willing to sell his. But he can't find the instruction sheet. Do you want it? If yes, I'll go and have a quote on the shipping charge tomorrow at the post office. PM me the shipping method you prefer. Option will be registered airmail and express mail. Have me you address too. I accept paypal. Sell price will be around the one that Hobbyfan is offering. Cheers
  18. Let me make some call here in Hong Kong to see if my supplier still got any stock and check the shipping
  19. No promises yet. Only managed to get the correct scale of the vehicle. I'd initially sculpted one wheel but eventually it the scale was not correct. I had to redo the wheel. Still don't know if I'll do it with cockpit or not. If the driver cab can be seen then I'll have to provide canopies. It'll be difficult to mass produce. The stairs and ladders and the catwalk will be another issue... Feel free to give your inputs
  20. How about some spare Tomahawk, Phalanx and Regults.... anyone?
  21. I'd did all the calculations. Petar, what is the height of your pilots?? For the centipede I'm working on, an average height crew of 1.8 meter will be 25mm i height. For the truck to look consistence with the artwork, the truck will be approximately 250mm in length (18meters). It's indeed a hugh kit. Everyone are invited to give inputs.
  22. I believe there are many of us that are interested to build them if they can get their hands on the artworks of the ground vehicles. I'd finished doing the schematics of the centepede and am now sculpting some of the parts. I'll post some pictures when I finish the wheel.
  23. It's very hard to set the right price since Captain had already express his interest in releasing one in the near future. I think it's better to put it on auction.
  24. Thanks for the inputs. I think I'll go for resin tyres. I'll only have to sculpt one tyre and have it cast. I'm already starting at the containers.
  25. I have a couple of friends here in Hong Kong who's doing casting works on resin garage kits. I can ship the kits too. Christopher
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