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Everything posted by ahiachris

  1. No update on the Centepede yet. Since my resin casting friends will be very busy making copies of the resin kits that they bought at the WonderFestival and the coming C3 in Japan. They don't have much time slot for me... I'm focus now in adding details to the Centipede whenever I have the time. Hope that it will come out before Christmas. I think the first release will be the electrical vehicle since the master of all the part are already made. It will come out first then will be the APC. I'll be trying to focus on most of the ground support vehicles in appeared in the SDF. The scale of the vehicles will be 1/72. I might do the tow trucks and the gun pod loader. Do make suggestions on which vehicles that did appear. The following pic is a teaser on the project that will follow the APC more picture of the mysterious vehicle will appear on the next post. Update pics on the AFV as promised: Drawing the layout diagram from linearts and planning the scale of everything. Detail shots of the wheel. The tyre can be detach from the wheel (do hope that my friend can duplicate the fine wheel rim edge). Layout view of the parts
  2. I love macross mechas in 1/72. I am in for a Regult 2.0 if it ever release. John I'd come into a pic of a Cat'sEye selling at the recent Wonder Festival in Japan. It wasn't very nice. I believe you can do a better job .
  3. Yes, it really look like Japanese-english
  4. Almost finished my next project and it is the APC of the TV series. Will upload more detailed pictures tomorrow. Haven't prime the kit with primers and it wasn't sent to my caster yet so there's no price range of it. Anyone interested??
  5. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...&hl=spartan
  6. Thanks for the update. The image was not as good as the one the Captain sculpted.
  7. Can not say that if we're interested or not. It is almost a year now and they are finally going to release them. We still do not have any news on the Destroid Tomahawk. Don't know when they are going to roll it out.
  8. He should have find a mechanic to drain the fuel tank of all the diesel instead of filling it all up with gasoline. Depends on the mixture strength on whether the engine will run on diesel or not. Do you mean the engine temp light going on or going off?? Most of the lights on the dash board are telltale lamps which lights up when the system is in operation (indicators, mainbeam) or warning lamps (battery charge, engine lamp, engine oil lamp, air bag, ABS...) they light up when there's a problem with the system. And do you mean coolant leak or engine lubricant leak??? Coolant leak means that the cooling system is loosing engine coolant (water) and it does not affect the engine oil (lubricant). Why would leaking coolant be corrected when engine oil is change periodically. You better be sure of the probelm yourself or ask for a trustworthy mechanic to look into the problem.
  9. I got one of the recast I bought from ebay. The owner claimed that it was recast from a wonderfestival kit. The quality is not good. I have to redo a lot crooked panel lines and detail.
  10. I'll be very interested to know what Macross models you have in store. There are still a few items I'm looking for.
  11. Thanks John for taking some size comparison pics using your hand The thing is really big.
  12. I'd already ordered my copy.
  13. May be will do the 1/48 and the 1/60 since I now have the needed lineart. I'll be able to enlarge it to other scales. But that will depend on the demand because I don't collect Macross of that scale.
  14. For my situation of living in HK its very crampy to display a keyboard sized capital ship. I always tends to stick with a series of the same scale. If I get the SDF-1 then I'll get the other ships of the same scale. I'd already bought the Zentradi capital ship by Scale Solutions so I'll stick to that scale for a SDF-1. That's why I don't build 1/100 Gundam kit's. I only stay with the 1/144 ones. As for Macross I have all the 1/144 garage kits and just started to buy the 1/72 ones. And as for some of you may not know, I'm scratch built a number of 1/72 TV version vehicles. Those who are interested can browse the thread of "1/72 Centipede Truck". I may have to start a new thread for the other vehicles. I am now tackling with the 1/72 APC.
  15. Pass ... too big for me...
  16. Wow... custom tool building. At least you don't have to build the tool when you ever decided to start the 6 feet carrier build
  17. Just to let you all know that I'm still around... My projects on the Macross ground vehicles are still on going. The coming one is the APC. Updates will be around next week.
  18. Yes Valkyrie: Your tractor should go to the product line. Petar: we need some 1/72 technicians in space suits
  19. Your post is a great help to people like me. Save me a lot of time and energy to solve the problems.
  20. Hi. Everyone that are interested in this post may be waiting for the update on the centipede truck. But to be honest it is still far from finish. During the time of waiting for duplicate part to be cast by my caster, I'd started another project which is the articulate buggy. That is still in the development stage. As for now another project is almost finish and it will be prime next week and will be send to the caster. It is a electrical supply truck of the ground crew in 1/72 debut in the first few TV episodes. Enjoy the pics.
  21. I will surely share the love of Macross to my brethen
  22. Did the Cola vending machine appeared in the DYRL or the TV version? Any lineart?
  23. Why not have a 1/72 Cola vending machine?
  24. Yes, Jardann's observation is correct.
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