Indeed an one metre cucumber will be too much to put in my place. I already got the capital ship from Scale Solutions. I think I may have to wait for someone else to make the other ships in that scale or I'll have to build my own fleet.
It's not going to be cheap. I once saw it post on Yahoo Jpn for more than 30k yen. Or you can ask someone going to the coming Wonderfest in Feb to get it for more than 250 USD. Don't have high hopes because the guy only sell around 20 kits on each event.
I didn't have the conversion kits. The guy in Japan is still selling them in Japan event shows. He sells around 20 kits each time. here is the link
I'm happy to get a copy of it if anyone is going to make it available.
Not much progress to share. I was engaged with a lot of work load at my workplace for the past four months. Workload is back to normal now and I can go back to the ground vehicles. Will be sending the tow truck to the caster shortly.
There is already a review and a buid-up here
I am not a serious collector and I tends to buy the ones I like when they first come out. The ones that I don't like anymore I will resell them at auction sites for the price that I paid excluding the shipping cost. When I first found out what amzing work Captain America was doing I tried to find his out of production kits at auction site and cannot find them. I ended up patiently waiting and was able to get them from members here for a very reasonable price. I am very happy now because I'd got all of Captain's creations that I like.
I am planning on rolling out the electric supply vehicle, the tow truck then the APC. No plans to sell then as sets. Yet interested parties can buy then together. Will let you all know hopefully end of this month
Thanks John. It's my pleasure to buy a kit from you. Payment for one Regult to Hong Kong was sent thru Paypal. May we ask what is your coming project?