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Everything posted by Shaorin

  1. indeed! i took hours carefully and logically applying the decals to both of my 1/48s. i mean, why not? it just doesn't look right without them, and it's not like i was buying them as an investment. the way i see it, if you're looking to do that, invest in stocks&bonds. leave the mecha to people that are actually passionate about them!!
  2. OOPS!! sorry about that! anyway, here's my humble collection...
  3. well, at least my mother, her boyfriend/soon to be hubby, and my sister certainly don't mind all my little toy robots. hell, my mother's the one who got me into 'em in the first place getting voltron and transformers stuff for me as a kid 'cause she thought it was neat and that it would encourage intelligence in me...
  4. and let us not forget this one; MISA:...you must do this immediately! HIKARU:who is this? i saved you before,remember? MISA: there is no time to talk now, you must return to base! HIKARU: I AM NOT LISTENING TO A WOMAN! GO!! MISA: you cheuvanist! you disobey my orders?!?! or this one: HIKARU: THEY'RE FLOATING, JUST LIKE US!! SHAORIN: :lol: :lol:
  5. i haven't a clue, but just in case...
  7. FOCKER: hey, hikaruuu! HIKARU: A MAN!!!! SHAORIN: ((yeah, i got a BEST VIDEO labled copy of that unedited version, titled simply MACROSS. the most emberassing yet hilarious dub in existence!! looks and sounds fantastic though on my mitsubishi HS-U70 S-VHS VCR.))
  8. got hooked on macross through robotech fifteen years ago. still think the VF-01 is the most elegant mecha of all time...
  9. it is a VHS (VictorHelicalSystem/VideoHomeSystem) VCR. (VideoCassetteRecorder) VHS video technology was invented by JVC in 1976. it and Laserdisc were the dominant home video technologies until they were supplanted by DVD in the early 2000s. some say that VHS stands for "victor helical system" (JVC is known as "victor" in japan, and "helical" refers to the helical scanning method in which the video heads write the video information onto the magnetic video tape, which is what allows long recording times on relatively short tape) however, most say VHS stands for "video home system" personally, i believe the former is correct. anyway, i hope this answers your question.
  10. yeah, i may not be any particular fan of that anime, or that character, for that matter, but one doesnt have to be to see that those are GOOD PROPORTIONS
  11. yes, those are some frightening legs there,for sure.
  12. Me? it's definately transforming mecha and anime dolls that are two of my personal airplane's main propellers. the third is classic home electronics, with an emphasis on PIONEER brand and 1980's models in general. anyway, okay, i'll bite. what ARE those ninja smilies supposed to represent, anyhow??
  13. no way, jose!! the DYRL is minmay at her very best!!
  14. i know, it's awful!! the CMs and the new yamato doll are the two very best minmay depictions in existence, and i can't figure out for the life of me why these other companies dont use them as their guiding examples! oh, yes, check out that link; lynn MINGMAY!? good GRIEF!!!!
  15. Damn, looks like they tightened the proportions really well! and dramaticly improved the arms! looks like it can finally bend it's elbow properly!!
  16. try "rinkya.com" they are a translation/agent service for yahoo japan that enables anyone in the world to bid on yahoo japan's items.
  17. once again, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!!!!!!!! :angry: :angry:
  18. THE CLOTHES FIT JUST FINE, AND THE HAIRSTYLE LOOKS GOOD,TOO!! this is the best minmay i have seen to date!! for instance, the gloves & boots are real pleather, not hard vinyl like the 12" blue submarine version 10 years back!! believe me, there simply isint anything quite like like the simple pleasure taken in the realism of a good sized, poseable doll in actual fabric clothes!! one can easily forgive the joints in light of her many virtues, and besides, anyone with a little sewing skill can make her a pair of stockings out of microfiber nylon tricot, from a pair of white panties. (trust me, i do a lot of sewing, and strangely, that's about the only way to get ahold of the stuff.) anyway, the tricot stockings will not only look cute, but effectively hide her knee joints as well! it might not be canon, but it looks good! and remember, the one in the pics is only a prototype! that could be a good thing in that they can still make some modifications to the "trouble spots", of which i personally see none, but could also be bad if they end up cheaping out on her production version!
  19. what do you mean by "man dolls"?
  20. hi,all! i have a yamato 1/48 VF-1S with a badly warped head laser, a broken finger, and a runner tab snapped off the heatshield! can anyone help me go about obtaining replacement parts?
  21. true, rooted hair can be a pain to keep nice, but a doll with long sculpted hair you couldint even sit down!! believe me, i had problems with my 12" toynami princess ayeka doll hith her sculpted hair until i finally just removed her twin long ponytails!
  22. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THOSE PICS!!!! one of the best dolls i have ever seen!!
  23. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH A LARGE SCALE DOLL, DAMMIT! a doll is infinitely more flexible than any static figure!!!!
  24. it's about time! now they just need to release a U.S. edition. all i have is the crummy BEST VIDEO VHS release that was released a few years back. a two hour movie recorded in SLP on a 30-minute real estate tape with that goshawful TOHO dub!! for instance, when hikaru takes minmay on that joyride around saturn: ..."FOCKER: hey, hikaruuu! HIKARU: A MAN!!!!" SHAORIN: WHAT THE HELL!?!? anyway, at least the TOHO dub is good for a few laughs, and the tape is reasonally bearable on my 1988 mitsubishi HS-U70 S-VHS VCR.
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