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Everything posted by Zx31

  1. I'm constantly tempted by the VF-4 but I haven't pulled the trigger yet. Congrats!
  2. and VF-11, and VF-17 (Milia) Basically, if it was made before Frontier (aside from the 19), odds are those two have flown it and painted it.
  3. Joking aside, that wall mount is a pretty cool setup.
  4. She changes her mind on this late in the show
  5. It is deliberately never clarified or resolved.
  6. Zx31

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Legs, ankles, and toes are pretty floppy on mine, and nothing really locks in battroid mode. Knee armor pops off easy. Exhaust flaps pop out and move too easily. Backpack compression / expansion way too tight.
  7. Zx31

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    I like the Yamato 21, but there is definitely room for upgrades.
  8. ...well if you use enough screws and glue...
  9. Zx31

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    I can dream
  10. New Edwards Test Flight Center
  11. Zx31

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    I'd be happy if they continued with the remolding and did the 19A, 19F, 19P, 19S, and 19 Kai.
  12. Zx31

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Ooo, nice work
  13. AmiAmi package hasn't gotten state-side yet, but this is good too.
  14. Zx31

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    You very clearly do not understand how any of this actually works in reality despite multiple people attempting to explain it to you. To be fair, you could be exactly correct for all any of us know. The part that bothers me is not that any one here is right or wrong, but more that you refuse to acknowledge anyone else's input on the matter and instead keep doubling down on your insistence that your assumption is correct regardless, even when presented with logical and reasonable evidence otherwise.
  15. Zx31

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    No, it didn't "refuse" to adapt, it couldn't due to the $5 billion of debt it was given from the acquisition by Bain Capital and the other venture capitalist firms. The company was profitable until the buyout and couldn't afford to evolve due to the debt payments. Unless you have anything official from Bandai's finances, you're making up numbers out of thin air. Companies can't just magic a product out of materials and money, there is a ton other factors that have to be accounted for such as available factory capacity. If all they made was DX Chogokin Macross toys, then sure, you might have an arguement, but that's not the case.
  16. Zx31

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Mattel isn't going bankrupt. ToysRUs isn't a toy manufacturer and didn't go bankrupt because of business practices, it went bankrupt because a venture capitalist firm bought it and loaded it with debt from other sources.
  17. Zx31

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Multiple people have responded with perfectly logical reasons why this could be the case but you seem to be ignoring them.
  18. Zx31

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Most likely the same restrictions as DX figures. Those require a lot more resources to manufacture, the margins are probably smaller, and the demand is limited to collectors with the disposable income to afford them.
  19. Zx31

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    You're sinking your own argument. If they could make more profit by making more units or releasing a second run then they would do so. The fact that they don't means that doing those things aren't profitable or aren't as profitable as manufacturing other items with those same resources.
  20. Zx31

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Macross not even being on the list doesn't surprise me in the least.
  21. Zx31

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Considering how large and successful Bandai is, I'm pretty sure they know exactly how much money they are and aren't making by doing or not doing X. It's easy to armchair analyse what we think they should be doing, but if it was something that would make them more profit, they would most likely be doing it.
  22. Zx31

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Makes sense. I'm sure I'm probably mostly seeing posts and images from Tokyo.
  23. Zx31

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    I was more referring to the availability post-release since pre-orders online for items as high-end as this aren't uncommon. Once the 31J, 31C, and 31F were released, there seemed to be plenty of domestic availability for at or under retail for anyone that wanted to walk into a shop and purchase one. (Though again this is from limited information of a foreigner). Additionally, in the Arcadia interview when this was specifically brought up, they said that they have to keep production limited because if there isn't some difficulty in getting the figures, then everyone just waits for them to go on sale and the company can't make any money to make new figures.
  24. Zx31

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    If anything, I'd say the availability of all of the non-webshop 31s proves they are making more than enough to fill demand. Can't really make assumptions about demand or availability based on a small number of shops that are offering their limited allotment to a large overseas market.
  25. Now you need a Wings of Valkyrie Koenig Monster
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