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Everything posted by Zx31

  1. Aside from the official listing images? I don't recall the 1J being at Wonfes https://tamashii.jp/special/macross/vf-1j/
  2. Leveraged off by the exhaust flap, maybe?
  3. Zx31

    Bandai DX VF-31

    First image looks like it's the DX prototype shown in 2016 along with the C. Second one looks like the model kit.
  4. Zx31

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Though, if you wanted to be animation accurate, perhaps the whole chest section should be red...
  5. Zx31

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    There's also black under the red stripe, the chest molding doesn't match the animation, so it can't be accurate. The red is on the upper angled piece, where it should be.
  6. Zx31

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    The chest stripes aren't backwards...
  7. Zx31

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    The chest paint isn't an error, it's a design difference that creates a gap over the red stripe that isn't there in the art. The legs are fixed on the box art and promo images, so the display piece is most likely still a hand painted proto.
  8. Looks like I got the last one on Rakuten, says sold out now, at least via Yellowsubmarine.
  9. Just ordered mine 5 minutes ago. No AmiAmi discount, but being able to get a full night sleep was worth it. Now I need to sell my Arcadia Max and Milia...
  10. This IS the December release
  11. I like what I see so far, but I'll be waiting for the initial reviews to hit before deciding on if I should bite. If it's good, I'll probably go in for the VF-1S
  12. too many DX VF-1J threads
  13. Saw these were on sale at AX and got the urge to find a set on ebay.
  14. Just grabbed an open 0D and loose 11C for $400 plus a bottle of bourbon.
  15. Marker Airbrush works remarkably well. I was surprised how well the paint turns out after being atomized off a marker nub. I used it on a HG 00 Diver kit to paint what would normally be stickers and it works quite well in situations where you're repainting whole parts or masking off details to paint. With some practice and maybe a pressure regulator I could probably do some decent weathering or camo. I'd say if you're curious about air brushes, this seems to be the perfect entry point.
  16. https://twitter.com/ARCADIA_Co_Ltd/status/1016544879172702208
  17. Huh, that's interesting. Guess I'll have to keep an eye on that when trying to post from mobile.
  18. The hosting site is MW, it was a direct upload. Re-did it. Maybe something funky when I tried to upload on mobile
  19. Zx31

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yeah, F comes with spare lasers and spike
  20. How are the top vents? Last one I had with those was slightly whistle-y but that was maybe 10 years ago.
  21. Zx31

    Bandai DX VF-31

    If they don't slot into the wing root, then they most likely brace against the underside of the wing root for support to keep the wing tip from folding down further. There's no point in including adapters in the Draken set if they can only be used on the reissue, because it already comes with them.
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