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Everything posted by Zx31

  1. Zx31

    Bandai Sv-262 DX valk

  2. Hence the clarification between personal relative enjoyment and objective rating. <shrug> Whelp, tried to upload a bit of the final battle but Youtube has that locked down.
  3. Well, take into account that while I very much enjoyed the Frontier Movies, the series was my least favorite Macross show. I think the Frontier movies are objectively better than the Delta movie, but as far as enjoyment they were close (as someone that enjoys Delta). If you didn't like Delta, then the movie most likely isn't going to do anything for you aside from the final battle to see the new Valk action.
  4. I was considering it on a Delta BD set.
  5. Mine showed up at 9AM yesterday. Really enjoyed it even though the first half is a bit slow in parts. I think the changes make sense and were executed well for being mostly reused animation.
  6. Time to swoosh a valk and watch a movie
  7. My current backlog of MGs is both Jestas, Build Strike, and the Double Zeta
  8. Nice! I still need to build both of those Jestas.
  9. Zx31

    Hi-Metal R

    Mine should be shipped tomorrow with the Delta movie BD and will probably arrive Wednesday. Also, the voting on here is whatever and doesn't bother me, I just find it interesting which posts gets down voted since most of the time they seem pretty benign. Back to HM-R, though, is the next VF-2SS the only thing pending release now? I can't think of anything else having been announced or pre-orderable.
  10. Zx31

    Hi-Metal R

    Ah yes, good ole downvotes for just posting direct screenshots. Fun times.
  11. Zx31

    Hi-Metal R

    Depends on which scene of the anime you're looking at.
  12. Zx31

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah, I believe so. You might be able to figure out some hinge configuration at a larger scale that makes the large stabs work, but they probably figure it's not a deal breaker for planes that are generally shown with packs on.
  13. Zx31

    Hi-Metal R

  14. Zx31

    Hi-Metal R

    They shrink significantly when the tail is folded over because the stabs dont sandwich like a regular VF1. So on a toy the size of HMR, you need to leave them shrunk to preserve the ability to mount Super Packs, which most people will be using as the default mode.
  15. Zx31

    Hi-Metal R

    At the HMR scale and price point, I doubt it's even something they consider.
  16. Because Arcadia is small (doesn't have the benefit of a large company like Bandai), production and labor costs are higher than 20 years ago, and they would prefer not to go out of business.
  17. Zx31

    Hi-Metal R

    They have to be small on the VE due to how the tail folds over, no?
  18. Yeah, I noticed the two flight suit versions are affected too, so might as well clean and seal the whole set
  19. Checked my 639 Miria. The acrylic top coat I used on the dress seems to have solved the weird residue issue. Her hair still feels slimy because I didn't topcoat it, so I'll need to rinse that and do the same
  20. I had to box my Miria up when I moved the collection out of the main room. I'll try to remember to check it tonight to see how the clearcoat is holding up.
  21. I gave that one a good rinse and an acrylic clear coat to see if that helped
  22. Take these as you will...
  23. DX
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