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Everything posted by Zx31

  1. Looks like the same kit to me, artwork matches. Speaking of, I finally broke down and ordered the Machine Canon Ver. kit. Look for yet more comparison photos and another mini-review in the next couple weeks. I'm going to have Motoslaves out my ears before I'm done.
  2. Today, Yamato released images of the next Motoslave prototype for the Bubblegum Crisis line.
  3. I don't have any experience with the models, but I have all of the Yamato motoslaves. The Metallic one is by far the best for both paint and joint quality. Granted, I like the original 4 for Anime color accuracy. If you can only afford one, I would stick with a metallic version.
  4. Now thats a sexy aircraft.
  5. Currently re-watching King of Bandit Jing.
  6. Thanks, I'll take a look at some of these. Speaking of planes you don't see much of, I'd like to find a completed model of the original Flying Wing.
  7. Honestly, since when did we start expecting realism in console games? I thought that's what PC flight sims were for. In all seriousness, I honestly don't mind if something is unrealistic as long as it's fun, and I guess we'll have to wait for that verdict until next month. Heck, gimme another Crimson Skies and I'd be thrilled, but that'll happen just as soon as we get another decent MechWarrior.
  8. Ordered the one from BBTS, but I hadn't seen the Skily J2 yet.
  9. I can confirm the AD Police figures to be 4", but I measured the boomer slightly taller at 4.37".
  10. A few comparisons with figures I've got laying around.
  11. I don't have any microman figures, but I'll try to set up a few more scale comparisons with figures I have available when I get home.
  12. US release dates currently listed as March 3rd.
  13. I'm going to disagree and say that I like the Off mode. Sure, the control takes some getting used to, but I think it's a cool concept that separates it from other Flight Combat games. The best part is that they made it completely optional. It's not like some games where you are forced to use a gimmick. Another thing that we have yet to test, since it's not available in the demo, is the 4 player Coop. That's something I wished Ace Combat would have had and I think it's going to be a fun addition.
  14. While not local, you might try Think Geek if you can't find one. http://www.thinkgeek.com/gadgets/tools/9e7d/
  15. I wonder if the LE Camoflage version is going to be any better.
  16. I actually just finished Last Exile. I liked the Vanships, but I was more impressed with the Fleet Ships. I know there's a Vanship replica that I'd like to get a hold of. It's a shame that there aren't any replicas of the bigger ships.
  17. Nice bit of history there. I thought that the design looked familiar, but I wasn't sure it it had ever been an actual production aircraft. I noticed that the Honneamise aircraft had the slight differences in engine placement as well as the bent props.
  18. That's a shame. It looks like a nice figure from the promotional pictures.
  19. Well, i guess 'fantasy' is a bit of an exaggeration. I guess it's more referring to planes that don't actually exist, but have basis on real aircraft.
  20. I'll have to check out Wings of Honneamise. Oddly enough, from one of the short YouTube videos I saw of Wings of Honneamise it looks like Sky Crawlers borrowed a design for one of it's aircraft.
  21. I was wondering if anyone knew of any anime or otherwise that had aircraft similar in style to Crimson Skies, Sky Crawlers, etc. I love that style of aircraft and was looking to pick up any completed kits or 'figures' I could find.
  22. Thanks go out to SAVE! for being kind enough to send in for these sets and then shipping them overseas. And now for a little mini-review. First, Pictures: I'll start with the AD Police. The AD Police figures are very solid, and while they lack articulation, the paint applications are very nicely done. As most of you have seen, the figures are identical except for the weapon each one holds. The first being a sub-machine gun and the second being a shotgun. The only gripe I could find with these 2 is that the bases don't match the Motoslave bases in color, but that is getting nit-picky. The Boomer is gorgeous. The entire figure is painted up in a metallic blue finish with black details. I actually think the paint applications on the Boomer look better than the Knight Sabers when examined up close, but it has the benefit of a simple paint scheme. The figure has 16 points of articulation. A ball joint is located in the neck, torso, each shoulder, each hip, and each foot. Each knee and elbow has a hinge joint and both the elbows and wrists are on swivels. Posability is pretty nice and I was able to get him to balance on one foot for a kicking pose which I tried to capture in the photos. The joints are tight enough to hold poses but not so much so that you have to use extra force to move them. The left arm swivel joint on my figure is a 'tad' loose but holds well. Both wrists and elbows were locked when I opened the figure and I would recommend gently prying them loose or sticking the figure in a freezer for 15 minutes to get them free without twisting joints off. Overall, I would highly suggest picking up this set to any BGC fan, especially if you have a Metallic Motoslave. The Boomer alone is worth the price and the AD Police make sweet little bonuses. However, if you are turned off by the smaller scale of Yamato's Knight Sabers then this set probably isn't going to win you over.
  23. Speak and ye shall receive. I just got a call that I have a package from Tokyo sitting at home. It could only be one thing. I'll post compairisons tonight if it's the Boomer set like I think it is.
  24. I was referring to the four of us who sent in the Proof of Purchase of the four original motoslaves to Save in order to get the set before they offered it as a retail item. He had them in hand and I sent him shipping costs but I haven't received it yet. So, I was wondering if the other 3 had gotten theirs.
  25. Anyone receive their AD Boomer set from Save? I still haven't seen mine.
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