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Everything posted by Zx31

  1. How fitting that you get to see at the end of the episode.
  2. I've been considering trying to find something in that scale to use as a street bike for the Atelier Priss. Wouldn't be a Motoslave but it would be cool for display.
  3. Any more releases and I'll have to dedicate another shelf. Not that I'm complaining.
  4. Currently, the only mods I've done to Samurai Prowl are taking the old stars and painting black detail on them to match his leg detail. I've been considering moding the helmet to fit the old head, so it's nice to hear that it's possible. I was also dissapointed that the old lights on the back didn't fit the new figure. I see that you painted yours to match but I didn't want to lose the clear plastic effect.
  5. While not my favorite (though it ranks up there in my list of mecha anime), I haven't heard anyone mention Z.O.E. One of the few anime that I actually enjoy watching in English, actually. Other Mecha favorites include BGC, Patlabor, and Full Metal Panic. Non Mecha would be King of Bandit Jing and Crest / Banner of the Stars. Though I'm sure there are better, this is just from my limited collection thus far.
  6. EDIT: Too much reflection in the first shots.
  7. First, I stink at painting. I screwed up a lot on Priss and I'm not sure if I want to try to fix it. Still unfinished but it might stay that way. Second, I really don't like the torso joint on the Aoshima. It doesn't have a rubbery joint like the rest of them and doesn't hold. I have the same problem with the hips and upper leg swivel. I'll have to see how the bike turns out once it's put together and decide if I want to take a shot at painting it in metallic.
  8. Sorry about the lack of additional pictures. I've been a bit busy and haven't had time to "officially" get the display case organized and the Aoshima put back together. Priss is in a few pieces being painted in a somewhat unofficial scheme and the motoslave is still in multiple parts in various stages of assembly. I will say one thing about the Aoshima, unless you are crazy good at assembling and painting model kits, it's not going to look anything like the promotional pictures. I'm attempting to paint the Priss figure at the moment and I'm finding it to be a learning process.
  9. I hope the Autobots we saw defending the space bridge all get repaired and are given more screen time. It would be a shame for Rodimus to be lost forever due to cosmic rust.
  10. I've got one pre-ordered and as long as it doesn't have any QC issues, I think I'll be happy with it.
  11. I just got the display cabinet yesterday, so I was kinda test fitting everything to see how it all looked. I'll most likely try to borrow my girlfriend's digital camera on Saturday and get some higher quality comparison photos with the Atelier Sai, Aoshima, and Yamato. Just from doing a brief check, the Ateliers are slightly larger than the Aoshima kit. After I complete the motoslave, it looks like the Atelier's might fit it.
  12. I got the Aoshima kit today. I've just started on it, and it'll probably take me a while to get it all together, but I'll get some un-painted photos up when I can. EDIT Priss assembled: I've noticed that the Hardsuit design and details on the Aoshima look more accurate, however, the body proportions are a bit odd.
  13. I completely understand why many aircraft enthusiasts dislike the game. However, I think that it appeals to the target audiance who are console owners used to played shooters. Granted, I love aircraft, but I'm willing to forgive all the physics and detail errors in an arcade style flight combat shooter. I don't think you'll find anything resembling an actual flight sim on a console. I actually enjoy both AC6 as well as HAWX, and welcome any decent entries of flight combat games to the usually dry genre on consoles.
  14. Odd, I just listened to the Major Nelson podcast and he interviewed the lead developer who, I could have sworn, said that it allowed you to control the camera instead of the camera staying fixed. Personally, I enjoy 'arcade' air combat games a bit more that flight sims. Mainly cause I suck at actual flight in real physics. Heck, the one time I actually flew a Sundowner ( don't quote me on the model ), my door popped open mid-flight and we had to land at a municipal airfield to close it. As far as controls, I don't see how you'd play it with a flight stick. It's definitely designed for a gamepad.
  15. I haven't had a chance to try it yet, but the Advanced Control option for Limiter Off mode apparently gives you control over the camera as well. So if anyone is turned off by the fixed camera, you might try it.
  16. Not sure if anyone has noticed, but apparently HLJ is running a sale on Patlabor figures: http://www.hlj.com/hljsalepage.html/?serie...isplayMode=list
  17. Just started Shura no Toki - Age of Chaos
  18. Then would I be correct in assuming you visit OC Remix?
  19. That there is a sexy machine.
  20. Once I have it, I'll try to get some good pictures with all four Yamato originals, Yamato Metallic, Yamato Boomer, and the Aoshima Machine Canon. I'm curious as to the size comparisons myself, so it'll be interesting to see how much is interchangeable. I really wish I had the Atelier Sai set to round out the scale comparisons, though. It's too bad I keep missing out on those.
  21. Just ordered, as in it hasn't even shipped from HLJ yet.
  22. Wow, nice variants in there. I wonder if any of those will be available state-side. On a side note, I was looking through Hobby Search and Hobby Link and found the Yukikaze aircraft to be pretty nice as well, though they aren't prop driven.
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