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Everything posted by Zx31

  1. I've got no issue with people that dislike the movie-verse, nor do I automatically assume those that don't to be "geewoners". My point, however, was that there is a reason why the new film was so successful, and it's because it appealed to a broad audience. So, yes, there are a lot of people who like the new designs with the majority of those that don't falling into the category of people who grew up with the original series. Nostalgia Goggles isn't ment as an insult, but mearly refers to the styles that we grew up with and became used to. It's just a function of how our minds work that we have fond memories of childhood and the things that influenced it. Personally, there are many things about the first and new movie that I don't agree with. I came to the conclusion a long time ago, however, that trying to appease the existing fan base is impossible because no matter how cool the new product it, we'll always remember the original being better in some way. So, go ahead and dislike the movie, it's your perogative. You have the right to your oppinions about what you dislike or like just as much as anyone, but we all need to make it more constructive instead of the constant "geewoner!" and "Bay raped my childhood!" retorts.
  2. You know, other than that they aren't looking at everything through nostalgia goggles. :-P
  3. Knowing as much as I do now about the plot, there is a lot I 'could' explain. However, that would be spoiler territory and I'd rather not go there. Though I'm a fan of the movie-verse, I completely understand why some dislike it. All I can really say is that you should watch the film and form your own opinions.
  4. There's actually a fan doing Omega Supreme as a custom. EDIT: Ah, here it is. Omega Supreme Custom Scratch Build
  5. Without an Alt Mode I can't tell for sure, but i think they might be using the JSF for the seekers.
  6. http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/transformers...tml#post1818315
  7. Jet Turbine?
  8. I used to ride a Honda Nighthawk, but sold it to help buy my current 300zx TT. I hope to get another bike next year.
  9. I'm not saying the characters aren't real, I'm saying that the personalities could be fabricated. Bay said they were dumb and young, but I'm curious if that's because how the fandom has portrayed them. The toy bios state that they are young and inexperienced. Mudflap has a 5 intelligence and Skids has a 6. That sounds pretty average and not like a pair of "dumb bots".
  10. I'm wondering if the "Herp and Derp" twins are all just Michael Bay misinformation. They may look a bit off, but he has to have seen the fan reaction to Jar Jar in Star Wars. I'm not saying it's impossible that he's trying to appeal to little kids, but I'm betting that all this hype about the twins is Bay perpetuating the stereotype started by fan rumor and rolling with it.
  11. I know a lot of people don't like the bike-bots, so I suppose I'm a minority. I actually like many of these movie designs because they are unconventional. While they may not translate well into toys in many cases, I like that the robot modes aren't limited to bipedal humanoids.
  12. Even if you are watching the fan subs, the anime is still behind the Manga. However, they got close enough that they had to start another filler arc.
  13. I saw it, but wasn't interested. Doesn't look as detailed as the Yamato and it's 3x more expensive.
  14. That wasn't filler.
  15. Well, those that don't like the Transformers Movies can always watch the new Macross Movies. <Leaves quickly before catching fire>
  16. I watch it, when the Anime isn't doing filler arcs because they caught up to the Manga. Speaking of, the Manga just got F'd up.
  17. Based on what I've seen in the series as well as the comics, I don't think Ultra Magnus is too worried about Cybertronian Rights with Decepticons still posing a threat. Much like what we (the United States) have done with terror suspects, the quick solution to the problem was to put Wasp in the Stockade, guilty or not. If you consider that the Autobots are still very much "at war", it becomes another grey area decision that we've seen a lot of in the series. Mostly in the creation of the Omega Project, but also in the creation of the Twins, Sentenal's struggle with Elita's organic form, and other things that puts the writing in this series on par with Beast Wars in my book.
  18. Oddly enough, I didn't realize you were one in the same. i stink at painting, but your digibash has inspired me to give it a shot once the figure releases. I'll have to figure out how to make the custom peices, though I have a few ideas depending on the size of Drossel.
  19. If there was a trial, an eye witness as well as a Decepticon communicator was probably enough proof to convict. Considering that one of the recuring plot points is Ratchet's EMP and it's use in disabling a bot so that they don't feel pain, then I would say yes, torture is entirely possible. However, if you research military tactics, mental stress is the best way to get someone to crack. Transformers have the same mental traits as humans, thus implying that spending thousands of "cycles" in confinement would be enough to break Wasp's mind. Sentenal's misguided pursuit of Wasp isn't so much that he thinks Wasp is an active spy so much as he still thinks Wasp knows about the real traitor or leaked intel. This probably stems from the distrust of Optimus and his team on Earth as well as his unwillingness to admit being wrong in jailing Wasp in the first place. I think that Wasp escaped on his own, it is unlikely that Shockwave would have assisted the escape since Wasp has the potential to reveal Shockwave as the spy as he leads Sentenal's team back to Earth. Shockwave had complete control over Wasp while he was in prison and was no risk.
  20. Sari fans might be interested in this Digibash created by a TFW2005 board member based on the upcoming Figma Drossel. http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/transformers...ghlight=drossel
  21. More information on the new 25th Anniversary DVDs. http://www.homemediamagazine.com/tv-dvd/tr...comic-con-15406 "The Transformers: 25th Anniversary “Matrix of Leadership” Edition Collector’s Set, containing the four seasons of the “Generation 1” series, will come in packaging modeled after the famed Autobot Matrix artifact featured in the original animated film and the episodes that followed. DVD producer Brian Ward described the set as a “really cool” box with the Matrix on the cover, which slides apart to reveal a shiny blue foil core which houses the set’s 16 DVDs in plastic digistack trays. The set also will include a collectible booklet. The “Transformers” complete-series set will include two exclusive bonus features, Ward said. One is a conversation with writer Bob Budiansky, who created much of the “Transformers” mythology for the comic book. The other is a roundtable discussion with eight original members of the voice cast, including Frank Welker (Megatron)."
  22. Got The Arrival comic compilation from Amazon this weekend. Recommended for anyone that didn't get the individual issues.
  23. If it needs to be painted, I'm out. I've got the Alter on pre-order and I'll probably get suckered into the Damashii figures as well.
  24. Mwuahahaha! ...and by that I mean, "My deepest apologies."
  25. Look at RavenHawk's pics one page back. There should be some in the RPG book scans.
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