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Everything posted by Zx31

  1. Currently watching the weekly drops of Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid, but also starting Macross Frontier and My Hero Academia
  2. Zx31

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Just keep an eye on the shoulders when rotating them in and out, some reports of a little bit of paint chipping but mine has been fine.
  3. Zx31

    Hi-Metal R

    I think the filler started with the VF-1A, but I could be wrong.
  4. Zx31

    Bandai DX VF-31

    It is at first, but gets smoother after a transformation or two
  5. Glad I got my Atelier Sai figures from a member here 7 years ago. Looking forward to the new figure.
  6. Minutes. Considering the list price their import cost, $229 isn't bad if you got one.
  7. Next up is Messer's 31 and Keith's 262. After that maybe dip into Yamato with the VF-11B and YF-21 to round out Plus
  8. Oh, these are definitely worth it. Up until a few months ago, the only Macross I had ever owned was the Yamato Anniversary 19 and Bandai VB-6. Now I have 5 HMRs, 3 DX Chogokins, and 2 Arcadias.
  9. Been spending probably more than I should on Macross recently.
  10. I want Arcadia to do more Macross 7. 17, 19, 22, 3000, 5000
  11. Posted that one earlier. If the previous one looks olive, you might want to check your monitor color settings
  12. As neutral lighting of Ivanov as I could get. Bastard moves too much to get clear screen caps of.
  13. Just curious if anyone has an abridged list of episodes for 7. I watched the whole series and really enjoyed it, but the length makes it a bit harder to recommend to friends with less time to spend on a show, so knowing what episodes might be skippable would be helpful.
  14. Seems like metallic black, but I could see and argument for dark gray
  15. Having zero nostalgia for Macross as I've only just now watched each series within the last 3 months (I've been marathoning a LOT of Macross), I think Delta is best and most refined of any of the series to date. The characters are almost universally likeable (except for you, Bogue), the emotional relationships between characters are handled like mature adults, and the small conflicts aren't drawn out unreasonably long for the sake of extending the plot. I've highly enjoyed every series up through Delta, but there are definitely flaws in each. Delta is no exception, but I found more to like here than any of the shows prior.
  16. I have literally been watching each Macross series in order over the last 3 months and I do not get the the arguments about Delta not being "Macross Enough". I understand if the series isn't something you enjoyed, but it feels like the most refined Macross formula they've done yet. I also rather appreciated small character conflicts being addressed and resolved within a single episode instead of being drawn out needlessly. I wouldn't mind if they revisited Delta but I'd be just as interested in seeing them do something new.
  17. Yeah, that's another thing that didn't get explained, and actually The Fallen's ability to Trans-warp (or space bridge) isn't ever explained as far as I know. Jetfire's ability is explained in the prequal comics. He is one of the seekers who were created by the Allspark with transwarp abilities that allowed them to traverse the galaxy in search of energy sources.
  18. True? Yes, but it's a bit unfair to compare the TF Movie toys to something like a 1/60 scale Yamato in terms of engineering. With the exception of leader class Prime, the toys aren't supposed to have a high level of transformation complexity. Not only is it cost prohibitive but they are also meant for children, so they do what neat mechanical engineering they can while making sure it is still durable. Granted, you will always have exceptions to the norm on both ends of the spectrum, but also consider the sheer number of toys that Hasbro and Takara engineers design in a year and some are going to get more time on the drawing board than the others. To use your example comparing Yamato Valkyries to Transformers, I don't see Yamato releasing 30+ new toy molds and designs every year that each have different transformations. I agree with you that there could have been much better designs and toys for both movies. I just disagree with your argument on why they should be better, if that makes any sense.
  19. To be fair, I noticed something odd in some of the CGI scenes as well, bit it wasn't a drop in frame rate. I'm not sure if it was just the IMAX version, but something did seem "off" for a split second every now and then.
  20. Keep in mind that Hasbro has a list of names that they hold trademarks on and picks those that are the most familiar and marketable for the main characters. Really, Jetfire isn't all that different from the G1 character in function. They are both explorers who choose the more peaceful Autobot cause over the Decepticons. The only real difference is the personality.
  21. One thing to remember is that "death" isn't always an accurate term in Transformers. It could be argued that Megatron, Prime, and Jetfire were all in stasis lock, a form of suspended animation caused by fatal injury or power loss, with each being revived by a large source of energon. Course, that doesn't really explain why they couldn't revive Jazz.
  22. This is "almost" as bad as the movie forum on TFW. I think everyone has strong opinions of the movie and wants to try to convert others to their viewpoint, which isn't very likely. So, agree to disagree?
  23. According to the box office numbers, I'd say yes.
  24. I'm a huge fan and I loved it. It wasn't a "great" movie but it isn't supposed to be. It has its flaws, but I enjoyed it for what it is, a summer action flick.
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