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Everything posted by Zx31

  1. Basara has a ton of unaccounted time between meeting Ray and when he ends up on City 7. Based on Ray's military connections and comments in the show about him being an ace pilot, it's not hard to imagine he's been groomed and trained by Ray as a pilot and musician. Hayate is probably a more sound arguement for unlikely ace, but it is pointed out by Messer a few times that he's only held his own thus far because of his natural ability and his unpredictability. Throw in super human abilities from Freyja singing and Fold Quartz and he does well enough to survive against the Arial Knights but you'll notice he has few real victories against them with his own skill.
  2. Zx31

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I just want VF-31 Fold Boosters
  3. Zx31

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Hmm, seems I missed that. CGI magic at work?
  4. Zx31

    Bandai DX VF-31

    The show specifally shows the speaker pods being loaded in place of the usual gunpod and they only use blades and machine guns while the speakers are equiped
  5. Zx31

    Hi-Metal R

    A reissue would be nice but I'm okay without the armor for now
  6. Zx31

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Chuck's 31 doesn't have a gun pod. The entire pod is replaced by the folding sensor dish.
  7. Zx31

    Hi-Metal R

    Got my Monster on a sale that essentially made the shipping free. Totally worth the MSRP but yeah, the shipping cost is the main limiting factor.
  8. Zx31

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm a fan of the color.
  9. Zx31

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Only on transformers and Bandai model kits so far.
  10. Zx31

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Super Clean degreaser is what I've used in the past for removing paint without harming plastic
  11. What's the hesitation with ordering from AmiAmi?
  12. All very small parts of stories where one of the primary threads is how music can be used to control or influence others.
  13. If anyone thinks that war was the main plot of Macross, I'm curious if we watched the same show. While the Zentraedi attacking the SDF-1 and earth was the trigger, most of the series was about trying to come to an understanding and common ground with the "enemy". Those who only wanted to annihilate the enemy ultimately lost their arguements or were annihilated by superior firepower which is a theme that comes up repeatedly in each series. The series literally revolves around "culture" as a means to understand each other in times of conflict, making all of the musical focus in other shows exactly in line with the original.
  14. Zx31

    Hi-Metal R

    But the ones they came with were TV Color
  15. Decreased number of factories with the skill and precision to create a high end product combined with greater demand of factory time from more different companies combined with increasing demand for better factory worker conditions and wages combined with global inflation combined with a profit margin that means the company can stay in business and pay its employees. Yeah, I think it's completely fair to assume the price increase from a decade ago is reasonable and I find it slightly insulting to the people creating these products that their time and effort isn't valued more. Toys aren't like computers where making the same thing over time gets cheaper because of miniaturization. Molds wear out and have to be replaced/recreated/retooled, production and overhead costs gradually increase, wages go up over time. Companies either keep the same retail cost and eat the profits until they stop making money, at which point they have to drastically raise the price all at once, or they gradually increase the price over time to maintain a healthy margin. Either way most consumers view it as price gouging instead of the slow cost of inflation that effects everything. You 'could' make the argument that the increased price is more than you think the item is worth, but there are a vast number of reasons why they could be charging more now compared to a decade ago.
  16. Zx31

    Bandai Sv-262 DX valk

    Hands aren't required for fighter mode. I pulled both off and transformed back to fighter with no issues
  17. Oh right, forgot about the other scenes. Couldn't find them when I was scanning episodes earlier
  18. Yeah, as far as I know that's was the only appearance. Not sure when the blue/grey boosters became the standard for them.
  19. Was hoping the super parts would be the same color as the aircraft, but I'll live.
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