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Everything posted by Zx31

  1. ...and I think the love triangle in Delta was handled the best out of all of the shows so far, so to each is own I guess.
  2. Because they're charging more and making it optional? As long as they make it known before hand that there will be two versions, I don't see the down side.
  3. Arcadia retweeted it, so...
  4. Maybe it's just me, but I'd prefer this couple's custom fighters to be light on utility markings.
  5. *EDIT* Nevermind, did some digging and got what is probaly the logical answer.
  6. Zx31

    Hi-Metal R

    That disclaimer doesn't match the above content descriptions
  7. Zx31

    Hi-Metal R

    Buy them and make Makina happy
  8. They do have much better hair, this is true.
  9. Women are no different than men dispite our cultural insistance to the contrary.
  10. I mean, that part is the same. Also, I never said those issues were new, only that they seemed to be over-done and way more of the focus of Frontier compared to other shows (in my opinion). My main issue with the responses was with those that were responding as if I was wrong or felt like they needed to explain Frontier, and not that they simply disagreed with me. I completely understand why people like the show and I'm not here to tell anyone they are wrong for liking it.
  11. Honestly, this is why I rarely post and why everyone I know says not to come to MWF if you dislike Frontier or like Delta
  12. No, I completely understand the culture and tropes. What you fail to understand is that people can have knowledge and understanding of these things and still find them unappealing.
  13. Episode 1 - Ranka gets soaking wet and is wearing only Alto's shirt Episode 2 - Alto accidentally grabs Ranka's breast while fighting Vajra in a Valk Episode 3 - While Alto, Sheryl, and Ranka are sheltering from the attack, the lights go out and Sheryl loses her top Episode 3 - Ranka's lunch looks like a pair of exposed breasts with nipples Episode 3 - Leon makes an advance on on Catherine that she resists Episode 4 - Pagent (Most shows have done this, so it gets a pass) Episode 5 - Sheryl and Alto hide in a locker. Alto's phone vibration stimulates Sheryl Episode 8 - Sheryl, Ranka, and Nanase in the shower Episode 8 - Sheryl's panties That's just up to episode 8. I found none of these humorous and even if it was "played for comedy" it doesn't change my criticism. It's fine if other people enjoyed the show. I was pressed for why it didn't work for me and have given my responses. If you disagree, that's fine, but I don't think we need the constant dismissive comments or excuses.
  14. I have to disagree, and I take issue with the insinuation that anyone that has a legitimat criticism is "looking for it".
  15. I'm not saying it isn't in the other shows, I'm saying that it was such a major and obvious focus of Frontier that it caused me to hate watching it. If it had just been Sheryl, and they didn't have a full panty episode, it would have been fine. I think the sexy angle works for Sheryl's character as that's the image she's built and exploited. My issue was that they also sexualized Ranka, Nanase, and Klan to an excessive degree. I actually like Klan as a character, but you can't tell me they didn't give her both of those forms for one very specific reason.
  16. Yup. After an entire episode focused on chasing Sheryl's panties around campus, I about wrote the show off as being only about crude sex jokes and Alto being innept at most everything.
  17. 7 is the best Macross
  18. Delta was great. It was fun to watch the whole way through. I couldn't say that about Frontier, of which I only liked the last two episodes and the movies (seriously, why did they need to lean into creepy fan service for that many episodes). Ideally I'd like to see the casts of Delta, Frontier, and 7 all interact at some point but that's probably unlikely.
  19. Grabbed a glow stick from ChristopherB.
  20. In space, anything can be a step.
  21. Zx31

    Hi-Metal R

    Harmony Gold
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