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Everything posted by Zx31

  1. Zx31

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Pretty sure the VB-6 counts as a "Valkyrie" since it is a variable aircraft and "Valkyrie" is slang anyway (unless refering to the VF-1)
  2. Zx31

    Bandai DX VF-31

    You'll be done when Bandai says you're done
  3. Looks like the Arcadia 0S and DX VF-19 Advance have been increasing in the last 6 months since I bought mine.
  4. Zx31

    Bandai DX VF-31

    "Regular" 31A units probably do, but we only ever see Xaos VF-31 units assigned to the Elysion, which is primarily used to support Walkure opperations. It makes sense that they all use the same default pod to save on cost and maintenance. (pay no attention to the savings in animation cost)
  5. Zx31

    Bandai DX VF-31

    no3Ljm has posted two images in this thread showing that they do.
  6. Zx31

    Bandai DX VF-31

    The wing boosters sit completely inside the hinge point of the wing and on top of the folded down vertical fins, so the shape of the folding tip shouldn't matter. One of Jenius' photos of the manual for reference
  7. Zx31

    Bandai DX VF-31

    They are accurate. The only thing I see so far that Bandai didn't change to match the show are the nose crystals.
  8. Zx31

    Bandai DX VF-31

    See above quote from no3Ljm
  9. 11C has the best Armor Pack. I'd get Arcadia or HM-R. Probably both
  10. Zx31

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I think the Super Packs will fit the 31A the same, but I don't think any of the ones from Delta will match well with the 31A camo.
  11. Zx31

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Ah, so the charger pod is show accurate for the Xaos 31A
  12. Zx31

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I need to rewatch the space battle where Alpha and Beta Wings are shown, but I think the charger pod is show accurate for the Xaos 31A.
  13. They all use the same molds
  14. I'm expecting $400+ being a new mold and being a bigger aircraft. $500+ if they include a full set of armaments.
  15. I don't know how we've suddenly made the leap from Arcadia saying "We're making improvements based on feedback from previous releases" to "The molds must be crap and Arcadia is going to give us crap"
  16. Zx31

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Don't group us all in with you cranky old guys that don't like Delta and fun.
  17. Zx31

    Bandai DX VF-31

    They're ejected when the battle moves into atmpsphere. Also, if we're talking about add-ons that only go with what's shown on screen, where's Messer's Fold Booster?
  18. Covers are for the regular versions
  19. Yeah, looks like tightened tolerances for: Wing Hardpoints Gerwalk Joint / Knee Slide Backpack clip Intake Covers Arm gap in fighter mode Gunpod grip Super Part / Fastpack attachment for the legs
  20. Zx31

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Never had a problem transforming the 19 Adv, 21/22, or 262. I can see where people would get tripped up, but I never considered any of them over-designed.
  21. Looks like the Milia delay is because they've been making improvements to the manufacturing process for her release. https://ameblo.jp/arcadiaac/entry-12312374556.html
  22. Zx31

    Hi-Metal R

    I will be giving those stands to the VF-1s I have that didn't come with them.
  23. Zx31

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Overly specific nitpicking over the rotation angle of a decal.
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