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Everything posted by Zx31

  1. Zx31

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Hayate Kai order confirmed with FromJapan. Now to wait for the event.
  2. I rather enjoyed Delta and feel like it was one of the most fun series to watch. The music being so well integrated into the scenes it is used in, and all of the characters being enjoyable. My primary criticisms are that Roid is a week villian and we've had three galaxy ending apocalypses in a row. Having said that, I think a lot of the points brought up here have been valid and I appreciate the thoughtful insight from people that dont agree with me. The thing that bugs me about a vocal group on this forum is the apparent need to say how much you hate Delta at any opportunity. It's fine if you dont like it, but I feel like if it's not inside a topic like this, then just leave those comments out and let people that enjoy it have their thing without making them feel like they can't talk about it.
  3. Hip bar on mine refuses to stay locked. Inserted all the way, hatch closed, backpack locked to the bar. As soon as any torque is applied to the top or bottom of the figure, the bar pops out. EX: attempting to rotate the shoulders or hips
  4. Zx31

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I think it's because the cockpits are all virtual. You see the illusion being broken at times like when Keith takes the hit from Hayate that makes him a cyclops. As for the gold canopies, I think they tried to emulate the effect in the show, but it didn't work as well as expected. So with the Kairos, we get the new version, but they can't change the canopies for Delta now because it would create a mismatched squad.
  5. Zx31

    Bandai DX VF-31

    The missile pod is not show accurate.
  6. What roll does the VB-6 fill?
  7. Always ask permission to record or photograph cosplayers
  8. Curious, how close is the color to the Yamato V2?
  9. Zx31

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I rather like the Messer noggin
  10. Macross has never been about the mech combat for me, so while it's always a fun part of the show, not being the focus never bothered me because I feel like it isn't meant to be. I totally get that other people come to it for the mechs, though.
  11. Zx31

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Keith dances with Messer
  12. Correct
  13. It's odd to me that everyone only remembers the "lines in the air" parts of the combat because they didn't happen that often, and usually only after longer cockpit shots of Keith and Messer. If anything, I'd say you could make the argument that combat was too cockpit focused and that's coming from someone that didn't have an issue with it.
  14. Zx31

    Bandai DX VF-31

    While I agree with you, if the numbers backed that up then this would have been a regular release.
  15. Won't that deplete the later even further?
  16. Zx31

    Bandai DX VF-31

    The math is far from simple. There are a ton of factors and considerations that a company like Bandai has to take into account. How many units do they have to sell to make a profit? How many units do they expect the market will buy? When can we fit this into a factory's schedule. How many can we produce within the allotted factory time, and will this time be better served manufacturing a different product? What is the failure and return rate for QC issues? Etc, etc, etc, etc
  17. Nobody is distributing Macross in the US. Individuals are purchasing items from a legal retailer and importing them as personal property.
  18. I appreciate Seto's info dumps
  19. Zx31

    Bandai DX VF-31

    While it is clearly popular here, as a 100% subset of people who like Macross, I don't think anyone except marketing and finance at Bandai can say exactly what the demand is for a certain product. Businesses are designed to make money, so if releasing it any other way was more profitable then that's most likely what they would have done.
  20. What 20% coupon?!
  21. I may try to write something out at some point to try to better articulate my thoughts on it, but like Arbit says, that's for a separate thread.
  22. I've done so on a couple of occasions, but it only seems to invite responses about how I don't understand things or that I'm wrong and in the minority, so I just wanted to point out that some people actually really enjoy the show since many like to point out very frequently that they do not.
  23. I thought Delta was great. If you didn't enjoy it then that's fine, there's a new series coming that might appeal to you more or maybe the movie will be your thing.
  24. Zx31

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I'm positive it's displayed incorrectly. In the photos you can see the large gap at the hinges where the fins should be sitting flush if they were angled correctly
  25. Zx31

    Hi-Metal R

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