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Everything posted by Nied

  1. Those first three are filled pretty well by the SH/JSF combo (once you hang pylons under the JSF it carries quite an impressive bombload), 4 and 5 would've been filled by the CSA if it hadn't been canceled (though it could always come back), and 6 is being done quite nicely by the various iterations of the Seahawk. 10 is already underway in the form of the Boeing P-8 (737 derivative). Why does the USMC need to have a Spec Ops V-22 variant? That's not really their thing and it seems like needless force duplication. Honestly I don't see why the USMC (or the RN for that matter) really needs STOVL. I say junk the F-35B and have them buy the C model (or the Rhino). Also why does the USMC need to buy the Growler (again needles force duplication). F-15C upgrades are more trouble than their worth it would probably be less expensive over the long run to replace them with Raptors (remember force sustainment costs). I agree that the F-35 could be useful but for what the AF is going to use it for (carting around bombs and once in a while launching an AMRAAM) they could buy the F-35C and get the same results (and save the taxpayer loads of money). KC-10s are big but they can't get into as many places as the '135, besides which they're out of production. Replace the KC-135 with KC-40s (737 variant can share spare parts with Navy P-8s and other Air Force C-40s) or 787/A350 derivatives. B-1 did some pretty impressive stuff in OIF but you're right B-2/B-52 can probably do the job just as well (though a re-engine of the BUFF with 4 CFM56s would greatly reduce life cycle costs). F/A-23 FB-23 whatever you want to call it is expensive and yet another airframe to support, FB-22 would be cheaper but most of its jobs could be split between the F-22 and the still quite useful Strike Eagle. USAF should just get out of the CAS mission since they really want to focus on fast jets, I say let them. 11) What? Point defence interceptors are an anachronism in this day and age of high powered SAM batteries, we'd be better served by a low cost "aerial squad car" that could fly Noble Eagle missions (instead of sending multi-million dollar Raptors to baby sit airliners). Hang a pair of Sidewinders and a .50 cal off a Learjet and call it a day. 1) Again: What? Why gimp the Apache if you don't have to. 2) The OH-58 is becoming an anachronism (as is the Comanche that was going to replace it), most of it's work can be done by Predators or Fire scouts and what can't will be done by the ARH. Gotta agree with you on 6) (also see my above comments it the USAF section) in fact the only reason the USAF keeps stringing the A-10 along is because they know that if they junked it the Army would probably get a repeal of the Key west agreement. Give em A-10s: let the USAF focus on the strategic and tactical let the Army do it's own CAS.
  2. Nied

    Comic Strip #1

    What does it for me is the look on Maria's face in the preceding panel. I've gotten that look so many times from my fiance and you captured it perfectly Vinnie. Good job!
  3. Well since the regional bomber might get the axe no. It's actually more like this. F-22A replaces F-15C F-22A replaces F-117A (with new 1,000 lb penetrating warheads and a JDAM kit it can even take out bunkers now) F-22A replaces F-15E in some missions in others the F-15E keeps up the good work F-35A replaces F-16 F-35B replaces A-10 A decade later some new strike fighter (two seat F-22 with bulged doors? FB-23 derivative?) replaces the F-15E
  4. I started lurking on the old forums when they first opened in December of 2000, I don't think I signed up until late January of 01. There used to be a section in everyone's profile that showed their stats on the old board if applicable, I guess it's gone now.
  5. Actually the VA-14 is described as being heavier than the VF-14. I think the run down is closer to: VF-14: Heavy long range escort/interceptor with a secondary attack role VA-14: Heavier attack/bomber optimized for Zentradi tactics. I imagine that the VA-14 has a wing design similar to the large almost straight wings of the Az-130, which would give it very low wing loading, which is good for carrying a large load of bombs. Drop those bombs however and coulple that wing with the VA-14's more powerful engines and you also have a recipe for a very maneuverable fighter (low wing loading+powerful engines=good turning rate).
  6. The YF-23 could make a pretty good bomber since it's PEZ dispenser weapons bays could more easily be adapted to carry heavy bombs than the F-22's shallow missile bay (ironically the YF-23's bay design was counted against it in the ATF competition, the AF worried about a hung missile rendering half the plane's war load useless). I thought I read somewhere that the most recent QDR proposed to get rid of the Regional Bomber project for which the FB-22, FB-23, and B-1R were being proposed.
  7. While the Macross 7 P*L*U*S* version is often generally accepted as the VA-14 as the link azreal posted points out it hasn't officially been accepted into canon as such (though frankly I like it a lot better than the M3 version). Given it's VA designation it would appear that the VA-14 is an attack optimized variant of the VF-14 rather than one optimized for atmospheric operations.
  8. I forget which book I have that says this, but the F-22 s supposed to have special paint that attenuates it's IR emmisions to a frequency that scatters quickly in the atmosphere. I can't imagine how that couldn't be related to that weird metalic sheen Raptors have.
  9. Bomber mounted guns have become less and less useful as time has gone by to the point where even the ultra observable B-52 has had it's tail gun removed to save weight. In your scenario a B-2 would be better served by advanced ECM (DIRCM or towed decoys) than a gun.
  10. The problem with RAM is that it doesn't absorb all radar waves, it absorbs some (and only at specific frequencies) and reflects the rest back. So just painting an F-15 with RAM paint won't make it stealthy, it will certainly reduce the range you can detect it at (which is why most US fighters have some RAM in their paint at this point) but it won't be stealthy. That's part of why you can't just coat a plane in a lot of RAM and make the rest out of really light materials, the other reason is that those really light materials would still affect the plane's radar signature. A common misconception about stealth is that radar waves behave just like light and just bounce off the outer surface of an aircraft like light waves would. In actuality it's a lot more complex than that where even internal structural components can help increase an aircraft's radar return.
  11. Because you can't keep a good thread down. Last time on Aircraft vs Super Thread Something weird I noticed in the photos Knight26 posted. The VFA-11 CAG and CO birds have 100 range modex and AA tailcodes, while the regular squadron bird in one of the photos has a modex in the 200 range (242 specifically) and an AG tailcode. What gives?
  12. Nied

    Comic Strip #1

    Flippin' Sweet! That's perfect! I'm gonna get to work on doing up those colors in 3d studio. They'll be needed for next week's strip. Curious about your choice of 601 and 632 for the modices (or 600 series in general) I think I'll go with it, though. 384031[/snapback] The 632 is based on something I noticed in the description of Toni you had with his character sketch. You had his callsign as "Griffon 32" which I assumed would also be the modex of his plane (it's too small to make out in the version I posted here but the BuNo you gave him is also on the engine nacelle). As for why I wnet with a six series modex, I figured being a reletively low priority squadron would result in them having a fairly high modex, I imagined that low 0, 1, 2, and 3, modecis would got to hot shot VF-11 and VF-17 squadrons. That and the font I used for the modex (Amarillo USAF) made made five look a little funny.
  13. Nied

    Comic Strip #1

    Hope he doesn't take his CO's plane!
  14. Nied

    Comic Strip #1

    He needs a VF-4 to ride in...
  15. I'll watch it if there's something good on. I wish it was still the Discovery Wings Channel though.
  16. Sort of, apparently they were taking some sailor up on an incentive ride, and during some negative G he thought he should hold on to something. Unfortunetly the handle he held on to was yellow with black stripes. 382629[/snapback] That story seems pretty implausible... 382695[/snapback] Hey, don't ask me I got it from MATS. It makes sense though, the guy wasn't properly briefed, got up in the air, and grabbed the nearest hand hold (that's an F-14D so the ejection loop is right between your legs).
  17. Sort of, apparently they were taking some sailor up on an incentive ride, and during some negative G he thought he should hold on to something. Unfortunetly the handle he held on to was yellow with black stripes.
  18. What I thought about from looking at the trailer (and what I said to my fiance at the conclusion of the trailer) was: "Aren't zere any evil movies on, maybe about an evil island somevere?"
  19. Looks like this guy did fine:
  20. I would have mentioned it earlier but I have a very sexy learning disorder.
  21. Actually having looked over the (very good) pics of the real thing I gotta say that looks really sweet. You're right on the color scheme though, it does look a little pale.
  22. Wow that thing is detailed, but I suppose that's what you get when you build in 1/1 scale. Thing must cost a fortune though...
  23. I beilieve that the RAF has declared IOC and are wroking up squadrons right now. I think I even have a hazy memory of them declaring one squadron ready for combat even.
  24. Like I said normally I'd agree with you but for the fact that 1). The very concept of selling the F-22 is being questioned based on security issues never mind the type of indigineous manufacture deal that the Japanese would most likely demand. 2). The Eurofighter consortium is offering one hell of a sweet deal that includes full manufacturing rights, add that to the Typhoons more mature A2G ability compared to the F-22 (remember Japan wants to replace both it's F-15s and F-4s) and you've got one heck of an offering. In short one pretty close to the deal of the century you mentioned.
  25. Are those even functioning tail surfaces? It doesn't look like it to me. 380254[/snapback] They look pretty signifigant in the line art, and they're the only vertical surfaces on the entire plane
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