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Posts posted by Nied

  1. I wonder if Andrews AFB has the F-22 stationed there yet. If Langley AFB and Oceania AFB have them,then surely several other AFB's around the nation have them ready and are more than willing to have them perform at airshows. I know that it will take several more years for the Raptor to be mass produced in sufficent numbers so that nearly every state in the nation has them. Also Nied, Knight26, or Dave, do you know if they only assign a squadron of raptors to just one of the major bases in each of the states?


    Andrews will probably never have Raptors stationed there. The only combat aircraft to fly out of there are from the DC ANG and they fly F-16s. Most likely they will get JSFs that filter down to them from active duty squadrons (last I knew they flew old Block 30 F-16Cs). If the Raptor production numbers go up and if something happens to kill F-35 production I could see a slim chance of them getting early A model Raptors in 15 years or so but I don't think that's likely.

  2. David, is there any airshows going on near where you live at? I haven't heard of any airshows going on where I live at as I don't see or hear any jets flying around near Andrews AFB. I haven't been to an airshow since 1999. I pretty much lost all interest in going to them since the 9/11 attacks where we have to park our cars at the FEDEX field and take a shuttle bus to the base and couldn't bring bags or ice coolers. Those mother f**king terrorists ruined my favorite May event of my life.


    I went to the Andrews show in '04, it's actually not that bad if you do it right. We found that the best way to do it is to take the Metro in (I forget the stop now, I think it's the last on one the Green line). There's shuttlebusses that will take you to Andrews in about five minutes from there.

  3. Which stick and throttle combo?


    Thrustmaster HOTAS Cougar. My old F-22pro/TQS combo finally gave up the ghost so I figured it was time to upgrade.

    And speaking of doing a good VFA-103 re-paint, does anyone know what the Navair rules are for where you can put tailcodes on the horizontal stabs? I know you can't put them on the rudders but are there any other restrictions? I'd like to try and paint something that's as close as possible to something that could actually fly.

  4. That reminds me. I got a new joystick and throttle combo, I should get to work on re-painting the Rhino available for FS2K4 in a proper Jolly Rogers scheme (one that doesn't have the vagabond stripe going through the LERX, and doesn't have the a tiny little jolly rogers squished up into the corner of the fin).

  5. Short skirts are always good. :)

    This is a good one. Despite a simpler concept the artwork is much more complex. One things though Kristopf and Maria look oddly foreshortened in the last panel. Was that on purpose?

  6. *snip*

    Well, in this case it would probably be the FF-2011 and A/C/non-letter model VF-4s.  The VF-4G and 2011+ is way too good for the Pukin' Dogs at this point in time.



    I doubt you'd see many VF-4Gs in the UN Spacy outside VF-X squadrons. They always struck me as the equivelent of the VF-1X or the Lancer and Bison upgrades of the Mig-21. It's a way for poor independant colony worlds to have a decent VF complement without spending gobs of cash.

  7. Quickly going back to the F-22, FOX 5 News was just talking about the Raptor at Tyndall AFB and how they plan on probably using them in Iran or N. Korea. I know it's not much since we pretty much know everything about the F-22 but I thought that I just let you guy's know.


    Having once lived not far from Phalanx I can say that I always thought Fox 5 was full of crap, and from the sound of it they still are. Tyndal is home of the Raptor Training wing, the squadrons there wouldn't deploy anywhere unless it was an extreme national emergency. The Raptors at Langly (specifically the 27th TFS) are the operation ones, they'd deploy to Iran or N. Korea if needed.

  8. hard to find picture of max that are large enough to be absolutely sure, but this one is deifnitely blue eyebrows


    Everytime Max's eyebrows are behind his glasses they appear blue, however everything behind his glasses appears blue. I'm sure you aren't arguing that Max has giant blue patches behind his eyes.


    so his 'black' eyebrows somehow lighten up and look blue behind the lense? now matter what kind of filter you put in front of it black would always look black, if black looks blue behind his magic glasses then why arent his pupils blue too? besides you can see the blue sticking out where his eyebrows comes out from behind the lense


    Everytime his eyebrows aren't behind his glasses they're black, are they changing color?

  9. OK, so you're willing to accept Roy's hair color as an approximation of blonde even though it is the exact same color as his yellow belt buckle (which by this logic must also be blonde) but Max's hair must be dyed blue because it's blue and he must therefore dye it because blue does not occur in hair naturally, yet neither does belt buckle yellow... but you seem ok with taking a leap of artistic flair to accept yellow as blonde but not blue as an alternate black.


    Well that's the crux of it isn't it? What natural color does Max's pale blue hair represent? With one or two exceptions just about every character in Macross has a pretty good approximation of a natural color: Minmay occasionally has red, brown, navy blue, or purple highlights in her very obviously black hair, Roy occasionally has gold highlights in his blond hair, Claudia has almost orange highlights in her obviously brown hair. But Max's hair is pale friggin Blue! What the hell is that supposed to represent?

  10. I think your monitor calibration is off, these eyebrows are blue. All you need to do is a simple brightness adjustment in photoshop and you see his eyebrows are quite clearly blue. Actually, every clip of Max from Mac7 that I find his eyebrows are the same shade of blue as the dark areas of his blue hair.

    Max has blue hair.

    So let's take this leap of logic some folks are making here and apply it to Roy. Roy has yellow hair. Last time I checked no human on earth has yellow hair. "But yellow means blonde!" you say. No, by the logic implied in this thread Roy must dye his hair yellow because it is not actually blonde, it's yellow. See how rediculous this sounds?


    Looks more grey to me. Roy's hair isn't yellow though it's a pretty sandy color of tan, a pretty good aproximation of blond. It's one thing for an anime to have somwhat simplified the colors in the hgihlights of someone's hair (Minmay has several different color highlights in her black hair throughout her various appearances depending on the light conditions) but Max's isn't close to anyhting natural it's bright friggin blue!


  11. That doesn't really count IMHO.  Look at any comic or animated show.  99% of the time, natural blonde and natural redhaired people will have BLACK eyebrows because it's either too difficult to do such a narrow line, or because the artist is just lazy. 

    That's always an annoyance of mine, anytime a redhead in comics has black eyebrows. 

    Max is no different.  They're drawn black because of laziness, basically.

    And you'll find just as many examples of black eyebrows on Milia for the same reason.  Look at the clip you posted of DYRL--they're black, and I think we all agree she has naturally green hair and should have green eyebrows (like they are SOMETIMES drawn, usually by Mikimoto I think--he cares)


    Actually in the M3 image I posted I cropped out the image of Millia where she had Green eyebrows.

  12. Then that logic extends to Stig and Yellow in Mospeada... all the humans have regular hair colors except for the aliens, Stig and Yellow. Blue in anime is simply "alternate black", it's just another way of having a unique character without giving him yet another head of black hair. If Max dies his hair then I guess he also dies his eyebrows because they are blue as well. He must also specifically request blue tinted corrective lenses for his glasses as well because they are also blue... which is quite stupid because that would make him virtually colorblind to certain colors. Not to mention a fighter pilot wearing glasses while flying a supersonic plane in combat!


    And that's a perfectly good argument except for one thing: Mospeda isn't part of Macross. I'm not arguing that all characters in all anime who have unnatural hair colors must dye their hair. There are plenty of anime that do not use the wacky hair colors convention and with the exception of Max and aliens Macross seems to be one of them (across most of the franchise no less) which leads me to believe that the intent is that Max dyed his hair not that he was born that way.

  13. Max's hair isn't dyed... it's blue. He has blue hair. This is anime... anime people have blue hair. Stig Bernard from Mospeada has blue hair. Blue hair in anime is quite common. Anime is an artistic art form of open expression, one outlet of that expression is giving characters various colored hair to differentiate them from the other characters. Anime has been doing it for decades. It does not mean they dye their hair, they just have colored hair. It's art.


    Actually there's a good case to be made tha Max's hair is dyed. IIRC he's the only non-alien in all of the Macross franchises who doesn't have a naturally occuring hair color. It seems that in Macross' case the anime convention of people having weird hair color only extends to aliens, or alien-human hybrids (like Mylene).

  14. I just honestly assumed that any type of aircraft could fly regardless of it being AS, but I assumed that only aircraft that have radical new wing design concepts were considered AS and required FBW systems to make them able to fly. Like with what happened with the B-35 flying wings where the aircraft was AU because of it's new design but 40 years after the Flying wing concept was panned, it became successful as the B-2 spirit was the able to fly thanks to it's 150 onboard flight computer's and digital FBW control system. I always knew that FBW is used to automatically or electronically control and maintain the body surfaces, ailerons, flaperons and elevators.

      Nied also pointed out to me that the MIG-29 were unstable from the beginning and I just had to think whether or not, like I said before that Mikoyan Gurevich made the Fulcrum AU on purpose just because the F-16 was and that since the Fulcrum was designed to counter the F-16, I assumed that they decided to match general characteristics of it to make it better than the Falcon by purposely making the Fulcrum's airframe AU, making it somewhat small, lightweight

    and maneuverable just like the Falcon.

    When it also came to my mind that triple or quadruple redundant FBW are what they are, does that mean that an aircraft has 3 or 4 FBW systems because they are that bad in terms being AU. By that, I mean that it takes 3 or 4 FBW systems to control it opposed to having just one or two? Also, if the Fulcrum boasts the same general characteristics of the F-16 in terms of size maneuvarbility and controls, how come the Falcon uses digital FBW opposed to the Fulcrum using Analog? Is it because the Russians weren't good at emulating digital FBW systems and that the best they could do was make it analog until they got better at perfecting FBW? Finally to verify this, is analog FBW where only the control stick is electronic and everything else is just dials and gauges where digital is where the stick is electronic and supplemented by small MFD LCD computers?


    The Mig-29 was not unstable until the most recent variants as I said above. It's more that the Russians designed the Mig-29 as a replacement for the Mig-21 (which the F-16 was designed to counter). Mig felt it wasn't necesary to add FBW to counter the F-16's maneuverability, a naturally unstable aircraft with FBW definitely has advantages over a neutral or stable aircraft but it's not necessary to have an extremely maneuverable plane.

    IIRC early model F-16s had analogue FBW before switching over to a digital system. FBW has absolutely nothing to do with what gauges are on the dashboard, in most cases those aren't even controlled by the same computer. You can have a Digital FBW aircraft with nothing but old fashioned "steam" gauges or you can have a non FBW aircraft with a completely glass cockpit (for example the F-15E, A-10C, F-14D, AV-8B, or any number of modern Boeing jetliners).

  15. Well I already knew in general that the SU-27 had an aerodynamic design, but when you say it was unstable from the beginning, was it due to it's large size? When you also point out that I was talking about the MIG-29 being more stable than SU-27,  was it due to the fact that the MIG-29 was relevantly shorter than it?

    If you ask me, I think size is what made it unstable and since the Fulcrum shares somewhat similar design aesthetics with the Flankers except for the LERX. I think that by reducing the size of certain aerodynamically unstable aircraft and making slight to moderate changes to the airframe, you can get them to fly unless the Flankers were purposely designed to be aerodynamically unstable like the F-16.


    Size has nothing to do with it. The F-14 is roughly the same size as the Su-27 family but it's stable. Generally relaxed stability aircraft with FBW just have a center of gravity that's back behind the wing (ie you could balance the whole plane from a point just behind the wing), while naturally stable aircraft always position the CG smack dab between the middle of the wing. The original Mig-29 variants have their CG right between the wings, later models had extra fuel tanks and avionics mounted further aft to push it's CG back behind the wing to give them relaxed stability. The Su-27 was designed with an aft CG from the beginning.

  16. And for those who don't know, FBW systems aren't really needed for most aircraft in general hence the world triple and quadruple because it's only used for aircraft that are aerodynamically unstable. A good example of this would be the SU-37. It has FBW system linked to it's 3-D TVE nozzles and the aircraft is aerodynamically stable with or without it unlike earlier models like the SU-33 and the SU-27 which are stable and don't use FBW control systems(yet....,maybe). So like what Nied said, their just backups that are simply thrown into the avionics of aircraft like airliners just for the hell of it.


    Actually the Su-27 has been naturally unstable from the beginning. Early models relied on an analogue system while newer variants (like the Su-30 and Su-35) have a digital FBW. I think you're thinking of the Mig-29, which did not have FBW in the beginning but newer versions (like the Mig-29M and the Mig-35) do.

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