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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. It seems they are preparing us for a big WTF moment in an episode or two, considering . It'd be really hillarious if they introduce a girl that sweeps Alto in front of the other two, although something like that will never happen in macrossverse, I hope .
  2. I love 0. Could it be that the reason that ASS-1 dropped on Earth because of Aphos? I started wondering how did it end on Earth of all places a while ago when I rewatched 0. And one other thing, have they encountered more humanoid civilazations, well there are Zolans, but still, there must be more Miclone worlds, I mean Bodolza himself (or was it Breetai) said that they are ti keep away from such worlds and that their soldiers were affected by some strange things close to such worlds. When I think about it, Macross Universe is large, I mean the Protodevlin were the only ones from another galaxy that humans encountered, and we only saw ASS-1 and that one wreck during last episodes of SDF from Supervision Army. They have a lot of things they can explore in future series. And I find the whole music is the force of the universe (or would that be sound), or to be more precise music controls the workings of the universe really good concept (there are concepts of god equations from somewhere as well and other similar concepts). One thing that was mentioned in 0 has me wondering, were the first Mayan people capable of drawing power from birdman's fold reactor for their flying and levitating things, or was that because they were more in workings of the universe as PC was at that time? One could say that the Ancients from SG-1 seem to be somewhat similar in their workings, but then again it seems that PC is not around anymore except for their various legacys, be they good or bad. And we've seen at least one of the PC in that underwater fortress in M7. The only fault of M7 was that it had a small budget, nothing else.
  3. I rewatched M7 a few days ago and Anima Spiritia is a term for a being that is capable of manipulating spiritia. They also mentioned that Protoculture managed to seal them off with the help of one among them. PD are now happy in their dimension with no need for further harvesting . Considering full story of macross up to now, humans somehow got saddled with a lot of protocultures mistakes. They managed to take the Zentraedi from their warpath, they helped PD with their problem and now we have Vajra. But then again, humans are their try to repair all the mistakes they made in their time. Interestingly enough, they left Aphos in case humans didn't develop the necessary requirement needed for repairing said damage, which makes me wonder how much potential did they genetically imparted unto humans. The temple in M7 where Mylene's blood opened the central room where the guardian/messenger was was another failsafe. It wouldn't be much of a surprise if Ranka's quarter zentraedi blood has something to do with the Vajra. It could be that the Vajra were another type of weaponry from Protoculture wars, which wouldn't surprise me at all, or that they are something else entirely. It is always good to see bridge bunnies, female pilots and singers in Macross, always
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