Mike, I bought your X-wing kit just after you'd taken it over from Scott and added the new wing joiner which was a nice touch; I was pleased with the quality. Great to see you've done something about some of the accuracy issues since then too. FWIW I reckon the wing chord is slightly short also, but not by a lot, maybe 3-4mm - I just built my leading edges up with a couple of strips of styrene, easy.
How did I get so off-topic? I was going to say - if I'm not too late can I please, please be on the Monster list too? I love that thing.
Also, a 1/24 Elintseeker or Strike or Super would be killer. Or even a D. Or especially a Super Ostrich, LOL! Definitely a stock ship is the way to go first off, but you could do modular conversion sets pretty easily, right?