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Everything posted by Kremmen

  1. Sadly yep; six years and still nothing.
  2. Not bad going from a guy who cursed and swore and said he'd never touch another resin kit! Seriously, Mintox is an injection-plastic loyalist and finds resin stressful so this really is a bit of a tribute to his mad skills, the dirty swine. I've seen this build in the flesh and it's actually more gorgeous than it looks in pics; wish I could do half as well on the paint front. Talented *and* a handsome brute to boot. OK, that last bit was a lie. :D
  3. Oh rly? You know I bought two, right - I'll flog you my spare if you're serious. ;p Get up to Baysie for a beer and I'll dig it up. THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID etc etc. But the pod should really be a lot bigger...if a Valk can wear a Zent uniform and pass as a soldier at a distance, then how's a guy that big ever going to fit inside a pod? Let alone THREE of them, haha.
  4. Great work, nautilus! Mine arrived today. Just unboxing and leaving it at that is impossible. IMPOSSIBLE, I tell you. Thanks Mike, awesome kit.
  5. Mike, I mention that policy of yours every time your name comes up. Your pricing is the best in the business, IMO! It's much appreciated, especially on *epic* kits like this.
  6. Really really good. Congrats on a stellar job!
  7. Wow, wanted it for ten years and had to pass when it finally happens. Balls. Great to see it DID finally happen, though. You guys are going to love it I'm sure!
  8. Building is actually 9/10 of the fun!
  9. Hard to say, I don't have the math to work it out. What's the ship's mass? Is it all lifted by the middle thruster banks? Or does it use AG? If we have a mass figure, and the whole weight is lifted by the thrusters, then you can come up with a per-nozzle thrust figure and probably from there plus altitude you could work out how much energy is reaching the surface. I definitely wouldn't want it to fly over my house, put it that way. Nice pic, btw. I like the underside glow too. Crits: the lights are too even - with visible haze in the pic, the lights towards the stern - which are 1200m further from the camera than those at the bow - should be noticeably dimmer. Also, it's the movie version.
  10. Good to hear, Mike. You're an absolute freakin' hero. Yeah, a super O would seem a bit implausible, I admit. Strike/super should sell, I'd think, though. Undercarriage would be scary. Just about have to be metal, I guess.
  11. Huh. I really dislike the line art and unpainted protos. Hate the FSW canards, dislike the fins, dislike the new long & skinny aesthetic in general. But oddly enough, in that red and white scheme I like it. It could still use some fixes, but it's awreet.
  12. Damn. I'm gonna have to do the same. Holy CRAP, Mike! That is gorgeous. So, any thoughts of enslaving yourself to the entire VF-1 series? Super elint, Strike and Super packs, etc etc etc? Anyway, gorgeous. Do want. Am poor, presently, however. Will it end up in your usual price range, any idea? Cheers, Martyn
  13. I voted 1/35 "Schenkel" walker from Maschinen Krieger. ...what? OK OK, also voted VF4. In 1/48. Hell, if we're fantasizing anyway...
  14. Dammit. Wanted one of these for ten years, and now it happens while I can't manage it. Already committed to some District 9 stuff, and my wife's losing her job next month. Sorry John, I love your stuff to death but this one's just above my price range/cirumstances at present. Envy you lucky sods who'll be getting them! Neptunesurvey, holy cow, that EDF ship is amazing too. Didn't know about that. Another thing for the want and can't have list.
  15. Both kits are fine. There's a lot of dismay at the build quality, I don't understand it unless the population of this board is substantially younger than you'd expect from a bunch of Macross fans. Sure, standards have improved these days, but if you can handle a tube of putty, a square of wet-and-dry and an airbrush, you'll be fine.
  16. Interested depending on price.
  17. Very cool project. MagicSculpt is excellent to work with and you should have no problems provided your patience holds up! I would argue against using card for cross-sections. You will find it is too soft and the edges will 'fuzz up' when you are wet-sanding the putty. The putty will not bind to it well either, or the card will tear - either way your piece will not have the required strength. You would be much better off with thin styrene sheet. You can get 8x4 foot sheets for a few dollars at most advertising supply stores or general industrial plastics suppliers. One of those should last you for this project and many others. With a more traditional shape you might cut a side view profile of the plane (laminate a couple of sheets together for more strength) and space 'lofts' (half-crosssections) along it at intervals. You can also build up the basic cockpit bathtub and landing gear recesses with the thin sheet. With the YF-19 I dunno, it might be better to use a plan view outline as your base instead and make your lofts top/bottom instead of left/right. Anyway, when you fill in this kind of structure with MS you should have a strong structure that is symmetrical and can be sanded down to a smooth surface. Be prepared for many many hours of priming, sanding, rubbing down high spots and filling low spots though. Then repeat, then repeat again. I agree with you about the interpretations of the line art. It will be very cool to see a new take taking shape.
  18. That seems a bit harsh. I for one wouldn't cough up any cash for it because 1/72 is simply a little too small for something this gorgeous and awesome.
  19. In for one, please!
  20. Wow, beautiful sculpt for sure. I love the very series-ness of the surface detail. Big fan of the Salan Scout anyway, if you kit this I guess I'll grab one. Why so small, though? Anyone know where this figure of 5km+ came from for the Nupetiet Vergnitz? Isn't she 4000m, or am I behind the times? 1/5000 would be only 80cm - still quite a small model, but not so much that it would be totally unsatisfying.
  21. Kremmen

    DYRL SDF-1

    Just grab one. Don't freak out when you open the box - it IS a different world from plastic kits. But you'll get all the help you'll need here or on any reasonable forum. A razor saw is another must-have tool, since many resin GKs come with pour stubs that have to be cut off the parts. A motor tool is very useful but don't breathe the dust from sanding or grinding resin. Wear a mask and clean up afterwards carefully.
  22. The Apple tablet is far less than ANYONE anticipated.
  23. Got mine and my friend's today. Just perfect. Thanks, John!
  24. That's ok, Mike, we'll forgive you...for now...for now... Someone just sent me this pic of the Wave prototype - hadn't seen a pic this good until now. Just look at all the nice fixes! No pressure, then.
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