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Everything posted by Tiny

  1. Anybody else waiting for their monster? I paid when I received the notice to pay and still haven't received mine. I didn't get any notices for a missed delivery or anything. Which courier delivered it to you guys? UPS, USPS, Fedex?
  2. How do we cancel our order? I want to upgrade my shipping speed.
  3. I made my preorder. The olive drab gives it a nice militrary look compared to the khaki color. Plus, I would feel raped paying for the inflated prices offered on ebay.
  4. I want this bad boy towering over my other collectables. If they don't announce a release within a year, then I'm getting a Full Metal Ghost.
  5. Dammit! I held off on the SP version Konig Monster on ebay from last week too!!!
  6. Any update on the Konig Monster?
  7. Well thankyou. I remember when I use to be on here everyday like my life depended on it. I see a lot of familiar names and a whole bunch of new ones. Now as for the YF 19, I hope you guys enjoy it. I never got to open or transform any of my YF 19s when I had them. In fact makes me wanna look for my DYRL and Macross Plus dvds just so I can reminisce about the good ol days.
  8. wow, i been out of the loop for a couple years now. im glad to see the progression of the new macross toys. wish i had the money to start collecting macross valkyries again but my damn bills keep me away from my first anime love. hopefully they'll make a new YF-21. I always liked that one more.
  9. my vote is for a DOA movie. Just a bunch of pornstars fighting each other....yeah!!!
  10. i wish kenichi sonoda would make more Gunsmith Cats adventures. It is one of my all time favorites. Now I just follow up with Cannon God Exaxxion.
  11. it aint for a real car.
  12. Yeah, I dug this up. Does anyone have pics of the other macross cars? I got a project I wanna do.
  13. From the waist up it looks cool. They could do better with the legs.
  14. I saw a HUUUUUUUUGE Building size pic of the Mini Cooper Transformer in downtown L.A. I was thinking "It be cool if they made that into a transformer with that much detail." Who woulda thunkit that I hear about this a week later.
  15. Well, it sure was original.
  16. .....and this (I know, its from some other site, but I dont take pictures that much)
  17. Ah man, wish I had an STI. All I got is this (thats my friend riding it)
  18. This gets my vote for being the best.
  19. Prime just dont look right. He has like this gap at the waist.
  20. there isnt any on sale at the site either
  21. Magnus was gay and so was Hot Rod and Roddimus. Make a Masterpiece Jetfire or Skyfire for Tiny please.
  22. Its gonna be the suckiest suck that has ever sucked in the history of suckiness.
  23. That actually looks good. Makes him look like he been hittin the gym
  24. It sounds like a good idea, but when the product comes out, it might come out as a dissapointment. Yamato might have the better valks compared to the competitors, but that doesnt mean the valks lived up to their initial hype.
  25. Does anybody know if the GPO2 is gonna be made into PG since the GPO1 was made PG?
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