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Everything posted by vladykins

  1. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    If I didn't already have the earlier Roundfacer release, I'd have to grab that just for the little tank guys.
  2. As the original person nailed by this, I appreciate all @Shawn's actions to protect us. Pretty messed up and I still feel awful about the people who were duped from my account.
  3. See, @sqidd, the camo didn't work at all. I could totally see her!
  4. No, it bothered me too. Also, I love LEK's detail work but I think it works better on white-based valks than on colored mechs. Especially in armo-fighter mode, it looks more to me like a camo pattern (like the ridiculous girl camo outfits in pink).,
  5. Well, there goes my wallet.
  6. Waaaay more than "helpful".
  7. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    Bandai, put the fool thing up so I don't have to get excited every time this thread pops up!
  8. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    That's a decent price- I'd grab it. I would not expect a reissue.
  9. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    I just wet myself a little.
  10. Yeah, I got the BBTS "This is almost here so be ready" notice on the Iota. Their price is usually around the same or slightly higher, but with $4 shipping, so it often ends up slightly cheaper. OTOH, you have to deal with waiting while you see everyone else get it, since it is shipped to them first by surface ship (and shipping has been totally screwed, so it's added a few months on to the normal 1-2month wait for BBTS). I decided I could be patient for the Iota, but I can't be patient for this one.
  11. Completed with HLJ. I could wait for my Iota legioss (which looks like it is *finally* making it to BBTS) but I'll want this as soon as it rolls out.
  12. I'm glad that Fuke model isn't as pink as many hoped. Still pinkish, but not as terrible as it could have been.
  13. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    I answered asking for the SDF:M line to be completed, especially those that have been displayed already
  14. I don't have it. Honest!
  15. Also got my @LUNA PARK DHL notification. It sometimes takes a day or two go out, but it being a Monday, will probably be faster (my last experience was on a Thursday so a one day turnaround meant the weekend got in the way).
  16. I found who I ordered from and it is from @LUNA PARK as well, so with those starting to ship I'm getting excited.
  17. I'm just trying to remember who I ordered mine with now.
  18. If you are looking for details with colors, then nope.
  19. Love it.
  20. I'm tempted to cancel my PO with BBTS and order to grab from HLJ so I don't have to wait three months.
  21. Most of my DHL stuff rolls through HK, but ends to move out of there fairly quickly unless it hits customs issues.
  22. Took a fast, terrible pict but just received this from @ChristopherB My seventh 1A and second GBP 1J, which is earmarked to be customed into the black GBP from "Love Flows By". The 1D is my second and is going to wear the super parts like the old model kit. The VF-4 is my first HMR of these. Deciding what I'm going to do with the extra 1J (I already have a GBP and one getting whacked by the Breetai from MEPTOYS).
  23. Agreed. I've ordered quite a number of things from them and that $4 shipping is hard to say no to. The cost to that is watching everyone else on here receive theirs months ahead of you. I ordered my Eta from BBTS, got anxious for the zeta and picked it up from AE, and went back to BBTS for the iota. I'm not counting on seeing it until December or so.
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