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Everything posted by vladykins

  1. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    So I've already owned the destroids, regult, and glaug. But I've been holding off on a getting any valks, mainly because I already have valks at 1/48, 1/55, and 1/60 scales, so buying into a totally different scale took convincing myself. But after seeing everyone's picts and @jenius's reviews over time, I've finally taken the plunge and bought one- just one, to see if I can control myself. Not opening it until I get home from work, but first impressions: - Having played with the Bandai DX just yesterday, this guy is so adorably tiny. - I'm loving the fact this has two Hikkies, a Misa, and a Minmei minis
  2. I've been tempted- the articulation for it looks decent given what they had to work with, especially since this seems to cost in the same range as people selling the old non-articulated Matchbox version. Granted, with the rest of my stuff coming in over the next couple of months, I've been holding off on this one.
  3. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    I'd buy more regults is they didn't cost an insane amount now.
  4. I've been tempted by the Dairugger but I just bought a few things and have a ton of kickstarters coming through the next few months so I keep talking myself out of it.
  5. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    Agreed. The Spartan has always been my least favorite destroid and yet I love the little HMR guy to death. The detailing is fantastic for the size; he feels quite hefty and solid to play with. My only small complaint is the cockpit doesn't open at all like the Monster and Defender. But that is so minor compared to everything else.
  6. My baby finally arrived after a bit of a wait: Already having fun popping it in with my other Yammie 1/48s. This has to be my favorite bit of tampo detail, though. I love having the military label for the fastpacks to explain the hole required for them. That and the teeny Vermillion 3.
  7. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    The dead one on the Monster's foot is a classic
  8. They replied back saying the the run would be too small to be cost effective, either through new molding or through paint apps.
  9. Most are doing well. My BIL is Santa Rosa fire chief, so he's been up helping deal with the Kincaide fire. A few friends who live in RP were just outside the power outage zones and just outside the evac zones, so they've been having other people come to their place. One friend I haven't heard from yet lives in Windsor where the fires have been, so I'm not sure yet if they lost their place. Moving the show down to LA?
  10. They say they have no plans at this time. I'm going to note that there are some who would be interested.
  11. Facebook commenting is working for me. I can pop up the comment for you. Edit: Just dropped the following on the black and red edition. I'll keep you posted.
  12. I had this in Skull-Leader paint. I never could understand why the wings were so damn small- would have made up somewhat for the hands that didn't hide and the backpack that was molded shut. I eventually broke the little rail for the right arm to move when transforming and I probably ended up trashing it instead of thinking about how to fix it.
  13. I guess my options are finishing the basement or buying all those valks. My wife will be happy with only one of those two choices.
  14. Grew up in Sonoma County so been watching the updates from folks back home and the KSRO website. You aren't too close to the fires, @jenius?
  15. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    I'll take a Phalanx with a TV Roy in a heart beat!
  16. A few shots from the house. We built a bunch of gravestones.
  17. And hopefully it has Tachikomatic Days. The surreal humor after a serious episode was always awesome.
  18. The only thing good to come out of the LAM version was seeing Kenji Kawai's live performance for the premier.
  19. I guess I have to go back to looking for the instructions on converting my Matchbox to a three-mode beast.
  20. I kind of wish they'd put the kite on the opposite side of the roundels, so you could pop them in either side. BUt then they'll likely just release those with a TV super set later. Any more info on the interior detailing?
  21. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    Or two Regults with a scout for an escort. I'd buy it. BUt hell, I'd buy more Regults at regular pricing considering the aftermarket now.
  22. The cylinder does have an odd blue shadow block in the middle.
  23. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    Them still sitting on one of the most popular destroids still is killing me. Throw the Tomahawk and Phalanx together in a package and I'll buy it.
  24. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    You are cruel. So cruel.
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