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Everything posted by vladykins

  1. In for $5 bot, $2 hot dogs and $1 water.
  2. Has he cursed at the two-piece swing bar? I know I did at least once.
  3. I'd throw in $5 for a anti-scalping bot. Lords know I paid more than that in mark-up when I didn't get in a PO for Max.
  4. Luckily my son kept most of mine in reverence when he was young and so didn't want to mess with them too much. I did have him play with my 1/55 Bandai reissue because those things take a hell of a beating without any issues. Any of the others were likely not going to hold up under much abuse (those Legios might fall apart if you look at them funny). But he was like me in a lot of ways- very careful with how he handled his toys. So now at 16 he has his own toys carefully handled and displayed.
  5. LOL- I had so many landing gear induced finger injuries as a child. Those springs are unrelenting.
  6. Love it. I have a stealth in my urban camo GBP.
  7. And it depends on which ride armor you get. The Beagle ride armor is probably the most complex for transformation, with the new Sentinel stuff a little easier. If you go cheaper for the Megahouse or CMs then the transformation is a bit simpler (but also might frustrate you for other reasons, like accidentally knocking the wheel pegs out in armor mode every time you slightly move them).
  8. That a confirmation on the end of the month for Yellow? Some said December, but I'd be much happier with November (meaning I'll get it December rather than January).
  9. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    OK, just grabbed the 1S Messer and then saw a Milia 1J super for a good price so grabbed that and now I'm going to STOP LOOKING.
  10. I had to up vote for that- I lolled hard.
  11. Looks great!
  12. I'm biting for at least three- my legios need some inbit crawling all over them. Way better than using my old Matchbox "scouts" who aren't scouts.
  13. I enjoyed the Suntory Hibiki, plus the bottle is pretty awesome.
  14. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    The VT-1 does look nice there in front of the Monster. And now I have all that empty space in front all the way past Lego Voltron since I moved the minis to their own shelf So I'm likely going to grab at least the Messer to go in front and then maybe look and see who else I don't have a version of somewhere in a different scale.
  15. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm holding myself to just the VE-1 (and maybe the 1s Messer since that color scheme is so different from most of what I have. But I have a bit of empty shelf space now that I moved all the mini/super deformed guys from this spot to their own shelf over one of the windows (with all my mini Gundam guys):
  16. I've got a Regult model I bought because it was a great price but I'm probably going to send it t a buddy because it is going to just sit here on my office shelf and collect dust. The Moscato sets were very tempting but I knew it would just sit there next to that Regult box.
  17. I really wanted one, but I'm awful at models so having a pre-built toy works better for me.
  18. They're hoping to have these in their warehouse three months from now, so with Sentinel's pace MEP should have some time in market. Granted, I'll buy Sentinel's when they eventually come out too, if they ever get me my Blowsperior.
  19. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    Luckily I already had all the destroids, a glaug, and regult. I gave in and grabbed a VE-1 as well. And I'm looking at the FEXTHobby displays and stands too.
  20. Though a RT product, these look like they will be fun:
  21. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    I've got a Yammie v1 VE-1 which I'm considering selling off to justify buying the HMR VE-1, but my wife keeps being overly supportive and tells me not to sell any of them off and just buy. She's not helping any.
  22. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    I made a serious mistake I need the money to finish our basement, not buy more of these guys. Talk me out of it before I convince myself to get "just one more". You know, maybe a VE-1. And maybe that Messer color edition 1S because it is different. I wish it didn't look so good next to the destroids and Zentaedi. I may try popping the extra Hikkie into the Defender if he fits.
  23. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    That's one of the reasons I've been avoiding it for this long- I need to redo my basement before I go on a buying spree.
  24. Looking forward to picking them upat a semi-reasonable price.
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