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Everything posted by vladykins

  1. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    Excellent! I'll keep an eye out for more.
  2. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    @nightmareB4macross, I for one appreciate the unicorn skeleton, but then my tastes can also lean towards the witchy and the macabre as well.
  3. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    @claude grant Here's a new listing for the Defender- it's an auction but starting at $65 + 10.89 shipping: https://www.ebay.com/itm/NIB-Ban-Dai-HI-METAL-R-Macross-ADR-04-MKX-Destroid-Defender-Action-Figure/174268274297?hash=item289332d679:g:BGsAAOSwjyherFgZ edit: Different seller from before. The Jungle also has the Spartan for ¥ 6,050 and a VF-4G for ¥ 11,000. Shipping might be crazy right now, though. https://jungle-scs.co.jp/sale_en/products/detail/416403 https://jungle-scs.co.jp/sale_en/products/detail/380901
  4. Not sure if anyone saw this shelter-in-place edition from yesterday
  5. There is a 1/48 Angel Bird on ebay for $250 that I spotted while looking for something totally different: https://www.ebay.com/itm/YAMATO-MACROSS-VF-1A-ANGEL-BIRDS-1-48-SCALE/183971840768?hash=item2ad5938300:g:10kAAOSw029djQMI
  6. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    None immediately that low but here's one I saw about a month ago: https://www.ebay.com/itm/BANDAI-HI-METAl-R-Macross-ADR-04-MKX-Destroid-Defender-Action-Figure-Collectable/184199651574?hash=item2ae327a0f6:g:ASsAAOSw8gBeYeRU I'll pop up here when I see some in the same price range.
  7. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    I tend to haunt ebay looking for them and while there is usually a bunch of them for over $100 shipped and a couple in the $85- $90 range, there will sometimes be a seller or two in Japan who dips his price to sell. It's same with some of the Regults which have five million listings with crazy amounts and then there will be one person who dips down to like $125. It requires patience and sometimes searching a few different ways (and always sorting by "lowest price + shipping"). You also have to usually scroll past the "sponsored" links, which will highlight a few and then the price might drop right after those. I'm hunting a GBP 1J right now for a decent price, but I'll see if I can dig up some $80 destroids while I do it.
  8. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    Go get them. You can snag the Spartan and Defender for like $80/each shipped if you keep looking hard enough. And the Monster is worth the price tag. So worth it.
  9. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

  10. Haven't watched yet, since the CGI is making me cringe still. For those watching, is this also taking into account SAC:SSS? Most definitely not.
  11. I tried to transform my blue Toynami from fighter mode and busted the chest/cyclone store tab holding it in (last thing I expected to have a problem with). Returned it to fighter mode and now I don't change them.
  12. Definitely got me lolling here on a Sunday morning.
  13. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    I promised myself not to get anymore but there was a 1D and 1A CF for decent prices and I had to buy them. Now to explain to the wife when they show up since I can't have them sent to the office right now for me to sneak home.
  14. That's a nice shot, @Kuma Style
  15. Awesome- I think I'll be getting in on this preorder for sure!
  16. I should have written "totes" instead! Er, I mean, yes, that is totes legit Macross Bandai DX.
  17. At first I was skeptical, but now I found bbilly was telling the truth. I was surprised at the new box for the DX Kakizaki, though.
  18. I leave for a few days, find a bunch of pages here and get excited for a 1S Roy preorder listing. Instead I get a fake Kakizaki claim and a lot of popcorn eating gifs. So, while disappointed, I am disappointed in the best way.
  19. I've been wanting to stay away from getting into one more different scale, but these picts make my want to get one, @Kuma Style
  20. I'm in the middle of finishing the basement, so I'm trying to keep purchases to a minimum, but does anyone know if Fext is planning to redo the SciFi line again since they are sold out (except for 04)?
  21. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    I got my Regult missile set for about $215 shipped by finding a Japanese seller on ebay that was accepting offers. I started fairly low and kept incriminating by like one dollar each time my offer expired. I think I finally annoyed him into accepting my offer.
  22. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    Agreed- I like the deck-breaking firepower Monster most.
  23. +1 for Tread art
  24. Yep- this room is kept mostly dark and I've still had yellowing on a few toys. I've seen people keep their stuff sealed in the box and still had yellowing, so you try to reduce it but things happen.
  25. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    The Meptoys Breetai beating on Hikaru
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