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Everything posted by vladykins

  1. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    Since I have a few things waiting at The Jungle for Japan Post to start shipping to the US again, I'm tempted to add the ¥ 22,000 Monster they have there, along with the ¥ 6,600 they have for the Defender and Spartan. I just haven't figured how what I'll say to the wife when the Monster shows up and I explain I *needed* the second one.
  2. Just buy the destroids and enemy mechs from Hi Metal R. You will not be disappointed.
  3. This one is interesting in that it basically was trying to recreate the video game in a board game format. Your little fighter piece can extend to go "higher" over wall obstacles or lower to dip into wall tunnels. There are walls with both, little turret towers, and all kinds of bits like that in the game. There are also little fuel barrels you can hit to get more fuel.
  4. The Knight Rider game is somewhat hilarious in concept- we played it with the kids a lot when they were younger. Basically one person controls KITT and the others are "bad guys" trying to get KITT. The KITT player tries to run over little points places to collect them. You can get control of KITT by ramming your car into him, whereas the player controlling KITT keeps control if they avoid it. Players all have "swerve left" and "swerve right" cards IIRC. So when you drive into the same spot as KITT, you and the KITT player decide which way you swerve. If you swerve the same direction, you crash and therefore become the new KITT player. If opposite directions, the current player retains control of KITT. It has pretty much nothing to do with the actual show and the logic of it is even weirder in terms of connecting to the show, but I had to have it when I saw it at a flea market years ago.
  5. Nice! I have a few of those and some others, mainly as reference for wargames like Air Superiority and Air Strike. They are hidden in this area:
  6. Been doing anime series to kill time on the treadmill. Just finished a run through Evangelion and I decided to hit all the Gundam UC stuff in order. Six episodes into MS:Gundam now.
  7. lol- i'm not a grammper yet. But I do love the old Avalon Hill games. For D&D, we mostly play 5e now but other than my kids and their friends, I'm mostly playing over Discord. Too tough to get people together at the same time.
  8. Collect (and play when I have time) rpgs, war games (lots of Avalon Hill), and selected board games. Here's shots of some of what I have:
  9. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    If Bandai releases the tomahawk, phalanx, and scout regult soon, I'll send @kkx some space fillers.
  10. It is a bit higher than that even with business accounts. Our work lets us ship personal stuff if we pay the business price and just sending some beer to a friend in Texas Fed Ex ground (the cheapest route) was still $13. Shipping to Japan would have been much more expensive, so i don't think they are making huge amounts of cash off shipping.
  11. Agreed- about theee episodes in and Standard is a big WTF compared to the rest of the characters- I'm just waiting for him to be a red shirt.
  12. I actually rigged up my old Atari 2600 and Genesis (along with all the playstations) to our Samsung 75". I had to get an RF demodulator for the Atari and Sega, since I had long since ditched our VHS player, but it's been worth it. I have the Atari Flashback 7800 as well and the original Adventure on the 2600 is much more difficult (that frakking bat is much harder on the original).
  13. Love Foundation especially since he tried wrapping it all into the Robots. Another suggestion: A whole lot of Phillip K. Dick. Most of his stories are about the questioning of reality and very rarely have genocidal wars (I guess Technically The Man in the High Castle does...lol).
  14. I also don't mind- it's one thing if they get excessive, but I like seeing a listing related to the toy category we're discussing when it is a good deal, whereas I'm less likely to think about, say, looking for HMR deal in the Mandarake and Jungle threads on a regular basis.
  15. It's the fact that the beam saber is kept in its had that has me scratching my head.
  16. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    Just grabbed two CFs from The Jungle for ¥ 7,700 each. Now it can sit with my Bandai reissue 1/55 vf-1s super skull leader I picked up from them but they can't send yet until Japan Post opens up for us again. I'm not in a rush to get them and I couldn't pass up the price.
  17. I know Sentinel will always be at least a month or two delayed, but with June rolling up, any peeps on the Legioss? I'm expecting late Fall at this point but didn't know if anyone had heard anything yet.
  18. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah, I got sick of looking for GBP that was affordable and pulled the trigger based on reviews and what I saw in the Fext Hobby thread. I'm pretty happy with the purchase (around $70 shipping inclusive). I still need to play with my Sci Fi 03 set up, but haven't had time yet.
  19. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    When the tomahawks come out (and I'm still thinking "when" rather than being pessimistic about them never coming out), I might grab a second monster just to set up a Daedalus diorama. Might be too tempting not to.
  20. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    I should be working instead of playing. But had to check out the OWL armor before doing anything else. This may get me to climb in the attic to grab the CF box to switch out hands...
  21. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    @derex3592 Jungle has Max for ¥ 8,800 with B grade box and Milia sealed for ¥ 13,200. @jenius they have a Spartan with A grade for ¥ 6,050.
  22. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    I can usually find decent prices on Max and Millia on the Jungle, but I stopped looking when I got mine. What price point you looking for?
  23. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    Correction, my OWL armor is here.
  24. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    Also, just bought Owl armor instead for one of my three CF 1As, since it is way more reasonably priced than the GBP units. It's crossing the ocean to me as we speak.
  25. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    I kept trying to ignore these because I didn't want to get another scale, let alone a smaller one. But between the pictures here and @jenius's reviews, I ultimately convinced myself to try out the Monster because it looked awesome, and a Defender and Spartan because I didn't want the Monster to get lonely. But I wasn't planning on getting the valks. But I got a good price on a glaug and one Regult and said I'd get maybe *one* valk just to have it in scale with the rest. I've also gotten decent pricing on another Regult and the missile Regult set. At this point, I have only focused on SDFM schemes (except the Memorial Messer, since I like unusual schemes, especially darker unusual schemes). Having come to thing late, I haven't been able to convince myself to get the GBP for the $280+ people ask for it, but I'm keeping an eye out for when I can grab for a more reasonable price. I keep talking myself out of the vf-2s and vf-4s and I like to focus on the TV versions over the DYRL schemes. Doesn't mean I won't break down eventually just to be a completist if the price is too tempting.
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