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Everything posted by vladykins

  1. Just recently picked this 1/35 up.
  2. Jungle let me lump some things I ordered later into my pile of things sitting and waiting; they said they don't normally allow it but given the situation, they reduced the shipping cost. So now I have a Bandai reissue 1/55 Skull leader with Super parts, 2 Hi Metal R CFs, and now a Yamato Low Vis 1/48 1A waiting. I'm not in a rush to get them yet, since I got great prices.
  3. I'm excited that Sentinel said June 2020 and it might actually release on time!
  4. I want the Houquet ride armor first.
  5. Oh man- that means my timing will probably coincide with a bunch of other things I've ordered finally getting shipped as well. I keep telling my wife I didn't order this stuff all at the same time. Also, I think I need to build another shelf to make more room.
  6. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    You can still find some for a decent price off and on- and it is definitely worth buying even as a single piece without any other HMRs. It is such a solid toy that I love pulling it down and playing with it.
  7. I am similar except my stealth 1J has SSP and then I have another stealth 1J in Urban Camo GBP. And now I eventually have a low vis 1A coming.
  8. Big thanks to @sqidd who just happened to spot a good-priced one while we were chatting here. You rock! For those looking for the 1/60 low vis Roy, I'll keep an eye out myself (or note if I ever decide to give up mine).
  9. I'm definitely keeping an eye out. Given my 1/48s are two stealth and a Anniversary in black and gold, the Low Vis will fit in with my aesthetics. (And my 1/60 low vis skull leader).
  10. I could maybe talk myself into $350, but the prices I'm finding are $450 right now.
  11. I feel the same way about the 1/48 low vis 1A. I can grab one right now but I'm not willing to fork out that much. Yet.
  12. Not sure- I went to the Anime/Sci Fi area and couldn't find it and got concerned, only to find it here.
  13. Haven't bought any of the new Battlestar bits (though I've been tempted by the fighter combat game pieces). But I do have some stuff from TOS and from when TNS came out:
  14. It must be the time for Takatoku GBP armor, because I just picked some up for my Jetfire 1S:
  15. I have to agree with Seto, especially since I'm rewatching MS Gundam right now: if you aren't seeing the anti-war message, it's amazing that you are missing it because it is pratically screaming it at you. I'm still in the first third of the original series and I've already had: - the mother go out with her young son to get back to her husband's town he grew up in, only to find the town has been wiped from the face of the earth. A Zeon pilot flies out of his way to find her and drops supplies to her, only to get shot down by Amaro. The mother even comes out and says "War takes husbands from wives and fathers from children" - Garma's fiance does anything she can to get revenge against the Federation for killing Garma, not knowing Char had as much to do with it as any of the Federation soldiers. I could also go on and on about how the Zeon are initially painted as the bad guys, but then it throws at you the number of problems and later atrocities the Federation commits as well. If all you see are the cool giant robots fighting, you are missing most of the story. The later series keep making this more and more obvious.
  16. Or like he's about to execute a fusion fuel dump.
  17. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    I was able to get the parts from my Hi Metal Fokker 1S to go on the Mesmer Hi Metal R, so I didn't see any issue. I don't remember if I used the Fokker fighter mode connector for the stand or not.
  18. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    I have both the v1 and v2 VF-1D and I keep telling myself to sell the v1 one, but talk myself out of it. I also have the v1 Hikaru that I'd display in fighter mode but I grabbed GBP for it and so I'd have to take that off or put it on the 1D instead.
  19. Universal Century or bust.
  20. OK, I'm dying. Also, excellent use of Beetlejuice.
  21. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    If I ever decide to part with it, I'll let you know. But I'm still trying to talk myself into ditching some of my v1 Yammies (and I keep talking myself out of it with stuff like "But it does have a lot of diecast!").
  22. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    It's also a bit big to try to sneak into the house without her noticing. Plus she'll probably say "Didn't you only have one of those?"
  23. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    I've got one already. I;m trying to convince myself to get another, you know, for setting up a Daedalus display for when the Tomahawk gets released. Which should be any day now, since it was shown, um.... <looks at calendar, starts sobbing>
  24. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    Well, my wife is bi.... Oh wait- Slave IV addressed that too....
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