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Everything posted by vladykins

  1. So it looks like the end of the beam rifle swaps out with the alternate gun. Mine hasn't hit BBTS yet so I can't confirm. Has anyone tried removing the end of their Eta rifle?
  2. At least they custom molded the mini fig and bike. Hopefully that pink gets toned down.
  3. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    I think the HMRs come closer to 1/90 scale IIRC, so a 1/100 might shrink down like that but is still likely a bit small. I'd have to go back and run the numbers.
  4. It's like anytime a toy is scaled- like the Toynami 1/55 alphas which were much much closer to 1/48.
  5. True- it becomes 5.89' which, since we have the imperial system, equals 5' 10.68"
  6. Nice! It definitely looks like it will match nicely with a DX Max! I assume TV green for it?
  7. yet...
  8. I'm thinking HG is not going to cancel the license but is watching to see if BW goes after them; if not, then I suspect Hg will suddenly try to greenlight other Macross series merchandise, despite them being knocked back in court after court.
  9. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    Oh, I did definitely already pay in advance for shipping. They did indicate that ordinarily they don't allow adding on to orders for combined shipping, but since the stuff is still sitting there, then they are happy to do so.
  10. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    Yep- my total with them right now is: HMR GBP VF-1J 2 HMR CF VF-1As Yamato 1/48 low vis VF-1A Bandai 1/55 VF-1S Roy/Hikaru with supers
  11. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    I've got the 1/60 v1 and the 1/48 urban camo and waiting on DX so I can hopefully get a 1J rerelease too.... hopefully.
  12. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    I've never had any issue with the condition of stuff from their descriptions. "Box damaged" usually means way less than what I would describe as a damaged box.
  13. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    So The Jungle had GBP VF-1J for 17,600, so I had to add it to my pile of things that they can't send me until JapanPost decides to mail again.
  14. Then I apologize for setting your AI back a few decades with my selections.
  15. It will if they are using those "Pick out the street lights in the picture" captchas and they are as terrible as I am at deciding "what constitutes a streetlight?"
  16. The trick a carnie told me years ago for guessing weight is look at their arms. I started looking at the size of people's arms ever since then.
  17. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    This from the guy who just forced me to buy one of his Roy HMRs. Twisted my arm, he did!
  18. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    Kids get expensive. The ice cream costs alone right now for two teens is crazy. Which reminds me, I should go upstairs and get some ice cream.
  19. Yep, TWE with release supposedly next month.
  20. I predict that Bandai will announce the DX GBP Chest and Waist Armor Set release (¥25,000) followed six months later by the release of the GBP Arm and Shoulder Armor Set (¥15,000) followed by the release eight months later of the GBP Leg Armor Set ($17,500), followed by the release three years later of the GBP We Haven't Given You the Missiles in the Pods Set (¥20,000).
  21. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    Yep, doing the butt bump here with a v2 Vf-1D.
  22. Disposable cash. Having a wife that only makes fun of me for it a *little* is a bonus factor.
  23. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    If you were closer I'd drop off my low vis just for the picture!
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