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Everything posted by vladykins

  1. I got this one years ago on a blistercard from ebay but mine died some time ago. It was around chunky monkey size though mine would stand without the top hinges and chets popping up like that. Don't know who made it at all, but I clearly remember the terrible decals on the edges of the chest and the skull one.
  2. I'd get another drone- love my CMs version.
  3. ¥10,159. I know this mainly because they sent me this invoice for the DHL shipping cost and then I asked if this was net of what I'd paid previously for shipping, which then got dropped down to ¥7100. I did end up paying their handling fee for each order I did, but still am waaaaay ahead on the prices I got for these, so I'm happy to eat the extra shipping cost. I think I'm antsy because BBTS hasn't gotten my Eta Legioss yet and I haven't gotten anything in a little while.
  4. The itch to have my toys from The Jungle got too great and so I asked them what would be the upgrade cost on shipping DHL. 7100 yen- not too terrible given it is two big items and three HMR sized items (especially since I got great prices on everything so I could convince myself to spend more on shipping to get it now). Their cost for the HMR CF VF-1As alone is almost 6000 yen more now than the two I got. Here's what is shipping to me early next week (finally), including the Yamato 1/48 low vis 1A @sqidd spotted for me:
  5. Love the OG, the Burtonmobile, andf the Animated Series versions so much.
  6. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    It does.
  7. Yeah- the biggest one other than what @jenius mentioned above that I can think of is the hands, but while a different mold they are somewhat simpler. And, of course, the gun is different. I actually hope they stick with the Aoshima/Toynami method with the pop-up sensor on the gun rather than have it up all the time.
  8. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    They can. I took the strike pack from my Hi Metal Roy and put them on the HMR Messer. Then I bought your HMR Roy because as you say, you can never have too many Roys.
  9. I definitely don't expect it for quite awhile, but would love it.
  10. And James T Kirk was mistaken by the Nomad probe for Jackson Roykirk. https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Jackson_Roykirk
  11. Yep, Kaki is like the reverse color scheme of the CFs (brown where white and white where brown).
  12. I wanted to move it to armo soldier mode and see how hands were holding up and the assembly for one engine and leg just came right off. I jammed it back together and reattached to my beta and walked carefully away. At some point I'm going to see where the issue is and just glue it all back together- probably after BBTS gets me my Sentinel.
  13. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    If you keep an eye out you can likely get one in the $80-100 price range. I'll watch and see if anything comes up. Otherwise about $103 shipped is the low end I'm seeing currently.
  14. Me too. I want TV Kaki instead but it does make me want it to see it.
  15. duplicate post
  16. My toynami beta is decent condition (though a little yellowed on the missile packs up front)t, but my alpha is collapsing; I think I'm gonna need to glue him into fighter mode.
  17. I'd get a blue tread for sure and would love a black/shadow version, so if that got made, I'd be all over that. Red and green I'd have to think about on a space basis.
  18. I am the same- I almost always pop the covers on regardless of mode.
  19. I've only found this to happen with some of my small gashapons; never with any larger toys.
  20. Nice!
  21. I preordered the Stick and am waiting for September to see if it actually does release. I'm curious since I haven't seen any other re-release info anywhere but TfSource.
  22. I think those are always fun. Like when someone wants $1900+ for a Yamato Virgin Road or $10,000 for a G1 Jetfire chunky.
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