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Everything posted by vladykins

  1. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    Now I'm asking myself if five CF 1As is enough.
  2. Episode 2 seemed to have a lot of editing issues. Stuff like they go into the basement of the tower looking for Tic's dad, pull the wall pieces out, see the passage and SUDDEN JUMP TO OUTSIDE Tic's dad is climbing out of the ground and they just walk up to him after he gets out. And yes, Lovecraft was a racist and very much a product of his time. We have to remember this is pre-WW II, eugenics was actually a field of study in colleges. That said- most of his writing is more an attack on white trash "Catskill people" than anybody else. You want to see some racism from the same time period that people have "cleaned" over time? Get some old Agatha Christie novels.
  3. Lots of games companies are using that model to take the risk out of producing a bunch of what doesn't sell. Granted, and then you had Palladium's infamous kickstarter. lol
  4. The Udvar-Hazy extension to the Air & Space Museum has one you can walk right up to (along with a ton of other awesome planes, including the Enola Gay, the shuttle Discovery, and I think the only Dornier 335 still in existence. We spent a lot of time there when the kids were little, especially on rainy days because it is essentially huge hangers stuffed with planes and, more importantly, outside of parking it is free. And when I said you could run right up to it, my kids when they were little did: If you come to the DC area, it is definitely a must see. You can see the A&S Museum downtown and then take the free shuttle to Udvar-Hazy if you want the trip totally free.
  5. Yeah, it has yellowed a bit mainly on the shoulder pods. But I have a thing for the black and gray color schemes that made me have to get the low vis 1A to complete.
  6. Still working out where I'm putting all the 1/48 crew now that I have the low vis 1A
  7. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    So I decided to readjust things by doing the following: - Move the HMR Roy who was in battroid mode to just standing instead of being on his custom stand. Used custom stand for HM Roy in the back. - Take the stand that HM Roy was on and use for the last CF 1A. Quick shot of all the valks on one shelf (I had to take it low because I was bumping into the fan/lamp in there). Also the glare through the blockout shade looks more intense than the light actually is):
  8. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    Damn, Grabbed three new HMRs (armored VF-1J and 2 CF 1As. I had two leftover Stage Act 5 stands, minus the connecting boom (I have two previous CF 1As on the same stand together using two booms). I got my original stands for under $10 a 2/pack last year, so I went to get more and am not seeing anything less that $23 now- which is more frustrating because I just need one boom that connects to the base itself. So now I'm tempted to just get a FextHobby one for $6.99 instead, but then I'd end up having to buy something else to make the shipping worth it, like another SciFi 2. Until I decide, I have one CF in fighter mode not able to get displayed the way I want with the rest. Either that or I have to change one of them currently on a stand.
  9. Absolutely nothing that I have found. no tears, no stains, nothing. I thought a fraked up box would still be worth the price, but nothing is missing and everything is like new as far as I can tell for now.
  10. The Bandai 1/55 super was 11000 yen for a b grade box, but I can't figure out why it was graded downwards. Toy is perfect and still has tight joints.
  11. After finally getting impatient and contacting The Jungle to get things DHLed, my package arrived. Thanks once again to @sqidd for spotting the low vis 1A for me.
  12. Still waiting on my BBTS as well, though I know sometimes they are two months behind- I watched everyone play with their Yellow ride armor for what seemed like forever before mine showed up on my doorstep. I did order my zeta through AZ because they have my DX missiles and will have my DX tv super parts later this year, so I figured I could combine them all and ship in Jan.
  13. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    That's why I have Breetai banging from the front. Wait- that came out wrong.
  14. I think there just ended up being multiple discussions, so locking the other one is helpful either way in that if there are discussions, they'll be kept to one thread.
  15. I also sometimes check Mandarake's ebay page because they'll give a price for some items shipping inclusive; that's how I picked up my HMR Dougram bits from them.
  16. Agreed with that pattern being a tease to keep you interested and buying, even though it means if you are currently focusing on tv squads (like me) you end up going "Why DYRL Kakizaki first?" I'd love them to just release faster and start getting some odd color schemes like Yamato but at this speed of release they'll have a nextgen valk before we get a stealth DX.
  17. I only have on dvd and that would have required standing up.
  18. Here's a bigger shot from when Yellow fires some chest missiles at them.
  19. No, the shadow drones are from the battle for Refless Point; I think it was probably put in to make our "heroes" not go and kill a bunch of human pilots to allow the Refless time to take the Inbit away- I'll grab better pictures in a minute but here were the first ones I found online for them:
  20. I don't believe so- the hands are the same as the simplified claw of the standard dark/shadow legioss. The sensor head on the toy does pop up and move around.
  21. It's been so long since I've transformed mine to armo fighter mode that I had to go back to @jenius's site to remember how the arms looked as engines:
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