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Everything posted by vladykins

  1. Top Hun: The Attila Story
  2. I just found a Beagle Stick ride armor at Mandarake for 32,000. I *almost* bought it, but since I just bought the Sentinel version of Stick and I know the look I would get if this showed up right now right after my Sentinel Stick. Box has "some" damage which they call heavy damage, but toy looks excellent. Cloth doesn't even look disintegrated yet. https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1140330710&ref=list&keyword=mospeada&lang=en Please buy this before I change my mind.
  3. Would love white if possible. White is what Toynami/Aoshima went with, whereas CMs went with a crazy gunmetal gray color and Gakken's was a weird off-white that didn't match the rest of the white. The nice thing about white over blue is that if you try to match up different Sentinel's later you won't have a blue and green or a blue and red (or, hopefully, a black/dark gray for the shadow tread... but that's a pipe dream far in the future).
  4. I'd love one as well. I will likely end up grabbing an Aoshima red tread since I'm more likely to leave my Zeta in fighter mode (and I'm guessing the reds will match more than the flat Toynami red).
  5. I have to have the toys handy, so the attic just gets the boxes (and whatever sundry parts come with the toy I'm not using at the time). Makes it frustrating when I want to change modes sometimes (like, say from battroid to fighter, leading to having to get the box from the attic to get missile parts at minimum).
  6. I deal with accountants all the time, so the variation you get from them is: <looks around then whispers> "How full do you want the glass to be?"
  7. A @jenius? Totally different person.
  8. BBTS's stuff has been about 2-2.5 months behind release.
  9. As long as they don't make the rest of it pinker in the process.
  10. Good save!
  11. You have a snoring bully wife? Wait, don't answer that. She might see.
  12. I mostly just display on shelves around my room- my chunkys up there have never had an issue up on that shelf (even the Jetfire is pristine there). We do keep the temp down in the house- most of my things that have yellowed tended to have gotten a little bit of indirect sun (which some room darkening shades have made a big difference on since then). I also swapped out my old CFLs I had in there which rarely got turned on but rarely is enough.
  13. Just bought this Bandai reissue chonky for a good deal: And now it is hanging with some of my other chonkys: You can just barely see the legs of my CF brownie between the 1S and 1J.
  14. Hikaru for being the only 1S. No wait, Max for being the only TV version. No, wait, kakizaki for being the only one to die like a bitch.
  15. My Sentinel legioss from BBTS *finally* arrived.
  16. They put up for preorder a couple months ago with a September date. I grabbed, wondering if it was really gonna happen, and here we are.
  17. But then what would i do with the makeup brush I stole from my wife?
  18. Nah, it was 11,000 unshipped and then sat for awhile until I decided to DHL all the stuff I had loaded up there (that, the Yamato 1A low vis, and three HMRs sets).
  19. Just picked this up from the Jungle a few months ago for 11,000. Still amazed at that price.
  20. That makes the mystery of where TFSource got these even weirder if it is first release. It's like their initial outlay got lost in the mail or something.
  21. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    Yep, the Hikaru 1S isn't made in HM version. If you are *really* OCD, you could get an extra HMR 1S and swap the head on to a 1A HM.
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