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Everything posted by vladykins

  1. I have a soft spot for Macross II as well.
  2. Slightly taller than half.
  3. He said he made the pilot figures but it wasn't clear if they are included or if he is going to make them available separately. He also had a color variation (he notes he is color blind) so the first color was more pinkish. You can see it here: MEPTOYS is going to do preorder on the scout, trooper, and an cougar inorganic from the Sentinels at the same time in the near future.
  4. I haven't watched the Twitch stream, but apparently Tommy Yune whips out a DX Hikaru 1J at one point and talks about the workmanship.
  5. While we don't know what the details are on the licenses, they seem specific enough to allow both Toynami and KC to release transforming VF-1s- so the licenses are either not exclusive or they are very exclusive to specific scales (Toynami with 1/100 and KC with 1/72). So this may prove a difficulty for the HMR stuff (not that we have any of that coming out lately) but could open up the Arcadia 1/60 and Bandai 1/48 (or even a newer release of the chunkys again). Of course, the fact I'm not seeing some of the non-Macross HMR stuff like Dougram already floating around in the states does temper any excitement I might have that we'll see anything on shelves here anytime soon. If anything, we'll maybe see availability in BBTS (hopefully).
  6. I thought the same. I almost felt we'd been past April already. It's been that sort of year.
  7. The SC cover is a couple posts above, but here is a repost: No visibility on a limited variant or variants like they did for Macross yet, but I suspect they'll do one or both series in "leatherette".
  8. Yep, and looks like this will be one of the variant covers: Also looks like they will be Kickstarting so it looks like it isn't a set-in-stone release yet (though Kickstarting is how a lot of game companies are ensuring a market ahead of time now, even if a number of folks got burned in the RRT fiasco with Palladium).
  9. Yeah, I know MEP was asking if people wanted 1/48 to scale with the common legioss scale or if they should upscale for more detail.
  10. That was the initial prototype. They've refined the design a bit to make it look better. Here's a few shots from the FB page of the factory sample (unpainted). It isn't Cap awesomeness, but as I've said before, I can't make a model look good to save my life. I posted a picture of the packaging some time back as well- I'll see if I can find it.
  11. Last thing I have is some of the early release stuff that mainly showed what content and which order it will be in. I haven't chatted with the authors in a bit, but the image further up the thread is supposed to be from one of the front covers (I know they released the original Macross book in three different covers).
  12. My eyes have been looking a bit bulgy lately, but then I thought that was just the blood pressure.
  13. Just not used to seeing this on FB:
  14. OK, someone created this and said "Now this is possible" I had to laugh:
  15. Macross Youtube channel is no longer region locked. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKeM8HXpwR0qc0RtH0GKyMg
  16. Origin of the Veritech! Ouch- I'm kidding. I'm kidding. STOP HITTING ME!
  17. No pricing yet, but MEPTOYS prices have been all over- the Breetai was relatively inexpensive for what it was at $18 (even if articulation was limited), the small scale (1/145) Invid/Inbit resin figures are $8 for a fighter scout/Iigaa to $15 for an enforcer/gamo. So it's tough to see what the final price may be.
  18. Cap's are definitely superior but I'm also crap at modelling. These are supposed to scale with the Sentinels but until we see a comparison pic it will be hard to tell.
  19. I will not complain if they put a vtol on a black one. I'm not entirely sure why it was left off of them in the first place.
  20. No VTOL, no shoulder sensor, different shoulders/engines (but that is difficult to pull off to be anime accurate in all modes) and different head (but that difference is obvious). I'll jump on a black one for sure. But hell, I'll jump on any version tbqh.
  21. Close.
  22. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

  23. Grabbing mine from BBTS- I just grabbed a bunch of stuff from Yahoo JP and need to space out the mech buying a little more.
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