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Everything posted by markramsay

  1. thats kind of what i'm already in the middle of doing.. I have already worked with delta, from reprolables before on other sets, and will be asking them if the want apart of this, otherwise, i will be printing these myself where i get all my other stickers printed.
  2. OK, so i did some prep work in PS, and got some details out of most of the decals, but i'm afraid that the smaller ones are just to small to duplicate. I was thinking that if anyone had a decal sheet for one of the ride armor model kits, from what i've seen online, those decal sheets would be enough to design a whole kit, along with a lot more extra bonus stickers for thos who like to really customize. I was thnking about bidding on one of the kits on e-bay, but wanted to check here to see if anyone had one to scan for me in 1:1 120 dpi.
  3. WOW, thats... almost PERFECT. i may not be able to get the fine detail, but i'm sure i can come up with something. I need to make sure they are to scale and do some test fitting, but i will be sure to let everyone know when hey are ready. THANK YOU!!
  4. I am a Transformer reproduction sticker designer from TFW2005.com, and i am just getting back into robotech, macross, and my fav, Mospeada. I purchased the megahouse cyclones to find that the decal sheet is a mail away promotion in japan, and decided to make my own. I am looking for a nice rezolution image to base a vector trace from, from either an older cyclone model kit, or one of the figures. can anyone help? if you can, e-mail me@ markanthony@film-exposed.com any help is much appreciated.
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