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  1. Just saw the Calibre Wings 1/72 moving elevator diorama set is coming. That's so cool! Price not bad either. https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/136428
  2. Yes. Taobao does that. But they can hold everything for you for only 20 days before a daily rental fee kicks in and in one order you may not make more than 20 items (individual purchases). Also there are a myriad of forbidden items not allowed to ship: weapons or miniature replicas, batteries, shampoo, resin models, anti-communist propoganda items, etc. For something like this I wouldnot consider grouping them with anything else. There is also a maximum package box dimension requirement.
  3. So the elevator set is sold out. The carrier deck A+B+C+D retails for around USD $380 plus taxes but international shipping might cost another approx $100 to the U.S. in my experience. The seller need to make them so there is a 30-day waiting time before shipment. Taobao offers warehouse storage, repackaging and shipping to the U.S.
  4. these are not kits and they come finished and ready for display. And this guy also makes the carrier elevator.
  5. Anyone saw this set on TaoBao? The guy made them himself. It's really 1/72 scale but it works equally well with 1/60 macross valks. Looks pretty impressive.
  6. I will order 1 x 1/60 unpainted and 1 x 1/72 unpainted please
  7. The Arcadia Yf-19 now costs USD $300 + anywhere I looked, on Amazon they are listed at around $700 - There is no justification whatsoever for paying that much for a toy like this. So Im glad to see BANDAI is getting into the fray. And It appears Bandai's version is alot better than Arcadia's, and likely cheaper. WAY TO GO ! For Bandai, it's not difficult to, say, upscale their Hi-metal VF-19S and tweak them a little bit and you've got VF (YF) - 19 now
  8. Thank you all for the suggestions. Ahem... I mean royalty fee.... but let's think about that later not until the kit is in the final phase (and worry about their laywer's letter), shall we? To clarify, I am using the clay to just study and understand the shapes. The nosecone/cockpit does feel kinda heavy and ~soft~ (held in my hand it feels kinda like a dildo, LOL!). Anyway, for the final master sculpt I am ordering jars of MagicSculpt, which is self-hardening and no worry about getting sloppy. I just need to make some initial framework, could be just cardboard hot-glued together. Does not matter, only the final shape matters a lot. For scribing the lines let's worry about that much later. I am in dental school so I have a lot of scribing and drilling tools you see. Still, the difficulty is to nail the shape, proportion, angles of planes and curves etc. The line art appears simple but there is actually a lot of information to extract with even more open to interpretation. That no amount of CAD can help with (as I believe that's what Hasegawa and Yamato did with), and I believe only with a pair of sculptor's hands and an artistic instinct will it be done right.
  9. So I started playing with the clay. This is just to understand shape and volume. Out of a pile of **** came out the nose cone first... looks close to the line art, no?
  10. Hi, all. I was thinking about this for a while now... Kawamori's sketches of YF-19 seems pretty practical to be translated into real model. His line art always has a kind of chubby, plump feel. I was never comfortable with the hasegawa version of YF-19, be it 1/72 or 1/48, because they appear too straight, or flat, and the curves are all wrong... The model feels sort of boring and ugly. Only the 1/72 Club-M kit truly captures the beauty of YF-19. Images courtesy to Mr. March, Macross Mecha Manual. I was studying the sketches. It's very doable. I like the high-speed configuration particularly. I know there are many ways to scratch-build, and I am leaning towards using clay to directly sculpt the plane! and later cut apart the pieces and make articulations at the joints. In 1/32 scale it's gonna be a big bird, but that will be the best way to bring out the beautiful curves of the design. The model will not be fully transformable like YAMATO's 1/60 YF-19. But you can detach and re-attach the limbs and parts to complete the transformation process. The goal is to be as anime-accurate as possible, with possible custom sculpted inter-changable parts in order to overcome the "anime mecha magic" if you know what I mean. My question for you guys are, however, once I sculpted the master model, I really have no good idea or experience in breaking it apart for resin kit production. How is it done? I don't want to get involved with the chores of molding and casting, or printing decals. .. ... and if I plan on offering this as a kit, do I need to pay a loyalty fee to whoever (Harmony Gold)? And lastly, would you be interested in buying another YF-19, possibly more expensive than the YAMATO 1/60? I was hoping to sort these things out before I go ahead.
  11. I would almost settle for the uglier 1/60 YAMATO VF-22s, but still I want the blue bird with yellow stripes from the original OVA! But eBay prices for this valk are almost all above USD$200. That's the street value for what the YAMATO valk is actually worth? Is there a good objective source to evaluate the range of their value?
  12. Besides Prime, I don't think so far any other ROTF figures is worth collecting though. Last pic.
  13. Another shot with the unleashed figure. "______________ , Bumblebee !"
  14. Got the new ROTF movie Prime today. He is AWESOME!! Vast improvement everywhere, especially in the proportion and sculpt. If Yamato were to sell such an intricate transformable figure, they would charge $200 + for it! Hard to believe it's only $44.
  15. Another fly-by shot
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