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Everything posted by red2alpha

  1. I'd like to do this to my Destroid Tomahawk. That big spot light is just begging for a working light.
  2. Thanks, all of you for the imput. Like I said, I knew I was beating a long dead horse here, but I had to ask.
  3. red2alpha

    Bunny Bridge

    Like'n it !
  4. Forgive me if this has been covered long before but I have a few questions about detaling my new, fresh from Nippon, 1/60 VF-1S from Yamato. First the VF: Last year I bought the VF-1A Woodland and detailed that. For marking I went to my hobby shop and bought a bunch of dry transfer decals for the numbers, that was easy, then, using my Xacto knife trimmed the stickers that came with the VF and applied them, making sure to burnish the stickers after appilication. That worked out pretty well but not perfect. I wanted to get the custom decals but was unable to find them. For the panel lines I mixed a wash of Tamiya flat black and thinner (X-20?) and used a very fine brush to apply it to the panel lines using capillary action. It turned out okay, there was some bleed over but the effect was over all good and not very noticable, the Valk being woodland and larger. Now I have the 1/60 scale VF-1S which is smaller and white and I'm afraid that the old method will ruin the finish. I have considered using a mechanical pencil for the lines but then that would mean spraying the entire thing down with a fixer, which would mean masking and blah, blah, blah... So, how do you guys do it? That's pretty much it.
  5. Fantastic art work! I loved your casting ideas, Seth Rogen as Ben Dixion ! I laughed my ass off at that one! How great. Like you I love both Macross and Robotech. Without Robotech I would have never become a fan of Macross.
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