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Everything posted by Macross_Fanboy

  1. I like my CF 0A, I have it lying in a heap with Nora readying the execution. I've been feeling the temptation to order my Shin 0A from the many CA based vendors on evil-Bay. I guess I'll make it the X-mas gift to myself, but I'm wary about the arms disintegrating since I don't live in Japan anymore and I don't believe Yamato even makes the arms for Shin's since I had to return the entire arm assembly for my CF once my replacements came in and there was cause for concern so my wife had to let them know what color the Valk is.
  2. I'm glad I didn't get mine now. I'll wait for Yamato to snag the rights to Frontier even if it takes forever. I'm going to transform my Koenig Monster to see if it isn't falling apart since I've had it for about a year now.
  3. You still can and counter maneuvers have drawbacks to them especially if you find yourself low to the ground around some buildings. The DFM does make for some interesting encounters. The best one I've had so far is myself in the Rafale against another guy in the same type and we kept countering each other until I slipped. It makes it fun, more than Star Fox did since you didn't have to just keep level when you have some other guy half the map away launching Phoenix missiles at you.
  4. Man this game is awesome. Played against what I believe is a MWer just today on XBL. Of all the reviews I saw, GT.com had the most reasonable one. Multiplayer is awesome, it just sucks when you have shitty people who can't do anything more than try and lead you into the ground during DFM. I know I have enough skill to be able to shake somebody or perform a counter. I wonder if it sold well enough to warrant another since their approach was to steal games from the FPS fanbase with some very Hollywood-like scenarios and COD/BF-like themes and aesthetics. My favorite jet has to be the Rafale for me, although I managed to slaughter quite a few people and hold onto second place for a bit with a POS plane like the Su-24.
  5. Too bad I have almost everything already, too bad I couldn't wait even longer for the VF-19 SB but oh well. The only things I lack are a SDF-1(even with a sale too expensive) sans Bandai's junk.
  6. So I finally got mine in the mail today after waiting impatiently for it. I could understand some of the finer dialogue from my rudimentary ability to understand Japanese. Anyways, who else is on the same page when it comes to saying that this is what Frontier should have always been? Also, who else thinks the YF-19 and the transmission from it was the ultimate fan service ever in the history of Macross? I sure do. I let out a w00t in glee, also, the beginning parts of the movie with all the fancy poppy animation is a delight to toddlers who then fall asleep and stay asleep during the high pitched musical notes and loud explosions that a home theater system can provide. I really dug the 5.1 DTS Master Audio track and it looks amazing on a 55" LED. I can only imagine what it would look like on a 60-70" set.
  7. So this thing has articulated fingers now?! Sweet! I'm gonna hold off. Yamato's products are higher on my list of priorities.
  8. I'm interested, I'm out here in Vacaville so not too far away from SF.
  9. That is just too amazing....
  10. Yamato can replace them, they did for me. Too bad you have to live in Japan.
  11. What is a good stand for battroid? I bought a set of FP stands for a try and they seem great for fighter, is mixing and matching the rods needed for Battroid?
  12. Ah, both of mine are fine, floppiness and everything!
  13. Hey, I just got a copy of Re.Fire!! and has anybody translated the insert concerning City 7 in 2060? My wife isn't here and I can't find anything on the interwebs.
  14. LOL, wasn't expecting that!
  15. Wow, that's awesome! Thanks for sharing!
  16. Holy fart dude! My wife would say it's stupid and what kind of satisfaction I would get from something like that, then I spin it on her and ask her what satisfaction she gets with the $4500 rings on her finger.
  17. From the album: 25s

  18. From the album: 25s

  19. From the album: 25s

  20. From the album: 25s

  21. From the album: 25s

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