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Everything posted by Macross_Fanboy

  1. Well, well, well, FML. I always suspected as much when I had to order replacement arms. They weren't quite sure if they had them so they had to ask for which VF-0 in particular. I'm going to have get in touch with them. It's not a part replacement, it's more of an installation correction. I wish I'd noticed this problem back when I got it and couldn't transform it.
  2. Yeah, there's just no way. My mother-in-law is on her way to visit us so I think I'm just gonna put everything back together and send it with her back to Japan so she can send it to Yamato then I'll wait until March when I meet her in Italy to get it back. What a pain.
  3. Very easy, just fix the damn floppy left wing!
  4. Where exactly? I got a tiny eye glass frame flat tip and it just seems to be damage the plastic piece where the 3rd set screw goes.
  5. I knew it! Flame on! Anyways, I could care less for Mac II, but it did leave a lasting legacy that was eventually seen in Macross Frontier. It is the only Macross series not in my collection.
  6. Wow! Not a big fan of these kinds of movies, but I think I can stomach this and enjoy myself. I can only wonder what kind of racial tropes will be involved.
  7. That too. Sometimes my 2 year old in her healthy curiosity of my collection pokes one of my VF-22s with her finger and the mains collapse. Very annoying.
  8. No, not worse than Pearl Harbor, that is what I like to call "Michael Bay Bad" which is very different from "George Lucas Bad."
  9. "Real" my ass, still this movie looks good despite the dumb-assed marketing concerning the actors of the film.
  10. Not horribly bad, but not OK either and not looking forward to owning this on Blu or even Netflixing it. Concerning the minor characters, when I watched them and their banter the image of the crows in Dumbo came to mind since I watched it recently with my little Meltran. The only good acting was by Terrence Howard, everything else was just so horribly bad. There was no tension to the combat, I wish it was more like Pearl Harbor's brief, but sweet dogfights. You felt that Affleck's character was in constant danger as he fought against the Luftwaffe. In this movie, not so much, more practical effects would have been nice too, but oh well, it's the 21st century.
  11. I would like a better way to transform it back into fighter mode when it comes to stowing the damned legs. Removable feet would do it for me.
  12. I'm all for Navy movies, but could it be something else other than aliens or at least not having the title be to a board game based on sinking somebody else's navy? Rhianna as a sailor who just happens to go on a RHIB is laughable, that would either be a BM, MA or a GM/AO on the minigun. I don't want to see Liam Neeson in this either, it just doesn't suit him. Plus, the Mighty MO? We'd never sail her again.
  13. VF-0 for sure, it looks so much more contemporary than the VF-1 in all of its variants and all appearances made in series after the 80s.
  14. No. I took a look at my CF-0A once more and I discovered this!! See? Now look at these last two: See how the number should be facing away from the backplate clamp for Battroid mode? Apparently the sweatshop worker was exhausted when he put my particular VF-0S together. I'm trying to get the bar off and flip it, but it seems like it was set in place and then the plastic piece where the third set screw for the torso/fuselage goes is cemented on or something. Any expert modelers have any recommendations on how I should go about this corrective backbone surgery?
  15. Man that's some amazing stuff. I really like how the head looks too. It kinda reminds me of those blue Megaman-like Reploids from the Megaman Zero series.
  16. Ok, now for another VF-0 gripe, this one has to do with my VF-0S though, when I initially got this re-release in 2010 as a reward for my harrowing life or death experience, I attempted one transformation. I couldn't get it because of the swing bar, so I just said eff it and put it back in fighter mode. Now, I want to change up my M0 display and the bar cannot go in no matter how hard I try. It isn't a hard thing to do at all because my CF-0 is lying in a heap in Battroid mode with Nora readying the execution. Anybody else experiencing some kind of warped swing bar? It's a damn shame I live in the States now so I can't send it back to Yamato and sick my wife on them.
  17. Very cool stuff. Looks like the VFX-2 VF-11 scheme too!
  18. Yes, ZZ sucked at the beginning, and Banagher's dad wasn't much of a dad unlike the wide-eyed kid in AGE who's motive is more clear in that regard. Banagher isn't fighting to avenge his dad. Regardless, I can't watch AU very much at all.
  19. Didn't watch G-Saviour, Gundam is anime, not a live-action B-movie. I can't get over the aesthetic choices they made for this and it's all very tired, hero sees loved one get killed, boy hero gets in mech, see where I'm going with this? 00 appealed to me somewhat, but I didn't watch more than a few episodes.
  20. Character designs look nice, but overall this looks like trash to me. UC only for this guy, FTR.
  21. I'm up for a a NorCal gathering, just need the date.
  22. A con at UCLA in September? Should be no problem for me to attend, gives me a good reason to take my BMer down the 101 to get to LA.
  23. 45,0000 for SDF on Blu...
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