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Everything posted by Macross_Fanboy

  1. I'm a Star Wars fan and I have to say: Damn! Looks like you got it from ILM, or maybe looked at the super detailed Rogue Squadron 2 and 3 art renders! Either way, good job. You're a pretty damn good model builder, mslz22! B)
  2. How big is this file?! I click on the link and seems to take forever to load! And I have a DSL modem!
  3. I always thought that the VF-1s were about the size, if not, bigger than an F-15E Strike Eagle. Because that plane is one big mofo, any bigger and it'd be a bomber. And that VF-1R from Battlecry sucks! Game is pretty fun though, solid shooter all the way. Right now I'm trying to make an F-15 into a VF-15, but I need a freaking VF-1 toy to see the mechanics, the transformation of the VF-0 from Macross Zero part 1 helped some when watching the fighter to Battroid sequence. How tall is a VF-0 Battroid (American units of measurment) when compared to a VF-1 in Battroid mode?
  4. Yes it does rule! And I have a question that's been bubling in my mind as of late when I saw the original dubs from the original four parts. Did the voice actors change for the Movie? Isamu doesn't sound like Isamu in the original four parts.
  5. At least he's dreaming, man I haven't had a good dream since mid-summer. And props on the Kawamori CG.
  6. It's true, they are in the proccess of making a Metroid movie. As well as a Mech Warrior movie, um...Crazy Taxi , Alice, Silent Hill B) , Shenmue I think , and...a few others that I don't remember. Go to IGN, look in the movies part and search for games to movies, there's a whole list.
  7. Doesn't matter, Uxi, Zentran=Man, Meltran=Woman. They are technically humans after all, most of the differences in them would be in the ears, they're not exactly human-looking. And if you noticed in Macross Plus, I didn't look like Guld had any eyebrows. Or did any of the Zentran that boarded the SDF-01 in DYRL? during the armistice.
  8. Oh yeah! Slish and Slash! Crash and Crumble!
  9. Yeah, if you screw up on it before putting in the decals you can always buy another MiG-29A Fulcrum or you can get the German version, the MiG-29 Sniper. Make sure they're Hasegawa though! The Hasegawa MiG-29 that I built looks nice even though I can't put much detail into it because I don't airbrush and I can't find the paints I need to make it look really nice sometimes. And I'm still a newbie at model building, I have shaky hands because I crack my knuckles too much so it makes it hard for me to build. Damn English papers... <_
  10. I'd like to start downloading emulators and roms, but I don't have a list of all the good sites anymore, especially the ones for the Callus 95 arcade emulators, I sure loved the Megaman game they had. Is Arcade@home still around? Because that's where I got a lot of my Neo Geo roms. Gotta love Metal Slug 1, 2, and X, I don't think they have 3 yet. Killing them Nazi look-alikes is fun!
  11. I saw it, and all it got out of me was a chuckle, too bad they couldn't throw in a surprised scream or yell.
  12. Yeah. I'd like to have seen it actually kill something. As for the aces thing, perhaps since we only get to know of one ace and that ace is Millia, and there were 639 of her, I guess #639 was the ace of her earlier selves. Hey, do a Zentran's and Meltran's memories remain when they are grown again or are they just "blanks" with only one mission objective?
  13. I remember that game and I played an SNES AVP platform game. Terrible game, I prefer the PC games, I still haven't tried AVP 2, all I have is AVP Gold Edition. Those PC games are funny if you play as the Marine though, it's pure irony that he tends to oversleep and get left behind in the first game. The second one is even more ironic because he is awake and still gets left behind, I'd be shaking my fists at the transport filled with my friends that were able to get away!
  14. Well, I think it'd be a lot scarier if it was focused around the Colonial Marine's survival because we can relate more to him than we can some Predator that can cloak and do all this cool stuff that makes him virtually invulnerable.
  15. One man, or in this case, woman that is just a regular troop won't make a difference in a war that's been fought for hundreds of years. Everyone get that?
  16. Modern fighters. So far I've built an F-15C Eagle, F-16 B Plus Viper, F-117 Nighthawk, F-18C Hornet, two MiG-29A Fulcrums, one Hasegawa and one Italiaeri, and I'm going to start working on my Macross Zero MiG-29A.
  17. Not too funny. But nice collection!
  18. Yes it is. Well, hopefully I get my job at Bestbuy and then there's always cash from Christmas. Well, provided that I don't have a girlfriend by December or next year, girls tend to cost us guys money. Even if they're just friends.
  19. It'd be a stalemate, I mean they both had the same numbers, and the Zentran had a better range of mecha, but even with that it'd be a tie. If it was clear that the Meltrandi were superior to the males they would have won a long time ago, but they didn't. They've been fighting for hundreds of years and both were virtually defeated by the SDF-01 and the rude introduction of culture to both sides.
  20. Perhaps. I know this is a silly possibility, but, what if the cargo plane with the shipments of the games crashed? LOL! But I think maybe they discovered a major glitch or they went back to pack more stuff into the N-Rom. But this still blows because I was going to have friends come over and play, the Force is not with them when it comes to flying down the Death Star's trench.
  21. I'd say that neither side would win. Both have nearly unlimited resources. And the Zentran were made to be bumbling fools because of Millia, we all saw what she did to a couple of Zentran in DYRL?.
  22. Coloring them wouldn't be too bad. IMO I think that the Valkgirls are the kind of pictures that look better in black and white. And the cockpit between the breasts, now that I think about it...whoa!
  23. Hmm, I think it's one of those games that are better off remaining as a game instead of being turned into movies. I'd rather have it follow a Colonial Marine instead of a Predator, it's much scarier. Game freaks me out when you're running low on ammo and that stupid image intensifer make it hard to see an alien. The minigun is my best friend in that game.
  24. Okay...I've got nothing else to say except that I'm sorry.
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