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Everything posted by Macross_Fanboy

  1. Super nice collection!
  2. Bleh, the trailers look dull. Replace the zombies and chick with Gundams or Samurai and it's the same thing.
  3. Damn, I wish I was over there right now! ARGH! First Gundam 30th I was there but incapacitated and now I'm back in the States missing out on this!
  4. Damn, my trip to Italy is the day before the SF show! DECULTURE!!
  5. I think in South Park Stan was diagnosed with being a cynical a-hole which is what we're becoming I suppose. LOL
  6. Neat.
  7. So May'n will be here in June?! Damn, I think I'll be on vacation by then!
  8. Hell yeah! Awesome sauce! Now...make one with VF-22s!
  9. I love the original and Plus, 7 and MF and 0 were fine too, but 0 and MF were good in that they were tied together.
  10. That would be awesome, replace shiny Valks with girtty ones! I agree though, it does enhance the gameplay in some form.
  11. Really like this one the best.
  12. WOW!!
  13. Well it notes the 30th, but I would have preferred that the NAVY on the engines read UN SPACY instead, but oh well. Both schemes were 400MS. Other than that, nothing else really. Very easy to modify the 1J scheme to an M&M pair. No modifiers to gameplay unlike the schemes from AC6. Either way, makes the F-14 more flyable and enjoyable just to be zipping around launching AIM-54s and humming Dog Fighter to yourself. Oh, and no. Everybody I know except my brother does all their gaming on 360.
  15. Well well well, very satisfied that I was able to DL them. US 360 and AC, but Japanese XBL account and I can use them online! Hey-Oh!
  16. We can go eat some Yakiniku, a bit pricey, but good eats.
  17. When in March? Where though?
  18. Man, I'm ready to go out whenever. Especially now since I'm home alone for the next 11 days.
  19. Count me in! Establish a date and I'll burn some leave days. I live up in NorCal.
  20. Adding this to my Faves on YT! Simply awesome! I didn't expect MF to be in it.
  21. Oh how I want, but I still have to focus on getting the Mac7 Valks and the SDF-1 before diving back into Bnadai's DX line.
  22. Anywhere as long as I get to drive down the 101!
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