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Everything posted by Macross_Fanboy

  1. Nora Polyansky, always new the Russians would be the cause of the Third World War...
  2. We've all had some sort of "fragile object not breaking after falling from what seems like 100 feet" thing happen before. And then followed by what my 11th grade English teacher calls, "shiffa, fashas," Something like that happened to my F-15C model and F-18A. A lot of cursing going around that's for sure, but not as much as when my computer decides freeze or crash or not start up properly...especially when there's a term paper due in one week! <_<
  3. I just saw the movie today and I was blown away and nearly laughed my ass off. That is the second movie I've seen directed by Taranitino, and it rocked. The only gripes I had were that the severing of limbs and stabbing was too exaggerated. It's like those people had a fire hose in them spraying blood all over the place. Can't wait till Volume 2. Great ending to Volume 1. That is the goriest movie I've ever seen.
  4. Try www.unspacy.de
  5. Check out my wallpaper in Fanworks! Look in the "Macross Wallpaper" thread!
  6. Man, you people ask hard questions! There should have been a "Both are equally matched" choice, but I had to swing towards the YF-19.
  7. Alright! I'm done with my first wallpaper! YAY!!! Now, I'm gonna post it and I hope you all like what I think is a kick ass wallpaper. For those who see it, I want you to judge it! And be straight up with your comments, I want to know the errors I made so I can avoid them on future projects. Note that the skulls aren't on right, I couldn't get them on right. I used MS Paint for this, Photoshop is too confusing.
  8. Thanks tom, I just wanted to know that because I'm making a wallpaper.
  9. I have a question....may be a little out of place and stupid but....what number is Max and Kakizaki in Skull Squadron? I know Hikaru is Skull 011 and Roy is Skull 001. I just need to know what Max and Kakizaki are. And Kakizaki's full name.
  10. Cool wallpaper guys. I'm working on one right now, I hope to finish the detailing and coloring in tonight on the Valkyries. It's my first attempt at fan art, I just hope that when you all see it, I hope you all like it.
  11. I don't like the chores and puppy eyes approach, I just do chores so I don't get reprimanded by my mom the facist. And birthdays are another thing, and Christmas too, I'm better off getting cash for X-Mas and my birthday rather than clothes that I'm not going to wear, especially if it's that preppy-looking crap. <_< I'm more worried about me being around 20 years from now. So many things are bound to happen, and I want to be Marine Corps fighter pilot.
  12. The icons, not the wall paper, I noticed that some of them are Macross related icons. Because searching for Macross desktop themes.
  13. True that...but still...twenty years from now I'll probably be supporting and raising my own family. So I can't get what I want anyways if I'm married! ARGH!
  14. Yeah. Haven't bought anything from them yet, but what I see on the site is very promising. I hope to get my first Yamato from them!
  15. Man, this sucks! No job, no income other than asking my parents for money! AHH! They give me money when I ask, but I don't like to ask them!
  16. Do they also sell the Bandai 1/144 Macross 7 models that are in Battroid and Fighter mode? Because I love those! So simple and poseable and easy to paint!
  17. Money...me need jaerb. Uh..JOB...too much Homestarrunner.com!
  18. Oh yeah, for my VF-11C Skull Squadron project, do you know how I can have decals or stickers made (preferably stickers, no water needed)?
  19. Cool and thanks! And DAMN IT!!! 33 bucks for crap!!!! ARGH!!!! This is an outrage!!!
  20. My next project will be four VF-11Cs pertaining to Skull Squadron! But here's the conundrum...where do I get Skull Squadron decals for 1/144s? Were Roy and Hikaru and Kakizaki still alive they'd be flying them. ~sniffles~
  21. Oh yeah! My first wack at Macross model was building the Bandai 1/144 Macross 7 VF-11C Thunderbolt. It looks okay up close, looks way better from a distance. I gave it a Hikaru DYRL?/TV paint scheme and painted the FAST Packs a nice glossy black and the fighter in Fighter and Battroid modes are mostly in a glossy white except for the heat shield and some of the flaps and tips of the wings. Very nice, I plan on buying four more so I can make Skull Squadron! And I need a good finishing coat too so the paint doesn't chip off since the 1/144s are super poseable! Too bad I don't have pictures to share with you guys.
  22. ~Artoo whistle~ B)
  23. Damn, you are good. Airbrush or traditional paint brush? Or both?
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