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Everything posted by Macross_Fanboy

  1. What the hell are the specs for that game?!
  2. Hey, I was just discussing this with a Macross II fanboy, how can the YF-19 break through the atmosphere in 48 seconds? Wouldn't going that fast kill Isamu and wreck the -19? Or does it have to do with that (english dub) "air force" control system? He says Macross Plus is ignoring physics and what happened to Guld shouldn't have happened(even though I told him how badly the YF-21 was being pushed to get at the X-9)...David, enlighten me and anyone else that started thinking about what I said. Well, before I could make a point, the Macross II fanboy logged off, I think I got him...hehehe, don't mess with someone that watches "real" Macross.
  3. Before Keith can say anything....... PINPOINT BARRIER PUNCH!!!!
  4. Hmm....I'm like Gamlin I guess. I'm trying to come through with my special lady.
  5. Yeah, the song makes no sense in english. ALthough I have a hard time making sense of the original...
  6. Maybe that's how he feels about it.
  7. OKay, go ahead with RPG stats.
  8. I just noticed that. It never occured to me as to how the head lasers work with the nose landing gear.
  9. I've been debating with this one RPer about it. Continuity and RPG stats aside, which is superior? To my understanding the VF-1MS is seemingly more bulky than a VF-22/YF-21.
  10. That lady sucks...I'm still shivering right now...oh...wait, it's just the temperature of the room and what I'm wearing.
  11. Hey, how big is the 1/60 Q-Rau compared to the 1/72 YF-21??
  12. I like it. Excellent coloring.
  13. Seriously! I hate Minmei's songs, they're so pointless, well, We Will Win was pretty good.
  14. TOTSUGEKI LOVE HEART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TRY AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET FREE!!!!!!!!! DYNAMITE EXPLOSION!!!!! HEART AND SOUL!!!!!!! SEVENTH MOON!!!!!
  15. Dynamite, Dynamite, Dynamite explosion once again! Dynamite, Dynamite, Dynamite explosion once again! Dynamite, Dynamite, Dynamite explosion once again! TOTSUGEKI LOVE HEART!!!!!!!!!!!!! TRY AGAIN TRY AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HEART AND SOUL!!!!!!!
  16. Maybe because you don't have boyfriend that's a pilot Abombz?? Just kidding, but I like that song, not the original from the TV series. I have two versions of it. Quite enjoyable.
  17. Hmm.....the Phoenix IS ugly!
  18. OMG!!!!! But, that's a cool model you got there.
  19. Not if you have a bunch of vernier thrusters says me!
  20. Man, I've had my profile deleted twice, one time because of a pic of Millia I had as a fanphoto and the other because of the shitty server they've got! And I've tread into the dangerous waters in that place too.
  21. I'm just messing around TotsugekiBomber....that's what boredom does to me... Ladic....oOoOoOo.
  22. That's freakin' hilarious Duke! I don't know TotsugekiBomber, looks like you're having one.....NOW!
  23. Are the English dubs good???
  24. I don't know, looks like TotsugekiBomber is gonna have an ulcer!
  25. Can you guess who I am Keith AKA TotsugekiBomber@Robotech.com???
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