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Everything posted by Macross_Fanboy

  1. To hell with more VF-1s!!! I want my YF-19 FP already! And Kevin, when will you get more VF-11s in???
  2. Macross_Fanboy


    WAAAAA!!!!!! My first and only Valkyrie toy finally broke!!!!! My YF-21 broke!!!!! Well, I go to my room, and see it sitting on my bookcase in fighter mode, it's been in that mode for a while. So, I decided to transform it to Battroid mode...well, I'm about to complete the torso, so I bring the cockpit assembly down and it comes off! And I was like, "poo, it broke! GRRRRR." So anyways, I put it all back in fighter mode and am thinking of a way to fix it. Any ideas here? I would try and obtain another one and give this one to my little brother, but even if I got another one, I'd still keep this one despite its chipped paint and busted cockpit assembly because it has sentimental value: My first Valk(birthday gift to myself). Any help on how to fix it would be appreciated.
  3. Blue is my favorite color, so I say Max.
  4. Ah, I bought the VF-1S without even knowing of it being a clear kit down at my hobby shop. They also carry Hikaru's VF-1J and VF-1A.
  5. Me too! I want a Hasegawa VF-1 weapons kit but those are out of production too!!!!
  6. Holy poo! That's some cool boxart you got framed on the wall Flying Pika!!!!
  7. It's actually spelled "Sharpe." And I'm using a .3mm and .8mm black gel pen on my model kits. It smears nicely and panel lines look awesome.
  8. That's cool, but shouldn't it be "chaser" instead of "tracer"?
  9. Alright, I have it, but when I installed those codecs, it still didn't work and I restarted. ARGH!!!!!
  10. Well, I got most of the nice, big, easy parts on my MiG-29 in place, but I did a horrible job on the camo and overall paint job so I'm in the process of removing all the paint, and it's taking me a while. I'm surprised at how much patience I have for something like this, but then, I've worked with multitudes of little kids that aren't related to me at all so it's not that hard...brats...
  11. Uh, I just think that the Raiden part at the end of the trailer is just for a bit of humor.
  12. Macross_Fanboy

    Dirty Valk

  13. Man I have that video, I downloaded it, but it's been captured ala-pirated movie, somebody at E3 is holding the camera so you hear all the comotion of the LA Con Center. I really liked both games, I never played the original MGS on the PSOne, just the excellent rehash on the Gamecube which is awesome. I would have liked something similar to Gray Fox's last stand in MGS2. I'm still baffeled as to how Liquid ended up being part of Ocelot especially when Ocelot took his severed arm with him after Gray Fox chopped it off with his cool Katana.
  14. I'd like a new YF-21 without diecast metal, ugh.
  15. Well, I'm working on the MiG-29 from Macross Zero, and after that a DYRL? VF-1S, and then after that one of the two 1/48 F-14 Tomcats I've got.
  16. The download still times out!
  17. Um, I think you see the AMRAAMs on the wing tips of the VF-0D Shin and Edgar use. Man, when I watch the sequence when they're being chased by Nora I was saying, "FIRE YOUR OTHER MISSILES!!!!" On the Macross Compendium it states that the VF-0 is compatible with most current NATO weaponry, just like the SV-51 is with Soviet weapons. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong please.
  18. It's still not working for me..
  19. Grr...it still times out even with my firewall down. Damn it...I wanna watch it so bad!
  20. it wont work for you till it is all the way downloaded Not the file, the download. It keeps timing out, I'm gonna try shutting down my firewall.
  21. Man it didn't want to work for me, I just got 1 megabyte downloaded and that's it.
  22. That's cool!
  23. Hey, that's neat, I only wish we could see how SV-51s launch from it and land on it. Does it have any armament?
  24. Looks good. Maybe it'll cost more than Max's or Millia's Q-Rau.
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