WAAAAA!!!!!! My first and only Valkyrie toy finally broke!!!!! My YF-21 broke!!!!! Well, I go to my room, and see it sitting on my bookcase in fighter mode, it's been in that mode for a while. So, I decided to transform it to Battroid mode...well, I'm about to complete the torso, so I bring the cockpit assembly down and it comes off! And I was like, "poo, it broke! GRRRRR." So anyways, I put it all back in fighter mode and am thinking of a way to fix it. Any ideas here? I would try and obtain another one and give this one to my little brother, but even if I got another one, I'd still keep this one despite its chipped paint and busted cockpit assembly because it has sentimental value: My first Valk(birthday gift to myself). Any help on how to fix it would be appreciated.