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Everything posted by Macross_Fanboy

  1. After flaming two dumb asses, I finally got banned. And I think one of them was waiting for me to get banned so he can post and me not be able to say anything. Damn I hate jack asses that don't know what they're talking about. http://www.robotech.com/community/forum/re...4&totalpages=14
  2. Bah! Those HK subs blow! Especially for episode 2 where they're all ill-timed! I didn't have an ill-timed problem with vol 2, though there do seem to be at least 2 different versions of each episode floating around. Having seen a fair share of HK subs now, I can honestly say that Zero's subs aren't that bad at all. Well I must have the crappy one with the fine black lines that appear during certain sequences. And my brother's Yu-Gi-Oh! HK boots have better subs.
  3. On the Anbu files, I'm pretty sure there's nothing on them. The first episode on DVD has an add for the upcoming model kits, Macross typing game, the Macross the Tribute ad, and 20th Anniversary DVD ad. And after all that they have a bunch of previews.
  4. Bah! Those HK subs blow! Especially for episode 2 where they're all ill-timed!
  5. Too bad it's not on the raw or Anbu file. I wanna watch.
  6. I'm Yoda! I thought I'd be a Sith for sure.
  7. That's cool. I like the pencil better than the inking though.
  8. That's an awesome find Master!
  9. Damn! I didn't know that! That is sad! Equally as sad was Kagero's death in Ninja Scroll. You mean, there was still a person left in the world that didn't know Spike dies? God damn it! I didn't know that!!!! I barely picked up Cowboy Bebop!!! ARGH!!!
  10. Mwu's death was cool, and don't forget what he said before he died, "I can make the impossible possible!" He was my favorite character in SEED, he resembled Roy.
  11. Wow, about time! And that pic pf Misa saluting Millia is hilarious!
  12. Man...I tried to watch Macross II and it sucked cock! It was too long and I felt like sleeping, my little brother who was watching with me knocked out. Mecha suck...just about everything sucked, the vocal tracks are pretty neat but the instrumentals suck. Bah! Worst 25 bucks I ever spent!
  13. That's cool, I decided to wait until now to post here because of that Hikaru cel.
  14. Wow! That's friggin awesome!
  15. They are both worth it. Speaking of which, I gotta get the last volume of Macross Plus. The only thing I don't like about the original episodes is that they're a bit dark.
  16. Wow! That'd make a cool poster if you think about it.
  18. Images!!!! At the con I think it was Xstoys who told me that people were able to make a Battroid out of the VF-0S kit when I was looking at the building instructions of the kit I bought from Kevin. I'd like to try that.
  19. Macross_Fanboy


    That VF-17 rocks, but it's weird that it has that fuel compartment decal near its "crotch". "Bastiches"?? That's funny Graham!
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