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Everything posted by Macross_Fanboy

  1. Haha! Well, I liked Shinn, he was an ashhole. I think it would be a good idea for them to tell the story from the perspective of the Galaxy fleet running from the Vajra and trying to save Frontier, the only question asked is...who is saving who? Well, yeah, that's all I have for now, this desert heat is killing me right now.
  2. Well, I can still watch MKVs, they aren't choppy, it's just that the subtitles are unreadable when Sheryl starts singing, they overlap the dialog between the characters, I can get a vague idea of what's going on through the sights and bits of Japanese that I know, but still, it's kind of irritating. Back on topic, Klan, staying behind, well, maybe she has something else in mind. She didn't go after them, so she's obviously not with the NUNS, perhaps she hopes to find Michel's body floating somewhere out there, but I doubt it. I'm sure she'll live through the remainder of the show. Since the beginning of the show, I suspected Luca would die, and recently he almost bought the farm on several occasions, perhaps his death will come before the end. I don't love him or hate him, but I just see him dying by the very things he creates.
  3. The thought of Alto dying never crossed my mind, I doubt either of them will, I think that Alto will end up helping Ozma bring down Leon and maybe Leon will get killed by the DE or getting squished like William in the first episode. I'm curious about Brera's memories since the next episode will be about Ranka's memories of her true past. So Frontier is going to be 26 episodes long? As long as it doesn't go on and on like these new Gaydams nowadays it'll be more enjoyable and keep a high degree of animation quality.
  4. Whoa! That's a good episode, but I can't stand MKV files because VLC isn't that great and I can't find any free software for Macs to play them back properly. Anyways, I'm curious about what Alto will do, that little duel he and Ozma had was pretty good, that was unexpected. I really hope Sheryl doesn't die, I'm not sure about you guys, but I prefer that Ranka die. Anyways, let's wait and see for the next ep.
  5. Hehe, I buy them every now and then when I go around to the bookstore to flip through a Dengeki Hobby or Hobby JP, I'm really tempted to shell out 40,000JPY for the YF-19 and YF-21 when I check out Yellow Submarine...anyways, I get them and I have my girlfriend read them over and turn her into one of us...one of us! One of us!
  6. Get yours October 8! I know I am!! I just hope it works with my old school PSP!!!
  7. Holy crap! I haven't posted here in forever once again, but yes! This episode really pissed me off too with stupid Ranka and Brera. I hope she dies at the end of it all, at first I was positive Sheryl would die(before the eps she started breaking down in) in a form of self-sacrifice for the fleet, but now I see Ranka dying of self-sacrifice to protect her bugs. Maybe what one member said about it being about protecting the bugs by singing might be true, even if it was sarcasm, it seems all the more likely now. I am curious about how Ozma and Cathy are going to get out of their bind and expose the truth and who else is going to die, besides, as I and others are hoping, Ranka. I would say Luca is next, maybe he'll invent some other doomsday Vajra weapon and he'll be the one to destroy since he created it. It's all up in the air for now. As for Grace and Brera and Ranka scheming together, it seems likely, but that's up in the air still too.
  8. Hey guys, wassup? Been a long time since I made another post, but I have watched this new show and i just draw a lot of comparisons between the old stuff and the new stuff. As for Alto dumping his FAST Packs, I just say it was a little homage to Macross Zero because Shin and Focker did the same, just that they had different reasons. As for those Ghosts, I actually believe that Luca gives them the orders. It's fair to say that the girly boy stays reasonably far away from the frontline during a battle which gives him a lot of time to quickly update mission parameters of those Ghosts. I am curious about this VF-27 also, I'm dling ep 8 right now, but i actually believe that the other girly guy is in there. What I didn't see is if that VF-27 has the power to fold without a booster. As for Ozma being to maneuver so quickly with a full armor pack, it's most likely due to the amount of thrusters on it to account for the added mass unlike with a superpack. As for the Vajra chaff, the asteroid field they fought in on ep 7 didn't seem so jam packed with rocks and couldn't use them effectively. In the first ep the red Vajra took Ozma deep inside the asteroid field in an attempt make him crash into an asteroid. Those are my two cents. See you next Deculture.
  9. Hikaru got his first kill out of straight fear, no military training, I wouldn't even call it luck. And the fact that he crashed through a bunch of buildings, with himself admitting to getting shot down. Shin, he only kicked ass in the 3rd ep when he finally learned how to fly the VF-0 only to get shot down by Nora at the end. And girly fag-boy in MF, I just hope he dies for now.
  10. Well, JBO, you don't dishonor me by saying the Patriot Act and Homeland Sec, and the What-are-you-doing-in-the-bathroom Act are all bad for the American people. And as me being of military background, not a civil defense-type like the other guy here, I don't find any of your statements anti-military at all. The only thing that makes me mad about people dogging the military is when they say the military is no good at all and all we do is make war and nothing else, but when a natural disaster strikes, the military is helping the people in need like when Katrina strook. It's kinda like how Kaifun felt about the military, but after Hikaru saved his hippy-ass he silently admitted to himself that perhaps military-types aren't bad people or bad organizations after all. Also, it's good that they bash the intel community, it's because of them that wars are started by either witholding information or not providing enough which has happened recently. Anyways...this VF-7k reminds me of one dude I came to know at another board a few years back and that fella was really something...
  11. Well, I've seen all and I can say Macross II sucks and Macross 7 was good, not great, but good. Macross 7 attempted recreations of old things like the Battle 7 transforming and showing images of the anime version of DYRL? And even old characters in Max and Millia. Macross II didn't have much new going on really. I would like them to recreate SDF Macross, but it just won't happen without them changing the story, but then again, the guys at Sunrise managed to recreate all of Zeta Gundam and only change a few things like the ending so Camille didn't get his brain-fried, but after Zeta you don't really see Camille anymore so it doesn't matter. But Zeta Gundam and SDF M have different ways in the way they pursued their war. As for Macross F, one of my friends here says he doesn't like it because he didn't see much originality, I didn't see too much myself either, but one has to remind himself is that the first episode is all an homage to series that came before F, all 25 years of greatness and crappiness depending on what your opinion is of other series. Macross does have to modernize with Macross Zero being the first, and hopefully Macross F expanding it. That's my take on this whole thing.
  12. Give me a VF-0 with my special non-canon space flight customization with VF-102 Diamondback CAG colors.
  13. Dadgumit! Me say this thread is funny. Me read enough. How about real military man poke big military mammoth with stick? Me in US Navy, gray area is not so gray. Me do a lot of BS just to get yell at by more primitive people....I am smarter than most people I work with and work for. You can compare some things in the military just as easily if you think outside of the box, which in the Navy means from a "non-lifer" POV. You wanna know what I gotta go through in my 12+ hour work day out to sea? Or my 8+ work day in port? Lemme see...I sit in my shop, sometimes get yelled at for what the airmen do, then get yelled at for doing my job correctly, then when that is done, go do more, and then at some point we gotta go clean shiters, since I like to do things myself, because I believe in doing things myself to get them done right, I get in there and clean the shiters with the bootcamps. Then I get yelled at for not standing around supervising the cleaning of said shiters. On top of that then I gotta sit around on my ass all damn day waiting for my supervisors to realize their wives are not home or that they even have a family to let us off, but that's not before being yelled at because we all get pissed off for getting dicked around after we do so much work in so little time. And then, after all the yelling is done with, they like to say, "We really appreciate all the work you guys do." Then some said supervisors want to come up to me and say, "Let's go out drinking this weekend! Come watch me cheat on my wife, FRIEND WHO I JUST CALLED THE BIGGEST PIECE OF CRAP IN THE NAVY!" That's just in port, out to sea I can't even go to my "nest" as my girlfriend calls it without them whining about something, they are a bunch of kids that don't know what they want and can't really help you at all unless you show some indication that you want to reenlist. And ontop of that, much like VF-7k seems to assume of JBO, if I am doing something not Navy-related, it will be their image of me, one is that they think I play games all the time when in reality, I'm not the guy with the PSP trying to get a bunch of old PS1 games on my memory stick or don't have a 54+ wallet full of games or even buy games without thinking about it, turning out to hating the game and giving it away for free. A bunch of unfair assumptions just like officer VF-7k is doing. So...are you reading VF? Sure, the Navy and military can offer good benefits, but you know what? **** the Navy and the military today. I approve of sensible military actions, none of which are sensible today. The Navy doesn't even feel like the military, take it back to the 90s and even earlier, then you'd be in a real military. I talked to a bunch of salty dogs that do contracting for the Navy and whom I work with, and I'd rather go out to sea in their days when $54 was base pay for third class POs. The military isn't all hyped up. JBO is right, things like the Homeland Sec. Act don't really help defend our rights. Stop making a bunch of assumptions VF. It's better that JBO be a sheep instead of tool which many people become when they stay in the military as their only means of income because they haven't done anything to help them in the civilian world and whom would like to do the same to you. The military isn't all hyped up as you make it VF. How about you have a cup of "shatta?" Now, I'd like to be on part of the repopulation center so my little soldiers can grow up to be bad-ass VF pilots. I just gotta make sure to take the lucky female to the geneticist to fix up the vision chromosones.
  14. The size difference is noticable from western manufacturers. My Zeon shirt is a Medium but it fits like a small on me, I forgot all about it when I was ordering the shirt. My Zimmad shirt is large, and it feels more like a medium to me. Go ahead and order a large or maybe even an XL depending on the shape of your body.
  15. Whoa! Long time since I posted on this site! Anyways, being here in Japan, I have 3 shirts from cospa. They are all high quality, and they better be for a Gundam tee that costs a bit more than 30 bucks! I was hoping they'd have better shirts when it came to Macross. The only shirts that catch my attention are the Gundam ones. I got the Zeon symbol in a sand khaki, the symbol looks like it was spray painted so it has a nice look to it, and a white Zimmad shirt, the company that produces the Zaku or something. It threw my girlfriend off, she thought it was related to Zima. Let's face it, the best Macross shirts we will ever see will be the ones from the MW cons. I want one, the only one I have is from the one in 04 with the Monster on the front and the Minmay doll in the back. Anyways, have a Merry Christmas/Happy Haunika/Kwanza or if you're Japanese, Oseibo and a happy new year.
  16. I made two posts in January? I don't remember. And I'm about to be gone once more, this time for 4 months, by then I hope to see some kinda trailer for this new Macross that Graham speaks of which will not feature the VF-11, VF-19 and VF-22...damn 4 month deployment!! Blow up Kitty Hawk! I hate new stuff...I getting real old school with my tastes, like music, and some anime, like Gundam SEED's garbage...I hope these knew VFs are not trash like everything that is not U.C. Gundam. Thanks for the weclome back, I wasn't sure if my account was still open.
  17. Haha, that reminds me I have three. One I started about 4 or 5 years ago and I keep finding things that need to be re-worked when I read through it. One thing I can't do is find a new name for the protagonist as well as a title, the same goes for the 3rd one, I got lazy and named him after myself because I couldn't think of a name at the time and STILL CAN'T!! The second one is the sequel and the third one is set in the UN Wars. The last two I wrote after I found myself bored after many months of being out to sea. I finished them, but I keep on editing and researching to make them better. Nobody has read them besides myself, and my girlfriend really wants to read them to improve her english...when she asked me if I wrote my own fan fics on anime and games I liked I said "yes" shamefully and now she looks at me like a big geek, but it's ok, I love her anyways.
  18. Hello everybody! I've been gone from this site a long time, and I didn't even know a new Macross was in the works until a few weeks ago when I decided to stop by. Living in Japan I didn't even know, but off-topic I did know upcoming SV-51 toy. I had my girlfriend translate what it was exactly to make sure it was a toy when I first saw it. She looked at me in a funny way when my eyes grew wide. I hope this new TV show is better than 7...I just want the VF-19 and VF-22 as well as the VF-11 presented in CG like in Zero. It would be nice if the new series was actually based off of the Macross VF-X games. At RT.com they would be saying how great it would be for it to be implemented into Robocrap just like they did with Zero.
  19. Hmm, music, well since I was aware of my tastes in the 8th grade, they have changed over the last 8.5 years or so. Now the music fits my mood. But mostly now on the train ride home and to work I listen mostly to my 2.something hour long playlist of salsa or my favorite Merengue album, especially if I'm in a good mood and even when I'm stuck on duty. I gotta get my feet in step with Salsa's damn 8-beat pattern but my brain can only keep up with the 4-beat of Merengue and Bachata. R&B is all for me and my semi-wife when things start to heat up. Hip Hop is reserved mostly for club outings with my friends. The J-Rock and Pop is mostly listened to on the train in rare occasions. Soundtracks like Ace Combat 0 and 5 usually when I'm trying to think of something creative. Rock is rare, but I think mostly when I do karaoke, the same with alternative. Merengue Salsa Bachata Hip Hop R&B Rock J-Rock and Pop Pop Alternative Electronica Soundtracks Instrumentals
  20. Hmm, it's been a long time since I made a post anywhere on this site. So to all fellow MWers, have a safe and Happy New Years and that 2007 treats us better than 2006.
  21. Man, the AMRAAMs and XLAAs do hit Pixy, I've managed to do it. Maybe y'all just....
  22. Well, I finally unlocked the F-14D and it seems really underpowered when compared to the Super Tomcat from 5. I just need a few more missions and I will have beaten the game on Soldier which is pretty difficult, I was border edge mercenary and knight a few times. And I finally fought all the ace squadrons. Schnee squad is the tougest next to Sorcerer squad since those damn Tomcats keep lobbing Phoenixes at me while I try and shoot down their Prowler. I'm still waiting on that soundtrack.
  23. Genius! I love it.
  24. Hey guy! LOL! ANYWAYS, Macross II sucked, I liked the character designs and music, but the mecha were straight ugly and the UN was just plain awful unlike in the other shows. The movie put my brother to sleep and I tried my best to stay awake. I got no laughs from it...well at one point I kinda laughed after I saw the noticable decline in the animation quality. It was too long and didn't keep my interest since it's pretty much stuff I've already seen as some say it's a remake of DYRL? It took me a while to track it down and worst of all it was a waste of my 20 or 30 dollars and that was what I got? F-that! I don't quite remember the price of the thing but I know for sure that the store had a no-return policy once I opened it! Worst...Macross...EVER!!!!! 391880[/snapback] I was wondering when you'd finally show up. You guys see what I gotta put up with? Irrational hatred of Macross II because Kawamori wasn't involved. Personally, I'll always like Macross II better than the others because it was the first one I was ever really introduced to that wasn't named "Robotech" to begin with, and to me, the characters were easier to relate to, especially Feff. The mecha designs were defiantely another strong point that drew me to it. But the thing that really cinched it was Macross Plus and Macross 7. I really just can't stand the characters in Macross Plus, the relationships felt forced, and I really just didn't like the YF-21. Then there's the entirety of Macross 7, which I won't get into, for fear of starting a flame war. 391884[/snapback] I listed one really good reason why I hate Macross II, I didn't get my money's worth and I wasn't able to get it back. At the time I was unemployed so me losing 20 or 30 bucks when I could have invested it into something worthy, I have a pretty good reason to be pissed off and say what I saw about Macross II. And you not liking the YF-21/VF-22? I think in one of our chats you said something opposite to that. And it'll only turn into a flame war when Keith and AgentOne get in on this. Whoa there buddy, what are you trying to say???
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