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Everything posted by Macross_Fanboy

  1. Well OD replied to me, rather quickly I might add, they said orders made on the old site will still go through without a problem, so I wonder when their VF-1J GPB-1S set will be in stock.
  2. So wrong...
  3. I like the HLJ sign on the box, pretty high tech if you ask me, makes me extra happy.
  4. That sucks, but I never had a problem and I collect for what is in the box and don't plan on selling off my collection, I plan on training my daughter in the ways of the Macross Otaku and she will inherit my collection after I die. LOL!
  5. Well, has anybody gotten any kind of response concerning any orders made on OD's "old site" that have yet to ship? I'm gonna message the bastards again because I'm getting worried about my SS Parts and VF1J GPB set that I ordered on November.
  6. I'm not so sure about these hinge problems either, but maybe I don't fiddle with them nearly enough to warrant any breakage. I always look at the shoulders when I transform them. My VF-0 should be coming tomorrow so I'll be watchful for that if the delivery boy comes by more than once, if not I'll have to wait until Thursday for my VF-0A.
  7. Sounds good, I'll drop you a PM.
  8. Maybe their cargo hold decompressed and all the cargo fell to the ocean!!
  9. I was thinking more along the lines for a figure that you can put inside the Valk since Yamato will probably never make a TV version Roy for the VF-1S since the Yellow/Black scheme fits both in DYRL and SDFM.
  10. New Years, it's no joke in Asia, especially in Japan, how do you think I feel? I'm still waiting on my VF-0A and Ghost from HLJ and waiting for a response from OD on what's going to happen with my order that is still "pending" on their "old" site.
  11. Well, after a failed attempt at blowing 4 grand on my wife's ring I stopped by the Yellow Submarine and saw the price slashed on the MQ, it was going for 16000 JPY which seemed pretty reasonable, unfortunately I didn't feel like buying it since I don't quite have enough room for it and it would just sit in the box, maybe I'll be kicking myself later but oh well. I also saw the WAVE DYRL Macross kit, forgot the price on it though. Tomorrow I'm going down to the hobby shop with my wife and baby to retrieve my lost cap and take a peek, maybe walk out of there with Miria's VF-22 or Max's or maybe nothing, who knows, depends on whatever sales they have.
  12. Sweet! EXO, you think you can make a TV Focker that can sit in the cockpit?? I would really like one if you could make it, I'm sure other board members would like one too.
  13. Hmm...this seems to be the only Macross F item from Bandai that is worthy of my collecting until Yamato somehow wrangles the rights from them...maybe I'll do it....
  14. Hooray for understanding wives!! Unfortunately the New Years holiday causes excessive waiting.
  15. I'm wondering about that myself.
  16. I'm having the same problem with OD as well, I'm worried about my 1J GPB-1S and my two SS Parts I had on order since forever...Damned Yamato and their release date.
  17. OD is pissing me off with their late response to questions. After having my set with 2 SS parts on order since November it's BS that they can't update their "new" site successfully as my account info is not there, yet on their "old" site it is still active and shows my order as pending. HLJ may be a little more expensive but at least they know how to run their website a lot smoother. It's disappointing after getting other orders shipped without a hitch.
  18. Well my wife is getting me the VF-0A and a the Ghost from HLJ, I placed it on order today so hopefully I get it on the 31st. Well, after OD switched to their "new" system somehow my account hasn't been transfered to said system, however the old site is still up and I'm still logged in, I hope I get my strike parts and VF1J GPB that's already paid for...I don't expect a prompt response to my message I sent them too.
  19. Feels like I've waited forever, now I don't think I will get it until the 2nd of January, i honestly don't think the courier company will be working on the 30th if it does ship the day after its release.
  20. Well I experienced a little floppiness when I put the boosters and all the missiles on the thing, aching the wings like in the anime helps alleviate it, just gotta find the sweet spot so it doesn't collapse. I only wish the boosters could stay on there better, they come off pretty easy. And yes, I got it from the HLJ sale.
  21. That's what's great about Japan, they don't quite believe in the traditions of Christmas like the US so it's just another day at work rather than a holiday. New Years is different though, so better order everything before the 31st and 1st!
  22. Well after finally getting around to playing with my SV-51, I think it's great, I'm glad I didn't have to pay full price for the thing. Aside from some floppiness when all the stores are on the wings, it seems pretty accurate to the show and has a wicked appearance in Battroid mode and is pretty imposing to the VF-22 and especially the VF-1. Gerwalk mode seemed unstable to me or I didn't quite transform it as well, but oh well, Fighter mode and Battroid mode truly shine on this bird. Now HLJ just has to knock down the price on DD's machine and I can have half of M0 done.
  23. What's wrong with that?
  24. Got my SV-51 in the mail just an hour ago and it kicks a lot of ass, pretty solid or so it seems in Fighter mode and no floppy wings. Great buy for the price, now I need DD's.
  25. That's the only design I like in all of Macross II, the Macross Cannon.
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