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Everything posted by Macross_Fanboy

  1. Class A Mishap!
  2. I think that's what he meant, but just to be sure.
  3. Israelis used Sukhois? Technical track record means nothing without a combat track record which no aircraft have against NATO aircraft just against each other. Anyways, I like the SV-51 just as much as the VF-0, I really like its conventional weapons like the 30mm cannons on its hips a lot more than the head lasers of the VF-0, but as others have pointed, you can throw more weapons on a Zero in the end than a SV-51 even without the reactive armor. Kinda like the MiG-35 against something like the Rafale M or Super Hornet in India's MRCA competition, way more payload and a just a bit more range and both have plenty of combat experience over the MiG-35 and are carrier ready once India rolls out its CATOBAR CV.
  4. What is this VF-19EF you speak of?
  5. Too bad I relocated back to Califronia and already spending my savings from the last few years buying furniture and stuff I can probably get something for myself once my hardcore spending ends with the installation of my home theater system in a few more weeks.
  6. Alright, it's been a long time since I posted last, anyways I'll get to the point. I recently relocated back to the States and just got my new home and am looking to get a new home theater, pretty much the works, while retiring the old Bose 3-2-1 and my 42" Bravia LCD to the master bed room. My main concern comes from my audio options. I'm looking to purchase a Panasonic 7.1ch home theater which has an output of 1250 watts. The rear, front, and surround speakers come in sets of two with each speaker generating 125 watts. The subwoofer comes in at 250 watts, and the center comes in at 250 as well. I'm looking at a 700 watt receiver from Sony that can generate 7.1, I don't plan on using the actual BD/Receiver since I have a PS3 and would put that thing in my master bedroom. So, what it comes down to is this: Will I be fine using a 700 watt receiver with a set of speakers generating a combined wattage of 1250 and not worry about blowing them out or damaging the actual receiver??
  7. I use a .2mm(?) lead pencil on my VF-1s only, and only my TV and Movie valks, I haven't felt the need to do M&M 1Js due to their color, I smeared it a little too to give it a dirty look and they look nice to me. I was thinking about my YF-19s but just left it at the VF-1s.
  8. Incredible!
  9. Macross_Fanboy


    Anybody have pics of a customized Hasegawa kit? I'm highly interested.
  10. That's what I did with Omega One, and for some reason corrosion developed on the left limb bay sliding tab.
  11. Yeah, putting weapons on em sucks.
  12. I hope they did, I would like to pick up another if I can.
  13. Hmm, my Nora is an awesome piece, but regardless of which one you buy, both have the floppy left wing so it's hard to keep them in high maneuverability configuration when fully decked out with boosters and ordnance. I haven't tried transforming DD's and won't be able to until I get settled into my new home in December or late January.
  14. Well, I think the DN is awesome, it looks much better with FPs then the original color and I wouldn't mind the BoP, it's just not high on my list of purchases at the moment.
  15. 1. SV-51 Nora and DD, awesome Battroid and Fighter mode. 2. YF-19DN Awesome poses in Battroid 3. 1/60 VF-1J Millia with 2 gun pods 4. 1/60 Focker TV 1S 5. VF-0A Awesome low-viz scheme and fighter mode
  16. God, I love the design and scheme, but recently i had to transform it back to fighter mode so I can pack it up and what a nightmare! This is one Valk you constantly have to fiddle with. The last time I had touched it prior to yesterday was 8 months prior!
  17. Yeah, what's the contact info? I want to know if he can make some VF/VFA-102 decals in 1/60 and 1/72.
  18. Well I got mine in the mail today. I transformed it to the best mode, Monster, and it's got a simple transformation. I thought the nose art featured Ranka not Sheryl, either way it's nice, just wish it was a mirror image instead. The box is really small, I expected it to be bigger. It came bundled with the stand and a shiny transparency with Sheryl on it. I did something wrong in the transformation so it stands a little lopsided. It's all plastic on the outside, all the diecast is in the frame. I wish it had adjustable barrels instead of being fixed. Barrels aren't hollow in case some of you were curious. I was afraid of getting another VF-25-like piece of junk. I've decided not to transform it to Destroido since I prefer Monster the best of out all.
  19. Yeah, I hate those things too, I only own 2 and after transforming the VF-25S I was totally turned off. Armor didn't fight right and in the end when you managed to put it all on, it was anything but bad ass when it couldn't stand on its own and the fact that you need additional parts to attach the gunpod in fighter mode and extend its neck for the head to look right. People who say they're Perfect Transformable are out their Goddamn minds. SV-51s are easier to transform and hold poses for something depicted as being extremely limber, even if they have a floppy left wing joint.
  20. The tampo on the shoulders of yours is alright? Hmm, must just be mine. I wish it did have the rainbow tinting to the canopy so it's a bit more uniform with the rest of Vermillion Squad. I panel lined it and it looks awesome. I got around to switching the DYRL valks on the mighty block stands and they look more elegant than the FP'ed ones once on display.
  21. Ok, well today I went to Yokohama for some jewelry shopping with my girls and swung by the Yodobashi camera, and after tearing myself apart I decided to get Roy 1S over the Bandai junk with Macross stamped on it, thus eventually canceling my pre-order with Ami Ami since I can't wait for PayPal to process my funds. It cost 9260 yen instead of the 8350 from Ami Ami. It is nice and tight and unlike my last VF-1, the pegs came off nice and easy and the shoulders don't have knurled pins. One thing that seemed kind of weird was the index finger on the right hand, it seemed long or something, it didn't go inside the trigger guard as easily as others. Another thing I noticed was that the tampo printing on one side of the shoulders seemed botched around the edges where the black paint ends. Kinda annoying but not noticeable from a distance and you'll probably forget about it in the long run. Nice piece to add to your collection so now I'll swap off the DYRL? Skull squad Valks for the TV show versions on the display stands. I think I'll get another VF-1S with the FPs, not quite sure though.
  22. Oh well, I got the note from Yamato with my leg and they said they have encountered considerable reports of the same thing and urged we read the instructions, although I think that one comment is bullshit since I have over 14 of the damned things and this is the first. Oh, and I got no pics so I couldn't show you all how, but I'm sure in the model kits some has a build up guide for it.
  23. Damn, not grey looking? Maybe just the pic? Well Ami Ami better hurry the hell up and get those in stock, it's most likely my last Valk for a while.
  24. Yeah, I'm pretty disappointed at myself. I guess I'll order another one next month maybe.
  25. Well, I got back from Hawaii last night and the leg was waiting for me and what did I do? I fudged it away. I put the small fitting that goes around the ball joint on the die cast bar inside the leg first instead of around said ball and then in the leg. I tried to take it out but it was too late so in the end I had to split the intake to get it out and that was not easy at all and left a few gouges on the seam, but it's covered up when in fighter and gerwalk modes. I tried cementing it but the seam was to wide with the few gouges and discolored the paint. The good thing is that it split down the peg perfectly instead of breaking off the one side like at first. So I think this VF-1D is relegated to Fighter mode and I might pick up another, I don't know. I would like to pick up the 1/60 kit and scrap the 1D for parts, namely the nose since I have an idea to make a VFA-102 VF-1 if I can get decals made in 1/60 scale. What happened was my fault this time, I got excited and when I put that fitting in the leg first I realized my error. I've decided against calling Yamato and telling them to send me a new, but next time I need a part, I should ask them for directions for disassembly and assembly as reminders.
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