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Everything posted by F-ZeroOne

  1. Thats just... just... just... ...thats insane!
  2. Is that based on the very last scene of the 2005 series? Give him some time, hes pretty good in the Christmas special, although a bit more "traditional" than the Eccleston take on the character (that may change though, hes barely had more than half-an-hours screen time so far!). Also, Tennants versions look has a few resonances if you're British; he looks vaguely like a university professor but at the same time also a bit like a "mod" from the 70s... I suspect its unlikely we'll see Davros back for some time. He'd make a good movie villain though, wouldn't he...? Reasons, my son, reasons for that. Really? Hes proven to be a popular charcater here, so much so a spin-off series "Torchwood" will be featuring him in a lead role. Almost all shots released so far is that K-9 is getting the same kind of make-over as the Dalek i.e. basically the same, just updated a touch. Something that US/Rest of the World watchers of this show might not be aware of is that, by BBC standards, Doctor Who is a big series and was a massive risk for the BBC, which have traditionally been a bit stingy towards SF. One report I read stated that it costs over a million pounds per episode, which is a huge amount for a BBC drama and on a par with their widely acclaimed wildlife programmes (and those are often co-productions, offsetting some of the cost). Just about everyone has been amazed by its success. Incidentally, those suffering "Who" withdrawl systems might want to check out the recent and also excellent BBC series "Life on Mars", about a modern detective who gets transported back in time to 1970s Britain (by means as yet not entirely clear). Its vaguely SF, and very well written. However, it is somewhat immersed in British TV culture of the past thirty years, so you may wish to check out British police series like "Dixon of Dock Green", "The Sweeny" and "The Professionals" to get some idea of whats being sent up on occasion...
  3. Current guess is around about the 15th April - please note that is not an exact date, might be a bit later or possibly earlier.
  4. You tell me. Its even more complicated than that, because IIRC one of the Doctors later regenerations (during the Colin Baker run) turns out to be evil. However, any SF fan can probably come up with at least half-a-dozen ways to get round that in the time it takes a Dalek to say "EX-TERM-I-NATE!". The possibility was mooted, I believe, but again, Russell T. Davies is a huge Who fan (as are several of the other writers) and Dr. Who has a massive amount of public goodwill in the UK. And harkening to the past has served the new series very well on occasion, the "new" Dalek being a superb case in point. No doubt it might cause complications later, but Who has, as I mentioned, already got a somewhat free continuity and perhaps the producers are taking a pick-"n"-mix approach - using that which seems good and quietly sweeping the stuff that isn't back under the carpet. The Doctors nine hundred years old, after all. Hard to have a sense of the past when you have no past... Edit: something I forgot; the 2005 series does frequently reference a "Time War", a devestating war through time and space. This has allowed, and probably will allow, a partial "clean slate" ("What happened to the <insert embarrassing species from the 1980s here>?" "All dead. Time war.")
  5. Theres one doctor missed from that list: Peter Cushing (yes, that Peter Cushing) who played the role in two sixties Doctor Who movies. Richard E. Grant also played the role for a BBC web-series, and various well-known British actors including Rowan Atkinson and Joanna Lumley cameo'd in the role for a BBC charity special. The list above, though, represents what might be regarded as the "canon" list for the series. The new series follow on from all the other TV series, although Doctor Who continuity is a bit loose - there have been at least two origin stories for the Daleks, for example.
  6. I'm gonna have to agree and I'll need to add this comment... I dig quite a few british comedies and dramas but I can't stand british sci-fi. They all tend to be so campy or just plain ass gay. 308208[/snapback] Edit: content deleted, just noticed I was repeating myself from much earlier.
  7. The 2005 version is the new show as far as I know... I have not seen it yet so I know nothing about it or why they would be listing two Doctors for it. Can someone enlighten us? 380205[/snapback] Christopher Eccleston is the Doctor for the 2005 version of the series. David Tennant appears in the "Christmas Invasion" special and the 2006 series (soon to be aired in the UK). It could be considered a spoiler as to why theres a change of actor between the two series, but if you know your Who lore, then you've probably guessed the reason already...
  8. I have a 1/40 Orgoid and an "M-Lover" Maaie. Although the latter has a reputation for extreme fragility, it did once survive a fall off my PC case! Nice toys, if always feeling a touch flimsy, and it'd be nice to see a modern company give them a try...
  9. Ah, I never knew the dropship was called the "Cheyenne". Someone knew their helicopters!: http://tri.army.mil/LC/CS/csa/ah56002.jpg
  10. Hmm. Let the images decide! http://hk.geocities.com/patrol_labor/tech1.htm (scroll down slightly - the F-15 variant is fictional, though) vs. http://www.airforce-technology.com/projects/f2/f26.html (while the movie may describe a thrust-vectoring nozzle and different wing, I'd be extremely surprised if, based on that sketch, the baseline F-2 wasn't used as the model... )
  11. In one manner of speaking, the F-2 is already an anime plane - it appears briefly in Patlabor: The Movie 2...
  12. Nice design! The only slight thing I'd point out is that, from the side view, the cockpit canopy glass seems to go too far down - it looks a touch odd, and with the fuselage "chine" there wouldn't be much point to having glass that low as I would think the chine would block the view downwards anyway...
  13. Not entirely sure about the take on Claudia, but pretty good art: http://www.marilith.com/comics/20060221.jpg
  14. He'll be missed. "MOLLARI!"
  15. I'm assuming the F-22 is our most advanced fighter? We can't even get the thing to do a cobra manuever? Why would one limit it's abilities? 371262[/snapback] Another reason is that aeroplanes can break. High-G stunts stress the airframe as well as the pilot. Theres quite a few horror stories from World War II about the effects (my favourite involves two pilots arguing that it was impossible to pull the wings off a P-51 in a dive. They were interrupted by a strange sound, looked up to see two silvery objects fluttering down from the sky, followed by a plunging, wingless Mustang burying itself into the turf... ) of putting too much load on aircraft. With modern materials, its probably less of a problem, but then again engines are much more powerful than they used to be. Perhaps the bigger problem is simply pilot loss-of-control.
  16. Azrael, I must admit I didn't pay as much attention to it - but I do remember it that it didn't look quite right. On closer examination, the canards are much bigger and in the wrong place...
  17. I don't think this has been pointed out before; I did a search and couldn't find a reference. I was looking through my copy of Miyatakes Design Works the other day, and I noticed something on page 36. At the top of the page, theres a rough of the "X-01" hangar from Macross Plus New Edwards base. Lined up on the ramp are the YF-19 and... ...the YF-23. No, not the YF-21, the YF-23! See? It made it into service after all, it just took forty years for the military to realise how awesome it is...
  18. I've just snorted coffee out my nose! And remember... it must think in Russian! 368372[/snapback] My bad, let's try again! MiG: "землÑ!!" Sukhoi: "ветер!!" Ilyushin: "пожар!!" Yakolev: "вода!!" Tupolev: "Ñердце!!" New Jet: "При ваши Ñовмещенные Ñилы, Я буду ПРОЛЕТÐРИЕМ!!" 369234[/snapback] Thats two new monitors you owe me now...
  19. Turn-A is not without a few problems; Tomino does like to drop people into things without much in the way of explanation, the ending feels a bit rushed and theres not really a nice, charismatic villain to yell "BOO!" at. Theres also a few story elements which can be a) confusing and b) tend to fall apart if you think about them too hard. All of these, however, are totally outweighed by its strengths. The fact that every single thing that initially appeared as a weakness, such as the bizarre mecha designs, actually... er... "turns" out to be a real strength; to the extent that, at least in my estimation, the Turn-A has gone from being a hearty chuckle to one of my favourite Gundam designs. And conceptually, Turn-A is streets ahead from certain "G" series I could mention... One thing I loved about the original Gundam series was its use of O'Neill cylinders. Turn-A takes a similar proposal and makes excellent use of it; I won't spoil it here but when I found out what the "Zacktrager" actually was I felt like applauding - I think its the first time I've ever seen that particular idea used in a SF series or film. Perhaps the biggest shock, though, is that Tomino does have a sense of humour. Those who suffered through the first half of ZZ might find it hard to believe, but Turn-A shows a lightness of touch that prevents the series becoming the sort of character death-spiral Zeta became. That the show still manages to display the serious aspects of war is just part of why this series is highly recommended, not just to Gundam fans, but to anyone with a passing interest in SF.
  20. I've just snorted coffee out my nose! And remember... it must think in Russian!
  21. That is beautiful, but I think I can forsee some more business headed the way of the third-party decal providers...
  22. I'm trying not to think about that aspect too hard - after all, given the amount of time thats claimed to have passed since the U.C. period in Turn-A, all I can say is that Zakus must have one heckuva warranty to have lasted so long, even before the nano-machines got to them!
  23. I finally managed to finish watching Turn-A. Short version? Best. Gundam. Ever!
  24. Where does he get those shirts?! Many happy returns to the "God of Transformation"!
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