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Everything posted by F-ZeroOne

  1. They should make him a flametrooper so that he can send a message to the others. And yeah, little bit of an Amos fan too...
  2. What more can be said? Her portrayal of the character is the one that every subsequent version had to follow. Rest in peace.
  3. There was a horrible incident in the UK a few years back where a Hawker Hunter crashed onto a road lined with traffic and people "unofficially" watching a nearby airshow. The pilot somehow survived and was put on trial, though he claimed to have no recollection of the crash. That tragedy led to quite a bit of tightening up of airshow regulations here.
  4. Reminds me that a long time ago, at a local air display, I actually saw an ejection from a Red Arrow jet (the RAF display team). Pilot landed in the sea and as far as I'm aware was fine. It doesn't surprise me that someone might think its part of the display, there was some confusion for a bit at the event I saw. The local area where I live has had some odd aviation visitors over the years - we used to be on a local Route One if the Cold War ever got hot, so we used to have quite a lot of RAF and USAAF traffic passing through, and still the odd exotic now - a local airfield services A400Ms, I got a glimpse of an Osprey at extreme distance when your current President was visiting a little while back, AH-64s eyeing up the nearest cul-de-sac as a potential T-72 hidey-hole, A-10s buzzing my school, but by far the most memorable was seeing an actual, honest-to-Goose F-14 fly past at another local air display; to put it in perspective it would be like having a F-22 turn up at your childhood lemonade stand...! πŸ˜„ Also a few months back I also heard, but didn't see, something tear a hole through the sky - as did some of my work colleagues, one of whom put it down to a F-111 (!). I had to point out why that was a little unlikely (actual culprits were a pair of F-15Es).
  5. Ah, thank you!
  6. Sorry, "CMF"...?
  7. You're welcome, regardless of what I know now about the whole thing it was always a treat to find "Robotech" comics in my nearest comic book sto... shop. πŸ™‚
  8. glane21, for what its worth, although I didn't get to read the whole series I also enjoyed the issues of "The Malcontent Uprisings" I was able to get.
  9. Hah, I remember "The Cyberpirates" (don't judge, at the time my part of the UK was an anime desert and you grasped at anything that looked remotely "Akira" like it was a drop of water on Arrakis... ). If you think the cover is bad, you should see what it looked like on the inside...
  10. So how much more to get an auto-transforming Grimlock that speaks intelligently like the Marvel UK version? πŸ˜„ [1] I'm not a big "Transformers" guy - I mean, I grew up with them and I'll always like them in that sense, but I don't go out of my way to collect them or anything - but I recently saw the forthcoming Studio Series Movie Brawn and for the price, just couldn't say "no". Brawn - the original minibot toy version - was the first Transformer I ever owned and while I wish they did a version in the Studio Series that replicated that, this new one is just close enough. Am the only one who prefers the originals "grapple" hands though? πŸ˜ƒ [1] I'm sure most of the people reading this know this, but just in case - in the UK, the G1 Transformers comic was printed weekly, and usually had a US reprint strip and an original UK strip in each issue (at least, thats how I remember it - possibly they alternated from one to the other at times depending on available material). This could lead to some interesting variations in content; for example, UK Grimlock was rather more intelligent than how his cartoon counterpart is usually depicted, and again if my memory serves more so than the version in the US strips.
  11. Yeah, even at the time when I was a bit young to fully understand (and also really had no idea who Adric was, other than "that kid who follows the Doctor around") it made an impression. Though I'd already been introduced to the idea that TV show characters weren't immortal by the death of "Star Fleet"s (aka "X-Bomber") Dr. Ben (spoiler!), though thats a whole other tale of childhood scarring for life... πŸ™‚ [1] I vaguely recall hearing that the bubbles-of-goo were controversial, though only much later. There was plenty of TV at the time that was just plain horrific; just a school friends description of one show I wasn't allowed to watch (a near forgotten BBC series called "The Nightmare Man") gave me nightmares for weeks...! [1] Though at some point around this time I did see Tom Baker regenerate into Peter Davison, I'm not sure that counts as a "death"...
  12. I saw some of either "Kinda" or "Snakedance" on broadcast, which just goes to show how much of a withered ancient I am becoming. πŸ˜ƒI don't remember very much about them (the Fifth Doctor series that I recall the most is "Earthshock", see below for why... [1]) other than the snake, the mechanical... explorer thing and some "dream" sequences. [1] Leaving aside the ending, this is a serial where agents of the Cybermen melt humans into tiny bubbling pools of goo. In a cave. Now imagine that you've watched that, and then go on a school trip to a series of caves, which proudly advertise their association with "Doctor Who" and Cybermen... [2] [2] The Fourth, and "Revenge of the Cybermen", but this is what childhood nightmares are made of...
  13. Little bit unrelated, but the cricket [1] tournament known as "The Ashes" is happening on this side of the pond, and cricket being cricket, there are such long pauses between things happening that the T.V. cameras often wander around for things to look at - I only mention this because the other day they actually caught a F-35 (presumably a RAF "B" model) going past. Clearly more proof that this stealth stuff doesn't work and we should all go back to throwing rocks from Fokker triplanes like Grandad used to... πŸ˜‰ [1] If you're unfamiliar with this British "sport", its rules are as peculiar as Quidditch only with every single thing that makes that game fun removed, and matches can last for literal days. And still end in a draw.
  14. Aurora, innit? πŸ˜‰
  15. Wow, I've been on a Concorde (on museum display) a couple of times before but somehow never noticed how small the windows are!
  16. "Strange New Worlds" has one quantity that has been somewhat lacking in some other shows lately - fun. Above anything else, the show is just great fun. One could perhaps quibble (Tribble?) with certain elements, but its just plain enjoyable. One season one episode feels like it could almost have been an original series script that somehow didn't get used.
  17. I remember reading an interview once with one of the artists on "Patlabor", who also worked on "Gundam", and he was drawing a GM but it looked a little like an Ingram (or possibly the other way round) and one of his colleagues said "Hey, its not not good to make jokes like that!" and the artists had to reassure him that it was actually a GM... (or vice versa). πŸ˜„
  18. And the Robotech comics problem with perspective continues. If it wasn't for the fact the... Veritech?... wing is in front of it, it looks like its being charged by a way too small Battle Pod...
  19. "Babylon 5 is a big pile of <censored>!" πŸ™‚ Sorry, unable to resist a line from the UK TV sitcom "Spaced" (essentially the launching pad for the career of Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, among others). πŸ˜„ Babylon 5 was indeed great, and I don't envy the actors who are going to have to fill the shoes of some very iconic characters in any new productions.
  20. You're welcome!
  21. Wow, thats a great creation! I really like the double cab, it almost looks like something from "Patlabor" or "Xabungle"!
  22. I saw it the other day. As others have said, its not going to be remembered as a great work of art but it is great fun. In the UK, we have public holidays every so often called "Bank Holidays" and at least before streaming etc became a thing there were certain movies that would always seem to be shown on TV on them - "The Last Starfighter", "The Great Escape", "The Princess Bride"; movies that you might only see bits of at a time on such days but which stuck in the head forever and I can think of no greater praise for this film than to say that its a perfect Bank Holiday Movie.
  23. Well, he is an astronomer after all... πŸ™‚
  24. Okay, thanks for the information all. Now I can go back to wondering just how I, of all people, missed the X-Bomber revival... πŸ˜„
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