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Everything posted by F-ZeroOne

  1. This Confuses Gamlin, thanks for the explanation. Sorry, David, I saw "CG" in your reply but my brain read it as "Computer Generated" and not "Centre of Gravity" (yes, should have guessed from context)... Meteor would obviously be an option for a long range missile requirement, and I'm sure some of the F-35 partner nations want to integrate it but might suffer from "not invented here" syndrome.
  2. Well, apparently I'm being personally trolled by the entire anime industry, because Nozomi have announced that they're releasing "Turn-A Gundam" on Blu-Ray in 2017. Guess who bought the DVDs a few months back because this was never going to happen? Dammit, Bandai, you... let someone else do the work.
  3. Sorry, David, slightly baffled, what do you mean "first to empty their weapons"? Why is that an issue?
  4. No idea if this linked image is genuine, but if it is, I think thats the weirdest missile loadout I've ever seen on a F-14... http://www.aviationspectator.com/files/images/F-14-Tomcat-180.jpg
  5. I'll have to add it to the never ending list of "stuff I really must watch". Though to me, "Madoka" should always be preceded by "Ayakawa"...
  6. Never knew that about "Black Jack" being unfinished, thanks for that. I watch the odd modern anime - "Psycho Pass" was a recent very enjoyable experience (er, as a viewer, the characters probably don't feel quite the same way), but I got into anime by reading about it rather than watching it, and all those series I never got to watch back then are the ones that still hold my attention now, and its only been relatively recently that I've got the chance to see some of them - "Harlock", "Galaxy Express", "VOTOMs", yes, even "Gundam" (the original) and "Macross" - wonder whatever happened to that last one...?
  7. Although I've never been exactly a Tezuka fanboy, although obviously acknowledging his contribution to the medium, I did fall in love with "Black Jack" - just from reading about the concept in the long-defunct "Anime UK" magazine (same way I got into "Gundam", as it happens). It would be a long time because I actually got to read any of the stories - one Viz issue from the 90s I think was the first time I encountered the actual manga, and then it would near-literally be another twenty years before I actually got to read anymore, thanks to the wonderful Vertical Inc collections, of which I now have the complete set.
  8. Heh, just noticed the nails stuck on top of the F-111s rudder, presumably to prevent, ahem, enemy action...
  9. I suspect General Yeager is invoking the "Grumpy old guy" pass on that... "Damn kids! Get off my runway! In my day we didn't need any fancy heads-up display, we aimed with a nail hammered through the windscreen! And we didn't even have windscreens!". Also worth bearing in mind that article has a link to a news item about the "F-35 hitting another snag - because its too stealthy". If thats a headline meant to be taken seriously, then one could argue some bias is involved... ("SR-71 hits another snag - because its too fast... ").
  10. It looks like its had a wing kit modification added. Maybe someone was going for the record for the most aerofoils possible?
  11. Yes, not the cruise missile. The smaller, all white one behind it covered in wing surfaces. Sorry for not making that clearer.
  12. Roughly centre above the F-105 fuselage, whats the weapon with seemingly all the fins?
  13. Not that I know it'll do any good but I suspect the design brief for the YF-23 and F-35 were just a touch different...
  14. BTW, if you want to know when the ISS is around you can sign up to an e-mail service from NASA which alerts you when its due overhead. Always fun to respond to people asking how you knew where and when to look with "Oh, I get e-mails from NASA... "
  15. I'm not sure how big a SM-3 is off the top of my head but fitment into internal weapon bays would probably be an issue? The almost off-the-shelf solution, as has already been mentioned, would be the Meteor, unless you're thinking of several hundred kilometres range by "long range"...? BTW, grigolosi, forgot to say thanks for the F-16 engine test image/information.
  16. http://defense-update.com/20160812_f35_thermal.html This is interesting; apparently the F-35s IR stealth features are pretty damn good. Compare the interior bay doors and exterior bay doors in the image in that article during a vertical landing; the exhaust as you would expect is white hot as is the inner door but the outer door surface is much cooler (grey), whilst in the in-flight image there appears to be little difference between the airframe and the actual exhaust plume (!). Note that these images were taken by a HD thermal-imaging camera, at short range (two - three miles at most) at an airshow during a pre-planned display. I recall seeing the B2 getting caught by a similar set-up a few years ago and I don't think anyones ever called that plane un-stealthy...
  17. Thank you folks, I'm here all week. The USAF has "Base Entomology" squads? Is their motto "Is This Just Another Bug-hunt"...?!
  18. Of course, if you are trying to take down a bloody great walking land vehicle with a handheld Surface-to-Air Missile, you might want to rethink your tactics and your life in the few moments remaining of it.
  19. So did the F-22s missile detection system indicate a possible threat from "Stingers" then...?
  20. I loathed Relena Peacecraft (shes for peace! I GET IT!) but I have to admit, that is an awesome figure.
  21. Wait, theres an actual flying Hayabusa?!
  22. IIRC, they had to make a choice between AMRAAM capability and enhanced air-to-ground capability, and as dropping bombs was what everyone was doing at the time...
  23. Thanks, though I suspect its the time difference between me and the US that probably got me in before anyone else! I remember seeing "Tora Tora Tora!" and wondering where the heck they got the Zeroes from. Some time later, I was walking past the movie poster for "Pearl Harbour" which had a head-on shot of a Japanese aeroplane on the attack and thinking "Hmm, somethings off there... " which prompted me to look it up and thats when I learned about the "Zeroes in Disguise!". I have seen a real, non-flying, Zero at the Science Museum in Ueno, Tokyo. Apparently its an extremely rare two-seat conversion.
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